Don your helmets ladies and gents...ya wanna play?

What do you mean "would have?" Ever hear of bumper sledding? (We tried to make actual bumper skis to be towed behind a car similar to waterskiing... but had trouble making workable bindings. Lots of fun... of course it got a little wild on turns...) And we fought bare knuckle for fun; used bb guns to play war, and lots more insane things.

Running around and shooting Roman candles at each other is pretty fun as well. I mean was :D
I would agree with Andrew I would have been all over that when I was 13-14 years old.
I don't think I EVER did something stupid! But, I'm weird, so make of that what you will. :uhyeah:

Well if it makes you feel better never doing anything stupid is the most stupid thing of all.

Being weird is good. I have an official document stating that I am at least "a little weird" :rtfm:
I have to say that even if you're not stupid to start with, you soon will be after a few 'games' like helmet boxing :eek:. Acceleration trauma is not kind to neural connections.

Yes, we did daft things as kids too but I can't think of anything as barm-pot as that. I've been guilty myself of jumping out of trees from as high as you dare, sword-fighting with braches, sledging down wooded slopes on dustbin lids et al but volunteering to be punched in the head ... er ... let me think ...

One aside, jks, how long ago was it that you were playing around smashing flourescent tubes? You do know what's inside them and the good reasons to avoid these substances? Still, if it was a long time ago and you've not seen any ill-effects then you probably got away with it :fingers crossed:. Then again, given what chemistry class used to be like when I was at school, your exposure was probably minimal compared to mine {we used to play with liquid mercury and mess around with radiation sources as well as drop chunks of sodium down the drains :eek:}.
Well...the Love Canal was off the Niagara River...which was connected to the Buffalo River...which was connected to the Cazenovia Creek where I played as a kid.

Nope, didn't do anything stupid at all... ;)
I have to say that even if you're not stupid to start with, you soon will be after a few 'games' like helmet boxing :eek:. Acceleration trauma is not kind to neural connections.

Yes, we did daft things as kids too but I can't think of anything as barm-pot as that. I've been guilty myself of jumping out of trees from as high as you dare, sword-fighting with braches, sledging down wooded slopes on dustbin lids et al but volunteering to be punched in the head ... er ... let me think ...

One aside, jks, how long ago was it that you were playing around smashing flourescent tubes? You do know what's inside them and the good reasons to avoid these substances? Still, if it was a long time ago and you've not seen any ill-effects then you probably got away with it :fingers crossed:. Then again, given what chemistry class used to be like when I was at school, your exposure was probably minimal compared to mine {we used to play with liquid mercury and mess around with radiation sources as well as drop chunks of sodium down the drains :eek:}.
Is there something wrong with blowing up the chem lab with sodium turnings? 'cause one of our HS teachers did it every year!

Flourescent tube sword fights were, unfortunately, like 20+ years ago.

Hell... If I think about a lot of the things I did as a kid, I wonder just how I made it my current exalted age, where I get paid to do stupid things like go into houses where people have guns...
I think this sort of thing is a definately a Male sort of thing to do :)

You girls have your own set of stupid things to do when young, this is one of ours :D

You reckon?? I seem to remember a mate of mine in my early 20's finding some old motorcycle helmets and us headbutting each other with them on. Why? Hmm, good question... certainly not as much fun as making matchbox models with live matches and then setting them on fire... or playing polo on bicycles with hockey sticks - fine up until the moment the ball runs underneath your wheel..!

Ah, the good old days...
Nope. They appear to be just as stupid as I was. They're just supervised less effectively and punished with less regularity.

The ONLY reason we didn't swordfight with the flourescent tubes we found that one time was because we all knew our dads would whip the hell out of us if we got caught.
Nowadays (some households), you could have flayed one another close to a bloody death with those flourescent tubes. But that would have been ok. "Johnny and Rick were just expressing themselves. They made a bad choice."

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