Kenpo Article


Purple Belt
Feb 15, 2002
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I was wondering if anyone has read the latest article by blackbelt magazine on the 10 laws of kenpo. If so what did you think, did you agree or not? There were some things I read that I didn't agree with. Just looking for opinions.
What month on Black Belt was it in, I just got he May edition and don't see anything. I would like to know what these 10 things are and who wrote the article.
I think it was Materas who wrote the article. I just glanced at it at the bookstore, but it wasn't anything groundshaking. Oh, Materas (sp?) is the head of the United Studios of Self Defense chain, a Shaolin Kenpo organization.

Sorry I didn't look at the month of the issue. It's on the stands now. On the cover its got this guy with a crew cut holding down a padded assailant. I don't think the person who wrote the article is in american kenpo though. Most of the ideas they wrote in there were just too "set in stone" to be american kenpo. Things like always defend straight line attacks with circles and always defend circle attacks with straight lines. It was the "always" that got me. I'll have to post some of it on here as soon as i have it with me again.
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

What are the 10?

The 10 ( as written by Charles Mattera 10th degree founder of United Studios of Self-Defense Inc.) Black Belt April 2002

1. Law of the circle and the line
2. Law of strike first
3. Law of Multiple strikes
4. Law of targets
5. Law of kicking
6. Law of 'no block'
7. Law of yielding and redirecting
8. Law of mobility
9. Law of flexibility
10. Law of the warrior spirt

Originally posted by Klondike93

The 10 ( as written by Charles Mattera 10th degree founder of United Studios of Self-Defense Inc.) Black Belt April 2002

1. Law of the circle and the line
2. Law of strike first
3. Law of Multiple strikes
4. Law of targets
5. Law of kicking
6. Law of 'no block'
7. Law of yielding and redirecting
8. Law of mobility
9. Law of flexibility
10. Law of the warrior spirt


With so many laws you think it was created by the government. Does anybody have some viable information about this system?
GM Charles Mattera was promoted to the rank of 8th Dan by GM Nick Cerio on Nov. 1st 1990. GM Cerio passed away 7 years and 11 months later on Oct. 7th 1998. Mattera was the highest ranking Shaolin Kenpo member of the Cerio organization. On June 6th, 2000, Master Charles Mattera and his student Steve De Masco were promoted to the rank of Grandmaster by the Abbot Shi Yongxin at the Shaolin Temple in China. I will try and find the Black Belt article in my next post! Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
Those martial arts magazines are nothing but advertisements. I'd be careful many of those people in it are flavors of the week
Originally posted by Ronin

Those martial arts magazines are nothing but advertisements. I'd be careful many of those people in it are flavors of the week

I agree, blackbelt seems to be going way downhill. Do any of you guys know of some cool martial arts magazines?

I saw that article. The most unfortunate thing is the use of the word law. Some are theories and some are conceptual ideas. However that does not mean I would discount their martial prowess until I've spent time on the mat with them.

,,,use to be my favorite martial arts mag. It pissed me off to no end when they cancelled it. I agree that Black Belt has been going down hill as of late. The only time I pick it up is when it has a good kenpo article
i had a visit to one of these schools- nice looking little place- put out a table and a few chairs, serve some wine and cheese and they'd be on to something.

as for kenpo or any other known martial art of substance... :shrug:
Kenpo_Cory posted: I agree, blackbelt seems to be going way downhill. Do any of you guys know of some cool martial arts magazines?

The only ones I watch for now is the irregular Grappling magazine or Hock's Close Quarters Combat.

Chiduce said:
GM Charles Mattera was promoted to the rank of 8th Dan by GM Nick Cerio on Nov. 1st 1990. GM Cerio passed away 7 years and 11 months later on Oct. 7th 1998. Mattera was the highest ranking Shaolin Kenpo member of the Cerio organization. On June 6th, 2000, Master Charles Mattera and his student Steve De Masco were promoted to the rank of Grandmaster by the Abbot Shi Yongxin at the Shaolin Temple in China. I will try and find the Black Belt article in my next post! Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!

Do you know where mattera got his 9th?
Didn't grand master nick cerio cut ties with mattera in 93?