Drunk Drivers/Drug users,dealers...and other bad guys

still learning

Senior Master
Nov 8, 2004
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Hello, Amercia is the greatest place for Drunk Drivers,Drugges, and all the other bad guys...WHY?

Our laws protect them more than us!

Forty years ago...same problems..today..same problems...cannot solve this problems with those bad people...AND THE FUTURE...LOOKS THE SAME...Because our laws side with them bad guys...

Everytime you see a drunk person kills a family...how many times do you think that drunk person been release.. to kill again and again...?

Same for our criminals- release..again and again..

Rapist and children rapist- There is NO know cures that works-the sex drive in these people are greater than common sense...or jail time
Studies have prove...99% release are NEVER CURED...yet we let them go back into YOUR neighborhood....

Drunk drivers....we do it over and over and over again-drink and drive...
A NEVER ENDING STORIES - of families lives lost..because ?

IN AMERICA....we do not know how to solve our problems-because the bad guys have more "RIGHTS"...THAN US!!!!

We need to elimanate the bad people (costing us over $30,000a year tax dollars to keep one prisoner in jail)....Our taxes could go to do better things...

Aloha, ( watch your back...front...sides...and overhead too......)

PS: under too...
Actually I’d like to see where you obtained your statistics. I fear they may be inaccurate.
Hello, Amercia is the greatest place for Drunk Drivers,Drugges, and all the other bad guys...WHY?

Our laws protect them more than us!

Our laws provide for 'equal protection under the laws', which is by design. It means that the accused have the same recourse to the law, regardless if they have been previously convicted of other crimes or not.

I would like to know in what manner you would like to see this changed.

Forty years ago...same problems..today..same problems...cannot solve this problems with those bad people...AND THE FUTURE...LOOKS THE SAME...Because our laws side with them bad guys...

Our laws do not side with bad guys. Our laws give citizens accused of crimes access to the resources necessary to defend themselves. If there were some way in which the 'guilty' could be separated from the 'innocent' BEFORE trial, then perhaps we could limit access to the legal system to just the innocent, but I do not know of anything like that. Do you?

Everytime you see a drunk person kills a family...how many times do you think that drunk person been release.. to kill again and again...?

I am in favor of increased, mandatory, prison sentences for both repeat drunk drivers and those convicted of repeatedly driving after license suspension.

Same for our criminals- release..again and again..

The only alternative I am aware of is longer sentencing - and yet further down, you complain about the prohibitive cost of housing prisoners. As far as I know, you can't have it both ways.

Rapist and children rapist- There is NO know cures that works-the sex drive in these people are greater than common sense...or jail time
Studies have prove...99% release are NEVER CURED...yet we let them go back into YOUR neighborhood....

The alternative is?

Drunk drivers....we do it over and over and over again-drink and drive...
A NEVER ENDING STORIES - of families lives lost..because ?

Because we do not keep them in prison indefinitely.

IN AMERICA....we do not know how to solve our problems-because the bad guys have more "RIGHTS"...THAN US!!!!

Name one right that 'bad guys' have that 'good guys' do not.

We need to elimanate the bad people (costing us over $30,000a year tax dollars to keep one prisoner in jail)....Our taxes could go to do better things...

I presume that by 'elimanate' [SIC], you mean 'put to death'.

Whom would you like to see put to death? Please provide a list of offenses you feel are worthy of the death penalty.

Aloha, ( watch your back...front...sides...and overhead too......)

PS: under too...

It was a nice rant. I understand your anger, and I share your frustration at the recidivism rate in this country, as well as the tendency of left-wing bleeding hearts to molly-coddle prisoners. However, we live in a nation that supposedly provides equal access under the law to the justice system. I do not want that to change, even if it means that 'bad guys' get lawyers just like 'good guys'. As to 'bad guys' having 'more rights' than 'good guys', that's just wrong.
Hello, Every time we read or see on the News of other innocent person killed...by drunks or early release of bad guys....and are repeat offenders...

We suffers here....and it could have been prevented....

