1. An attacker at 12 o'clock in a left fighting stance throws a right reverse punch.
2. Step your left foot to 10:30 into a left neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as you simultaneously execute a left inward parry to the outside of your attacker's right arm and a right inward vertical middle knuckle rake to your attacker's right ribs.
3. Immediately execute a right outward handsword to your attacker's lower right ribs.
4. Step your right foot to 1:30 into a right neutral bow to buckle your attacker's right knee with your right knee as you execute a right inward elbow to your attacker's right ribs. (Your left hand is now bracing against your attacker's right elbow.)
5. Execute a right front scoop kick to your attacker's groin as you execute a right two-finger eye hook to your attacker's left eye.
6. Plant your right scoop kick back to 7:30 into a left neutral bow facing 1:30.
7. Cross out.
Posting this for discussion. Is this how you do the technique? Do you do anything different? If so, what changes/differences do you do?
For myself, I do the technique just the way its done above, with the exception of the right 2 finger hook to the eyes.