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Having started out in TKD, I've always went barefoot out on
the floor when I started Kenpo. My instructor wears wrestling
shoes and most of the "shoe wearers" wear cross trainers.
I always felt that yes, odds are high that if I ever get into a fight,
I'll be wearing shoes. So if I worked out barefoot, then shoes
would just enhance the impact of a kick. Well today, I worked
out in cross trainers, and was a klutz! The traction on those
things were intense! I was doing Short1 like I'd just learned
it today! I have a fear of someone breaking into my house
while I'm sleeping, and me having to kick their *** naked! (no
shoes either). So my question is .. shoes, or no shoes when
you train?
Well, I'm pretty traditional as far as this goes.... in the beginning NO shoes. Later on however it is good to use all kinds of shoes to adjust to different environments (8 considerations). they can throw you off..... shoes or no shoes.

In the beginning I like to be able to form the feet well without shoes.

Later on feeling the difference and understanding the reality of actually having shoes is necessary.

that's my short response.

Thanks for expressing your opinion on something so mundane.
I think I'll keep the shoes off, for the time being. An attacker
wouldn't care how well I do short 1. :)
Foot positions are the base to the Stance (Most important Basic).

Proper body alingment is vital, especially in the beginning.

Having started in TKD, I've allways gone barefoot. The school I help teach at we don't wear shoes unless it's the Cardio class.
The kenpo school I go to they all wear shoes, so I started to wear mine as well. when I first started wearing them I too felt like a klutz, but now I don't even think about them.

It is my personal belief that we should train in shoes primarily. Its very different to kick and move in shoes and many people miss the fact that some of your kicks that you execute while barefoot will break your ankle while wearing shoes.

That said, I go against my personal belief and train without shoes because my class contains a lot of ground work and so padding is almost always down and I don't want the shoes to tear it up... stuff is expensive.
I always train in my Otomix, I like the feel of them and since I doubt I will ever attacked in my barefeet I like the idea of shoes. For the first 8 yrs of my training I went barefoot so I know both sides of the coin. Train both ways if you can.
Oh how I love my shoes! I tore my poor delicate little feet to shreds getting through Orange Belt and have been an otomix user ever since. I can tell how hard I've been training by how stretched out and worn my otomix are. Am now on my third pair. The old ones get to become my regular shoes to just wear around, so I guess my feet will never have to deal with unpredictable footwear. Kind of encourages me to practice bits and pieces of stuff throughout my day as the spirit moves me. You should see my version of the Kitchen Kata! LOL
Well, I wouldn't be caught without my asics wrestling shoes.

I now pretty much do all martial arts related stuff in them, sparring, forms, self-defense, whatever. I have however left heel print bruises on people with my sidekick before (you know you get that nice perfectly semi-circle bruise somewhere on the ribs).

I have trained without, but switched to shoes when I could. I have even done a class in my White's (10' forester boots) to prove a point. Oh, by the way, knife edge kicks with a 1' heel don't work well.

Plus if you watch alot of older karateka, their feet are flat like a duck's because of broken down arches. My feet hurt enough from poor arches already.


ugh, the knife edge side kick .. HATE that kick!
Cause I can't do it properly :rofl:
No shoes.

Many reasons

- No dirt on the floor / mat
- Doenst hurt uke that much
- Easier to learn balance on foot first. It doesn't change, but foot ware changes often
- Gives my feet a chance to feel the free outdoors
- It's traditional

But, I've done out door selfdefences with many different uke's along a path, and that's with shoes. That's when I pratice my style on shoes.

Talking about shoes and real life practice, makes me think of how about pants, jacket or any other clothing? On yourself or uke. Trying to make an atemi on somebody who has a think winter jacket isn't that easy, or some kind of hold.

personally i prefer asics wrestling boots they are awesome... as far as training barefoot being traditional... i dont think so... thats more of a cultural custom than a part of martial arts... the only reason that it made it here is because the GI's that first brought it back were told to take off their boots during their training over seas simply because that was the custom you dont wear shoes indoors... yes they had tatami sandles but ever try doing a kick in a pair of sandels lol they ussually end up across the room... so when they came back to the states and started teaching they had been so used to removing their shoes they started having their students do it also... just my opinion... same as my view on using japanese in class we are not in japan and we do not speak japanese so why use it???
Just to throw in my 2 cents.

I prefer to workout in shoes. However a good point was brought up earlier about dirt on the floor. I wear an old pair of cross trainers that I use only on the mats. So not only are they clean, but they are worked in and the bottoms have less traction. I try not to worry about hurting someone because I am wearing shoes because I feel you should develop the control you need to adapt to the situation. Some people I can go almost full bore on, and others you need to control your punches, and kicks. If you kick them a little too hard, well it is karate and you are going to get a bruise sometime, out on the street the attacker will have shoes or even boots on. These are just my feelings on this. I know everybody trains for different reasons, so you need to find out from your workout partner so you know what level you can take it too. A good rule of thumb is the lower belt dictates the level of intensity.
Wearing street shoes on the floor would be very rude, not to mention 'unsanitary', and I use my newest pair of trainers strictly for indoor mat work only. But you also gotta consider in this day and age, the spread of virus and disease by running around barefoot. At least I know where the insides of my shoes have been, and never have any problems with warts, athete's foot infection or getting stuck by something some idiot has dropped.
Originally posted by tunetigress

But you also gotta consider in this day and age, the spread of virus and disease by running around barefoot

This is true; we had 2 guys come into our school that nobody would work with because their toenails were long and green. Their personal hygiene was horrible. Our instructor, along with several students kept saying something to them, and rather then clean themselves up they left. Thank god. I didn't want to get stabbed with those deadly weapons. If they had worn shoes we only would have had to deal with their smell.
Originally posted by clapping_tiger

This is true; we had 2 guys come into our school that nobody would work with because their toenails were long and green. Their personal hygiene was horrible. Our instructor, along with several students kept saying something to them, and rather then clean themselves up they left. Thank god. I didn't want to get stabbed with those deadly weapons. If they had worn shoes we only would have had to deal with their smell.


:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:
OMG I just had this 'old teacher' flashback! " And YOU little boy, what do you have inside YOUR Otomix????? " Ack, that's worse than a Junior High 'locker check!' :rolleyes:
Yes, that's why there is a "Studio Policy's List" and on it is personal hygiene, nails, toes, bathe, clean uniform etc. etc. etc. :soapbox:

Tune or myself do not need any unusual odors!!! That includes the occasional accidental release during class........ Studio rule # 4 (No Beans or Cabbage Stew for a day before attending class) There will be no extra credit for this gaseous expression!


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