NO I do not have statistis'....I do know... hawaii...drunks kill all the times and numbers are record on the police records....

And early release of bad guys...always results on repeated offenders...in/out back again....endless...

If you do not see it...Lucky where you live........Aloha

Study the history of great countries and what brought of all of them down....America is NO different...
Hello, Every time we read or see on the News of other innocent person killed...by drunks or early release of bad guys....and are repeat offenders...

We suffers here....and it could have been prevented....

How? Just explain that.

NO I do not have statistis'....I do know... hawaii...drunks kill all the times and numbers are record on the police records....

And early release of bad guys...always results on repeated offenders...in/out back again....endless...

And your solution is?

If you do not see it...Lucky where you live........Aloha

Study the history of great countries and what brought of all of them down....America is NO different...

All empires fall. The USA will be no different. However, that's not the point. You made a series of statements backing an opinion. Please explain what it is that you'd do to fix the problem. You keep insinuating that there is a solution; fine, what is it?
There's currently a story on the 60 Minutes website titled: DWI Deaths - Is It Murder. Explaining that over 13000 Americans are killed each year by drunk drivers, one DA Kathleen Rice has started charging them with murder... and she is getting convictions and long prison sentences.

There's your numbers, folks, and I wish more prosecutors would follow this brave woman's lead. The first case involved the other driver being killed and a seven year old girl being decapitated. Who isn't tired of reading about that type of slaughter... just before you go on the road.

If there is a "right" to murder and maim again....and again.... and again, I'd like somebody to provide a citation. While we're on the subject of "rights", what rights did that little girl have..... and what rights do my daughters have not to be murdered by some monster out on early release?
Exactly who murdered again and again? Is this thread suddenly about serial killers/maimers?

As for your daughter's safety, if you are so worried keep them home.
Still Learning is right. It's pretty much a catch and release system, only nowadays, the minimum size of these fish is getting bigger. Gotta let the "little" ones go.

I just watched the news the other night and a guy was caught drunk driving for the 12th time. I'm going out on a limb here, but in some countries I think he'd have been locked away permanently quite some time ago.

Just another way this country's gotten soft. But then, maybe we didn't expect society to fall apart they way it has...
Exactly who murdered again and again? Is this thread suddenly about serial killers/maimers?

As for your daughter's safety, if you are so worried keep them home.

The original post in the thread was about drunk/drugged drivers who either never go to jail or who are released after ridiculously short terms... who then go on to kill people on the highways.

As for my family's safety, no we aren't going to cede the streets and hide at home.

If you still don't get it, I suggest spending some time on the MADD site.
Drunk drivers kill more people in this country than crazy people with guns walking into fitness centers. If a person has multiple DWI convictions and kills someone in a wreck I have no trouble with a DA bringing murder/manslaughter charges. I believe it gets to a point where these drunks are criminally negligent when they get behind the wheel and cross the line into criminally negligent homicide.
If we complain that drunk drivers get away with short prison sentences and that they represent a major threat to our society, what are you prepared to do about it?

Did you contact your elected representatives and demand longer prison sentences for drunk drivers?

Are you prepared to pay more taxes to build more prisons and hire more prison guards?

If not, then what's your beef?

When I do that, my dad used to call it "talking to hear my head ring."
If we complain that drunk drivers get away with short prison sentences and that they represent a major threat to our society, what are you prepared to do about it?

Did you contact your elected representatives and demand longer prison sentences for drunk drivers?

Are you prepared to pay more taxes to build more prisons and hire more prison guards?

If not, then what's your beef?

When I do that, my dad used to call it "talking to hear my head ring."

I was unaware I'd need a list of accomplishments to post on a forum, but here's mine:

I prosecuted and jailed a repeat junk driver in the Army.

I've donated money to Mothers Against Drunk Driving for years, and as part of their campaigns I have indeed contacted multiple representatives over the years about this issue.

I don't cheat on my taxes, but the issue isn't that simple. If it were, I could just ask you back: Would you prefer to pack more jail cells with the guilty or continue to pack 13000 graves per year with the victims?

