Greatest Movie Fightscene?

I'm not sure why, but I really like the Scorpion vs Johnny Cage fight in Mortal Kombat. I thought that was great, it was fancy, and hard hitting.
I think Brandon Lee's second to last fight scene in Rapid Fire was excellent. Some trapping and stop kicks were thrown in as well as some clinching and grappling. Also, the movie established earlier the skill of his opponent. I don't know the oher guy's name, but he was good and the scene kind of had a "young and impulsive yet skilled" vs. "old, wily, and cunning" flavor to it.

Gotta go w/ Morpheus vs. Neo in The Matrix.

Sure it wasn't realistic in the traditional sense, but it was certainly entertaining, and impressive.
I thought the fight scenes in The One were one of my favorites.
HERE HERE! the way jet li showed the differences between Bua gua and Hsing yi was big time entertaining.
I liked the fight scenes as well in the One. And the fight scenes from he Matrix were good as well. But I actually, liked the fight scene between Morpheus and Mr. Smith a little more.

Originally posted by bscastro

I liked the fight scenes as well in the One. And the fight scenes from he Matrix were good as well. But I actually, liked the fight scene between Morpheus and Mr. Smith a little more.


Mr. Smith? Did you mean Mr Anderson? Who's Mr. Smith?
Hey what about the 3 stooges they had some great fight scenes:D
No no you guys you have it all wrong... :D

The greatest fight scenes are Jet Li's in Fist of Legend.
Fist of Legend is cool. I also enjoy Drive with Mark Dascascos (sp, sorry Mark) and the hard hitting style scene in Kiss of the Dragon. I've found that after taking the MA's for awhile, unrealistic tornado kicks used in a street fight situation (Generalizing here, but go with me) are kind of boring now. I want to see what works, and both Jet Li, and Mr. Speakman have shown me this. Comments?


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Yeah, I think before I started martial arts I enjoyed stuff like Van Damme and his tornado kicks. Now I like fast and creative stuff, like Jet Li and Jackie Chan. I think Jet Li is the best.

Oh, and another scene I liked was the last fight scene with the girls in Crouching Tiger. I loved the weaponry.

Van Damme got so predictible in his movies. There has to be at least one or two splits scenes and a ton of scenes where he punches and holds it on the target while he screams:rolleyes:

One of my favorite fight scenes was in Perfect Weapon. The croc bar scene. It was cool and some of the moves I recognized.

I'm currently working on spoof of TPW. I love how in the movie, we walks in (to the unintiated) and grabs the first guy "WHO KILLED KIM??!!" then proceeds to kick the (*$*& out of some of the patrons. So I'm throwing that in, exept I have NO reason too. Anyone intrested, I'll send the script. Hard work kiddies, hard work!
how can we forget the ultimate bruce lee vs. chuck norris in return of the dragon. i'll vote on that one.. before all the fancy special effects and wire tricks.
I think the Neo / Morpheus was excellant . Also the fight between Michelle Yeoh and Zhang Zi Yi was just something else
Originally posted by Kirk

Mr. Smith? Did you mean Mr Anderson? Who's Mr. Smith?

Smith was the Agent. :)

Definately liked the fight scenes in the Matrix.

My vote though is for the final fight scene in "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back". I mean, it was perfect. Bong-Sabers and Mark Hammil. How can ya go wrong? :D

Seriously though, Matrix. CTHD wasn't bad, but I liked Matrix better. Add Blade 2 and the final sword fight in The Scorpion King. I swear I saw some FMA stuff in there.

Van Damme got so predictible in his movies.
How when VD roundhouses the guy in the face, then comes back with his heel and hook kicks him without bringing his foot down (rinse and repeat several times). It's almost entertaining watching a VD fight scene and remembering all of the other movies were he used the exact same moves.

how can we forget the ultimate bruce lee vs. chuck norris in return of the dragon.
Ah, I almost forgot that scene. That was very cool. I like the "respect" they gave each other before their fight as they let each other warm up and stretch before kicking each other's butt. Also, it was cool as Bruce shifts from "traditional Kung Fu guy" to "having no form-mixing in different structures guy."

On the humorous side, let us also not forget Chris Farley in Beverly Hills Ninja after he becomes "enlightened" and procedes to kick all of the bad guys' butts.

ok this might not be a great fight scene but how about when mr. miyagi and john kreese (cobra kai teacher) traded blows in KK3. now that was excellent!