Getting your leg caught



We all make mistakes...even the best of us. So what can you do if your leg is caught by the opponent (not sparring, real fight). Theres no walls or bars to hold on to. Lets say the scenarion is a parking lot
Depends if your opponent knows what to do with the leg once it's caught.
If you put all your weight on the caught leg, grab the back of your opponents neck with one hand you can punch, palm, poke, claw etc him in the face/head until he lets go. That's one option.
I agree on grabbing the back of his neck. Once your in this range if you get taken down your gonna bring him with you.
depending on how it's caught sometimes you can thrust your leg forward so they are holding on closer to the knee or at the knee joint, you probably can get closeenough to start hitting themwith your hands.
Sounds practical, but you WILL be hopping around. Is there a way to go down to maintain your ground? Ex. go for his leg?
I think at that point, I'd scream, "Don't hit me, I'm a bleeder!"

But seriously...

Ideally, you should train to retract/chamber your quicks as fast, if not faster, than they're delivered. When I do screw up, I tend to shuffle forward, pulling myself towards the opponent with the caught leg, and try to do something to free my leg. A couple of fingers to the eyes usually works pretty well.

Grabbing someone without having a real plan isn't a real good idea. It gives you at least one less hand to defend with. Getting closer and attacking him with your hands should definitely make him reconsider.

Of course, you need to be flexible enough to get closer.
What I personally like to do is just elbow him on the top of his head then put pressure on his head, sprawl, and depending on his position, turn my hips left or right.

Single leg? Double leg? It kinda works on both. But for the single leg, you can't really strike with power because your hips and legs lack mobility. I like to hit certain areas after that (groin, eyes) then attack the elbow or hands, put pressure, and his grip will break.

But, the scenario changes a lot of things. You don't want to risk being taken to the ground, but there are some moves you can do so the attacker's position is worse and you take advantage of the hard ground. So when he takes you down, you are taken down on a soft spot where he hits his head.

Again, it's generic and it should all be instinct.

What you should be working on is footwork, so you wouldn't even get in that situation. But like you said, we all make mistakes.
elbow and sprawl? Are you talking about someone shooting in on your leg for a takedown? I think MTP is talking about someone catching a kick he threw.. If you are talking about someone catching one of your kicks how do you get close enough out of curiosity?
Originally posted by sweeper
elbow and sprawl? Are you talking about someone shooting in on your leg for a takedown? I think MTP is talking about someone catching a kick he threw.. If you are talking about someone catching one of your kicks how do you get close enough out of curiosity?

It depends a lot on where the attacker is holding your leg. If he's got it at or around his hip, most reasonably flexible people can hop forward and start striking to the head/eyes. If the attacker somehow has your leg higher than that, or has the first clue about what to do to someone in that situation..... I hope you've been working on your groundfighting ;)
yeah but how do you sprawl when someone's holding your leg? Maybe I'm confused but I always thought of sprawling as sort of pushing your weight straight down over your attacker and getting your legs out so you go down on top..
In wrestling, you don't just sprawl, you turn your hips one way and attack the hands.

If he penetrates so deep that he can just control you, you're in trouble and in wrestling, the only counter to it is to minimize your losses. In street fighting, the best thing you can do is keep on hitting him and be prepared to go to the ground (minimize the pain).
Hit a wizzer on him, keep him close. in this situation Distance is not a good thing. Wizszer get your leg back control the clinch.
Three responses that I know of (one of which I used when a new student decided to make me look bad while I was showing the target area for a technique and was pointing to it with my toe). Depending on what they are trying to do with your leg. If they roll to the outside of your leg pulling you in, do a sissors take down and slam the back of thier head on the ground. If they roll to the inside or push into you do a flying sidekick with the other leg or a 'chicken' kick to thier nearest forearm, and use the opposing force to rip your trapped leg free. I saw a hapidiko stylist in that situation do a really pretty roundhouse kick to his opponents head (with the leg he was standing on) and land on his feet but that seemed pretty risky to me. My personal take on high kicks is that they are kind of like fancy knives. Look good in a presentation case, but not what I'd take out on the street. In all these scenarios if you don't land on your feet, kick/punch your way out and get back on your feet fast! (Unless you're into grappling and your attacker doesn't have any friends) P.S The student didn't last two weeks. Trying to prove Kenpo doesn't work is what we refer to as learning Kenpo the hard way.:p
Originally posted by sweeper
yeah but how do you sprawl when someone's holding your leg? Maybe I'm confused but I always thought of sprawling as sort of pushing your weight straight down over your attacker and getting your legs out so you go down on top..

oops... I misread what you meant by that post. Sorry.
One thing that *might* theoretically work, is shifting your balance a bit more forward and striking with the knee, depends on the position you're in though.