Famous streching, which one?

Satelite said:
I am looking for something to make kicks to the head easy. Not that I will always use it, but it's nice to have. Which of three is the best ? Stretching Scientifically at StretchingScientifically, ElasticSteel or ComabatStreching at Every one calls a different one. Does any one have all three?
I have used and still use Stretching Scientifically. It has been very effective for me. I supplemented this with yoga and pilates for a tremendous increase in my flexibility.

Just a side note. Most of the time it is not flexibility that keeps people from kicking to the head, but a lack of strength.
Only the last link worked, but i think if you spent 137 dollars on a guide to stretching you'd have been rumped long, deep and hard.
Type stretching exercises into google and you get loads instantly for free, as long as you consistently do them then your flexibility will increase quickly.
As with most types of training consistency is the key.
Good luck!
You might try posting in the TKD boards, they'll have a lot of advice to give you. Personally, I find dynamic stretching (straight-legged kicks) really helped me to get those higher kicks.
Thank you fellows for your feed back. Yes, combatstretching is extremely expensive. I guess it's between Elasticsteel and Stretchingschientifically. From what my friends are saying, stretchingscientifically has been around for many years. And elasticsteel is relatively new. Plus there is a thousands of books written by Korean masters. Those are just more, pasive stretching, rather than research on flexibility.
Again thanks for the feed back.
A lot of people like Relax into Stretch which uses similar concepts to the ones in Stretching Scientifically.
After reading through the posts I remebered that Sang H. Kim has a book on stretching called Ultimate Flexibility that is available through Turtle Press and it it pretty cheap.
Hello, It is nice to have the skills to kick to the head. Check out the book on "Core Training" it may have what you are looking for?

Keep in mind to chop down a big tree - it is easlier to cut the base,chop, chop, and chop at the base. Ever get kick really hard at ankles, calves,knees or thigh? Which one is easlier to kick and harder to block and control? Yep! the lower kicks. .....Just my thoughts..............Aloha

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