Female instuctor....... For them or against them?

The sex of the instructor wouldn't make any difference to me if they knew what they were doing. Background, race, sexual preference...none of that would bother me. There are so many people out there that can do a thing well, but cannot for whatever reason teach that thing to others that a good instructor is a great thing to find no matter anything else.
A new "guy" was at the DoJang today. He was trying to tell one of the instructors he already had 2 years experience, and was just looking for "new training idea's"....

Among some of the "fella's" though, he said his previous DoJang just hired a female BB instructor, and to him; "that is a joke".

Is this a common thought amongst "male" TKD students???
Sadly, there are still Neandrathals amongst us.

I had occasion, about 10 years ago, to hear an individual sound off about how women in the martial arts is a joke. I was visiting another school, owned by a quite talented martial artist of the female persuasion. She got wind of this bozo (it was an open house, and apparently he was from another style, wandered in to see what the competition was like) and decided it was time for a brief demonstration. She had two of her larger Black Belt guys positioned on the floor, then called for a volunteer to hold an airshield while she demonstrated a sidekick. She "volunteered" this guy and promptly kicked him about 10 feet backward where he was caught by the other Black Belts. She then said something to the group along the lines of "you can imagine what it would have been like if I had hit him full power".

Hilarity ensued as the guy slunk out the door.

Moral: don't mess with them Black Belt wimminz. They is mean!

Didn't ask where he went or why he went; the fellow in question I posted about has now gone 'poof' from our dojang as well...

go figure:boing2:

Didn't ask where he went or why he went; the fellow in question I posted about has now gone 'poof' from our dojang as well...

go figure:boing2:

Oh good grief..........'gone poof!' please do look that up in an English slang dictionary, sounds perfect ROFLMAO!

Didn't ask where he went or why he went; the fellow in question I posted about has now gone 'poof' from our dojang as well...

go figure:boing2:
I'm sure that he will materialize in another poof at another dojang. He'll last a few weeks and then poof again.

I'm sure that he will materialize in another poof at another dojang. He'll last a few weeks and then poof again.


My coffee is now all over my keyboard!!


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