Fighting drunk driving, though, begins at home. That means not doing it yourself. I don't.

Fighting any crime requires some civic responsibility. That means showing up to vote and showing up for jury duty. I do and I did.

Not every action involves prison.... one proposed measure involves ignition locks. Nobody goes to jail or to heaven if the car won't start.

Stricter penalties need not lead to more prisons. As you know, there are varied reasons behind criminal punishment. Longer jail time serves the purposes of both punishment and incapacitation....but it also serves another goal: deterrence. Too many drunks are willing to risk the easy penalties of today - but how many would think twice if the sentence were 15 years to life? That could lead to fewer crimes and fewer prisoners.

If I have to pay more, I'd rather write a check for more cops than for my daughter's funeral expenses.... because while we can quantify the dollar amount to house a felon annually, never forget the very real (and much higher) costs to the victims, their families and their communities.
It's called life. It's messy and imperfect and it's full of people who may have goals that are counterproductive to your own. Tread carefully.
Life is what we make it, or allow it to become through inaction.

Allowing drunks and druggies to run rampant on the highways turns life into death for 13000 people each year.

Question: why bother to study the martial arts if one is unwilling to do anything about a drunk assaulting you with 4 thousand pounds of steel?
I was unaware I'd need a list of accomplishments to post on a forum, but here's mine:

That wasn't my intent, sorry if it sounded that way.

What I mean is this. Our prisons are overcrowded and we're to the point now of having to turn people loose even BEFORE they are eligible for parole, just because we don't have the money to house them.

If we want to put DUI drivers in prison for a long time, then we need more prisons and more prison guards and that costs money, which means higher taxes.

But nobody wants to pay higher taxes, and nobody wants a new prison built in their backyard, and so on.
Life is what we make it, or allow it to become through inaction.

Allowing drunks and druggies to run rampant on the highways turns life into death for 13000 people each year.

Question: why bother to study the martial arts if one is unwilling to do anything about a drunk assaulting you with 4 thousand pounds of steel?

Study, yes. Make and enforce laws. Don't expect 100% effectiveness. And don't point to problems that have always been with us and say "Oh lawsy, this is proof that our civilization is dying on the vine."
Study, yes. Make and enforce laws. Don't expect 100% effectiveness. And don't point to problems that have always been with us and say "Oh lawsy, this is proof that our civilization is dying on the vine."

In my opinion, societal decline is not only measured by the problems it has, but also when it loses the courage and conviction to defend itself from those problems.

No law will result in 100% compliance, or even anywheres near that. But stricter laws can and will prevent large numbers of impaired drivers from playing Russian roulette.... with our lives. Suppose we go down from 13000 fatalities per year to 8000 - - - who would say the effort wasn't worth it? Especially if one of those 5000 saved was you or one of yours.
That wasn't my intent, sorry if it sounded that way.

What I mean is this. Our prisons are overcrowded and we're to the point now of having to turn people loose even BEFORE they are eligible for parole, just because we don't have the money to house them.

If we want to put DUI drivers in prison for a long time, then we need more prisons and more prison guards and that costs money, which means higher taxes.

But nobody wants to pay higher taxes, and nobody wants a new prison built in their backyard, and so on.

No apology needed.... and simply imprisoning folks in large numbers isn't the whole answer.

We have an odd criminal justice system now where folks go to jail for using crack and meth in their homes..... yet those who take it onto the streets and endanger others get off easy.

We need to take a hard look at decriminalizing some things, or exploring alternatives to jail for certain offenses. Prisons should be for dangerous people - like drunk drivers who kill or injure innocent folks.

There are other measures as well, including license revocation and ignition locks - - - the latter can prevent a crime from even happening. Asset forfeiture should be enacted - when you drive drunk in your Lexus or Porsche..... say bye bye to the car. That will deter a number of would be drunk drivers.

As I said before, there is the concept of deterrence..... make drunk drivers who kill serve draconian prison sentences and I think the crime numbers will go down - - - and that's less prison crowding.