Do you like to train alone?


Green Belt
Sep 15, 2009
Reaction score
Well..question is simply!

I like. Sometimes, pretty often i mean, i go somwehere alone and train.

That somewhere is my wooden cottage, 11 kilometeres far from my house, in the forest, not much deep (it's on the forest road). Me and my uncle builded it for vacations..there is no power supply, water, or telephone, it's all nature, and i enjoy training there. Sometimes i stay almost all day! I started to arrange that cottage like a dojo!

Somewhere #2 is my mother's house, she lives in the hill, setlled hill 10 kolometers out of town. She has a giant yard, and i train in that yard.

Sometimes i afraid that someone may think that i am crazy or something similar bacause training alone!

I love training, it's sometimes good to be alone in the nature. It's not always martial arts training, sometimes i just screcthing, conditioning, or doing the sun lattitude, a great form from yoga. Or sometimes i just go there and sleep.

What do you think about this, and do you like to training alone?
Yes, and I do alot of my fixing when I am alone. I used to train everyday when I wasnt training, and I would train in a way that would make my class quit if they ran it that way, and I reasoned that was my way of having en edge. I would also prefer to weight train on my own, but right now I cant afford a full sized gym in my room.
Yes, and I do alot of my fixing when I am alone. I used to train everyday when I wasnt training, and I would train in a way that would make my class quit if they ran it that way, and I reasoned that was my way of having en edge. I would also prefer to weight train on my own, but right now I cant afford a full sized gym in my room.

Well for beginning one becnch and pair of dumbells would be innaf! Its great way to start building a gym.

I prefer to train alone in the nature. Its place where i can set my mind of everything else and just train.
I enjoy practicing the Sanshin when I am alone. It has that nice relaxing feel to it. Also, I like to roll around in the grass. :)
Well for beginning one becnch and pair of dumbells would be innaf! Its great way to start building a gym.

I prefer to train alone in the nature. Its place where i can set my mind of everything else and just train.

My strength has climbed so fast that my bank account cant catch up to the extra lbs I needed to buy. I stopped at 80lbs. I'd need over 300lbs of weight, plus a 45lb bar to maintain the size and muscle I have now, plus I need a squat rack, that all climbs t over 700, plus I dont have the space.

I did enjoy working out with my dbs when 80lbs was hard for me and was giving me results. Played my own music out loud, or watched tv while i did a set. No one staring at me, or waiting for me to finish my station.
I like a mixture of training alone and with others. When I train with others, my mistakes and weaknesses become apparent so I take it alone to fix them only to go back to others to try my fixes.

I can see how it would be good to train with others only. It's a personal bent of nature that I need some time alone. I don't understand how one could train exclusively alone, but perhaps that is because of how I approach my art. For example, I always did yoga alone. I train MA to know how to fight or defend myself (as well as other reasons), though.
Both are useful.

Self practice: kata, conditioning, drills vs. bag or other striking surface

Partner practice: partner drills like sticky hands or bunkai or two man formal sets and of course sparring

They are mutualistic. One feeds into the other.
No. I don't like to train alone. With one class a week, and 6 days training solitary it has:

1. taken longer to learn
2. mistakes got ingrained before they could be corrected


3. is just easier to get a workout 'sharing the pain' in a class
4. training in a group allows for levels of comparison and self-evaluation

In the end, we all train 'alone' as dojos, study groups and teachers all pass away; it's a grind that one has to learn to deal with, but given the option group time is better.
No. I don't like to train alone. With one class a week, and 6 days training solitary it has:

1. taken longer to learn
2. mistakes got ingrained before they could be corrected

Good point. 1 class a week is probably too infrequent. Don't know what your circumstances are, Harlan, but I'd rather practice 3 times a week at even 30 min a session than having a 2 hour session once a week.
I prefer to study in groups. To quote Spider Robinson; "shared pain is decreased, shared joy is increased." Yes I do workout for myself, but I can get the same workout with more enjoyment and more out of it with other people pushing me than I get by myself.
I actually prefer working on my katas and drills alone, but training with partners does have definete advantages. The biggest problem I've had was finding reliable training partners.
Maybe i didn't mentioned, offcourse it's non sense to train alone only. Most of the training should be in your club with your master and people.

But i simply love sometimes to go in the nature, perform pretty hard training, i likes katas or yoga or basic tkd tehniques most, and then, sit, relax, empty my mind, and enjoy in the sounds of nature.

I feel simply great after that.
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As much as I hate to say it, I do not like training by myself. Even if I'm hyped to go outside to train, it seems I always lose that steam so fast and end up stopping before I should. I agree with the others that being in a group or even with one other person makes me train harder. Mental thing I guess.
I believe it is very important to spend time training alone. This is often how you begin to own the methods, where you really understand them. Too often, I see people who get into a martial arts class and they never train alone, outside of class. The problem with this is that all they really learn to do is follow the leader. Without a teacher telling them what to do, they are at a loss and don't know how to train for themselves.

As a beginner, time in class with a group is more important. As you progress, it becomes more important to spend some of your training time working by yourself.
I do many drills on my own that sharpen up my movement while improving flexibility and conditioning.

Also I'm loving kettlebell training.

These can both be practiced anywhere indoors or out.
I prefer to train with the Swedish Bikini team, but that’s just me.

There are time to train alone, both H2H and shooting, but there is much benefit in training with a partner(s).

On Sundays several other black belts meet with me at a park and we all train together in a sort of TKD/Krav Maga/PT workout. I love it and dread it at the same time.

I also used to have a shooting buddy and we would go with timers and swingers (gun stands guys.... not THAT kind of swinger), bobbers, twisters, and movers and do all kinds of advanced shooting. Pity he got a job in California (and I bet it feels it’s a REAL pity now!) We learned a real lot with those shooting sessions.

Depends. Are you weight lifting? Are you training katas? Are you doing kumite? All is relevant. If you're training something that doesn't require another person, you should be able to train alone without a problem.
I actually find that individual training being done when in the presence of others can be somewhat less rewarding, since some people think that a trip to the gym is a "social" meeting, when it is not.

I prefer to train with the Swedish Bikini team

Oh, such prejudice!
Well..question is simply!

I like. Sometimes, pretty often i mean, i go somwehere alone and train.

That somewhere is my wooden cottage, 11 kilometeres far from my house, in the forest, not much deep (it's on the forest road). Me and my uncle builded it for vacations..there is no power supply, water, or telephone, it's all nature, and i enjoy training there. Sometimes i stay almost all day! I started to arrange that cottage like a dojo!

Somewhere #2 is my mother's house, she lives in the hill, setlled hill 10 kolometers out of town. She has a giant yard, and i train in that yard.

Sometimes i afraid that someone may think that i am crazy or something similar bacause training alone!

I love training, it's sometimes good to be alone in the nature. It's not always martial arts training, sometimes i just screcthing, conditioning, or doing the sun lattitude, a great form from yoga. Or sometimes i just go there and sleep.

What do you think about this, and do you like to training alone?

Hey, your wooden cottage sounds like an awesome place.
You got picture of it and its surroundings?