Greatest Movie Fightscene?

I know in EPAK a knife is lance, and a gun a rod, but what is a wrench ;) To put it midly, no matter how you slice it, that had to HURT! I'd like some more info on Mr. Wincott. Sounds interesting. Sytle? Movies? I'm ashamed to say I've not seen him :(
A wrench is a tool used to tighten and loosen nuts, which he used two of them to do thundering hammers with. Being a kenpoist with that being my favorite technique, I thought it was very cool

Jeff Wincot is a tkd/arnis stylist out of Ontario, if I recall. He is the older brother of Micheal Wincot, who played the villains in The Crow and The Three Musketeers. He's only played in b movies so far, but they are at least renting because I love watching his fight scenes. Here are the ones that I have and would recommend;

Martial Law 2
Mission of Justice
Martial Outlaw
Deadly Bet
Here's a few of my fave fight scenes...
1. Steven Segal in Out for Justice in the pool hall with the 8-ball wrapped up in the towel..... That MUST have hurt...
2. Morpheus vs. Neo.. in the Matrix.. nuff said there...
3. Darth Maul vs. Young Ben Kenobi
4. Yoda's big fight scene in Attack of the Clones..
I could go on.. but...... perhaps next time..
Well.. i have to add this too.. any Arnold Schwartzengger movie where he blows up a bunch of people... wait a min.. that's like 99% of his movies.. tee hee hee:D

Thats all....
Hi I'm new

anyways my faves are

all the fight scenes in blade 2
Jet Li vs girlfriend's uncle (fist of legend)
Morpheus vs Neo
Bruce Lee vs Chuck Norris (return of the dragon)
all the fight scenes in Best of the Best
Jackie Chan vs the white dude (Bradley I think) in Gorgeous
Any Steven Seagal fight scene except from exit wounds

Hey there...

Welcome Kakutou

ya i wasn't too impressed with the fight scenes in Exit wounds either.. im a huge Segal fan.. and you could tell it wasn't his style of fighting... I watched a making of it and they use lots of wire suspension tecniques. :rolleyes: Just not the same.. as some of his other films... (my fave being Under Siege!)
Originally posted by Eraser

Here's a few of my fave fight scenes...
1. Steven Segal in Out for Justice in the pool hall with the 8-ball wrapped up in the towel..... That MUST have hurt...

Thats all....

Kind of gives a new meaning to the phrase 'Environmental Training', doesn't it? That is a cool scene. Steven Segal recent work has been rather poor, lately. I think the last movie of his that I actually liked is the Glimmer Man
Hey there..

Ya the Glimmerman was great.. I loved the one line he said to the Russian or Moffia guys... My friend here is "old school" and im a little bit Rock' N' Roll...... then preceeds to beat the snot out ot them..... aaah gotta love that violence!! tee hee hee!!:D
Mark Dacascos-Only the strong, what a great capoera moves!
All of Jet Li's Movies
Wesley Snipes on The Blade
We definitely can't forget Wesley Snipe's Blade. He is definitely my favorite actor/martial artist, as opposed to martial artists who think they can act

As long as we are on the subject, Blade 2 hits the stores Aug 30. Cool news in my opinion
I have to say, I like alot of Jet Li's, but I have to go with Brandon Lee in Rapid Fire, the second to last fight scene. The traping was great. The best thing was the camera angle and shots. Very nice.

(Sorry been so long, I've been busy)
Kirk, in response:
I'd just like to see a surprise ending where the villain beats the crap out of the hero, laughs manically, and ravages the village. Not every time, understand, but every so often the villains seem to want it more, and their defeats are so contrived as to be laughable. Case in point: how was Gabriel so easily able to take Yulaw to the wormhole (in "The One")? That was silly!
Or maybe what I'd really like to see is a movie with no good guys, just bad guys. That would be cool.
The anti-heroes (read: villain)tend to be more complex and interesting, and the heroes tend to be very cookie-cutter in design. That's my deal.
Jackie Chan vs Ken Lo in Drunken Master 2's probably my favorite. (Who Am I's good too, but it's about the same thing in a lot of ways.) Fist of Legend's classic too.
Originally posted by Marginal

Jackie Chan vs Ken Lo in Drunken Master 2's probably my favorite. (Who Am I's good too, but it's about the same thing in a lot of ways.) Fist of Legend's classic too.
Holy crap yes! Ken Lo is my hero. His legs are insane!!!!

Good work by Jackie though. Love those drunken style punches. Lo and Chan worked really well in that, with punches and kicks.

I still rate the Scorpion vs. Cage one as my fave though.
Benny the Jet and Jackie Chan in Wheels on Meals!!
Jet Li in the Legend Of Fong Sai Yuk II where he fights a gang in a narrow corridor using many swords and wearing a blind fold.

Best of the Best 4. Ending credits. Hapkido feast. nuff said.:)
My favorite fight scene is between John Cusack and that other dude in Gross Pointe Blank, in the hall during the high school reunion. Most creative use of an inkpen! ^_^
FLUCK YEAH!!! That is one of those movies that has influenced me so much. All of Mr. Rhee's movies so far have been good as far as the martial arts go. Joint lock and throw :)
Without a doubt it has to be the final fight in Legend Of Drunken Master, Jackie Chan's finest moment.
My favorite fight scene is between John Cusack and that other dude in Gross Pointe Blank

That other dude was no less than Benny 'the jet' which makes it kind of unbeleivable that Mr. Cusack beat him's only a movie.

That other dude was no less than Benny 'the jet' which makes it kind of unbeleivable that Mr. Cusack beat him's only a movie.

Ah, I *knew* it was someone I should've remembered, I just didn't remember ^_^;

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