good quotes!

Technopunk said:
sascha would hate the USA gov't...
Samantha said:
sascha would hate the USA gov't...
KMFDM strikes me as a bunch of Anarchists... I think they would hate ANY government.
hehe here's one that made me giggle a minute ago

I don't know which martial artist wouldn't like a bit of badger fighting spirit, they are scary little fur balls...
Technopunk said:
BTW, I am the only EVIL one... the rest of them are just mean.
Actually, he's the biggest softy you'll ever e-meet. We just let him think he's evil. Makes him happy.
"Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you do criticize him, you're a mile away with his shoes."
- Dunno where this one came from

"Build a man a fire, you keep him warm for a night. Set a man on fire, you keep him warm the rest of his life."
- Redneck proverb

"Peace: A period of cheating between two periods of fighting."
- The Devil's Dictionary
KenpoTess said:
I've met Technopunk in real life.. and will see him again soon.. he's not Evil.. he's just Twisted~!! I'm Evil~!! Just ask Seig ;)
great, now out "friendly" mods show their true side :uhyeah:
"There are two types of people in the world those who have the gun, and those who dig, Dig?"

from The good the bad and the ugly
"Chaos in the midst of chaos isn't funny, but chaos in the midst of order is." -Steve Martin

"The true man wants two things: danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything." - Nietzsche

"Anarchy is not chaos, but order with out control." - David Layson
Trainwreck said:
"Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you do criticize him, you're a mile away with his shoes."
- Dunno where this one came from
This one always makes me smile.

Trainwreck - your avatar is from Bubblegum Crisis (or Bubblegum Crash), correct?
[font=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]You can't run from death forever.... but you can make the bastard work for it.[/font]
I don't think this is a good quote: I.E. if you can't handle the sport, you can't handle the Art. What I find funny about this quote is the Art of TKD was first then the sport came along. Anybody else understand this quote????
terryl965 said:
I don't think this is a good quote: I.E. if you can't handle the sport, you can't handle the Art. What I find funny about this quote is the Art of TKD was first then the sport came along. Anybody else understand this quote????

My interpretation is, If you can't handle the half - assed version then you will never be able to handle the real thing.
Rob Broad said:
My interpretation is, If you can't handle the half - assed version then you will never be able to handle the real thing.
And make your black belt in the standard 16 months?

Han Solo:- "That's because droids don't pull peoples arms outta their sockets when they lose, Wookies are known to do that..."

C3PO:- "I suggest a new strategy R2, let the wookie win"
Feisty Mouse said:
Trainwreck - your avatar is from Bubblegum Crisis (or Bubblegum Crash), correct?
No, actually he's a ninja robot named Phantom from the Mega Man Zero series. He fell in MMZ1 but came back far more powerful in MMZ3.
"I don't want to live forever through my work. I want to live forever by not dying."
Woodie Allen

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