Do you know this guy in the video? I bet you do

It's human nature to do a lot of things but we rise above it. Sorry but the excuse 'it's human nature' doesn't wash it. The comments they made weren't directed at any of us personally where a reply would be understandable and correct. People doing exactly the same as they were doing is just plain ridiculous.
We rise above some of it while the rest still makes us human. Even with the things that we rise above, we do not always rise above it. "Human Nature" isn't an excuse it's a reality. I learned from history to accept what makes humans, humans, and to acknowledge it instead of deny it. For example, some of the most horrible acts of humans have come from those who claimed to be "above human nature" and civilized. I accept and embrace that it's human nature to be violent, and to speak poorly of others, I accept that all that is wrong with humans is within me, and it's that acceptance that makes it possible for me to "rise above" stuff. Like they say, you have to admit that you have a problem before you can solve that problem. If you are a human then "Human Nature" is what you are to the depths of your soul and DNA. When you look at all of what goes on in the world you'll see that "Human Nature" can be just as cruel as it can be kind, and someone saying that they think they can beat someone up is small, in comparison to all of the other stuff that humans should "rise above."

I just can't look at all the things that humans can do and have done and "hang someone" for stating how they feel about a person who may have offended him. Will that person always be like that? who knows. Much of the "rising above" stuff that humans do tend to come from the wisdom of aging so my guess is that as he gets older he'll become wiser and he'll master an art of wording that he didn't have when he was younger.

While the comments that those two made weren't directed personally they are still offensive. If someone says to me that white people are devils who only care about controlling others as they see fit, then I would still be offended even if though I'm not white. People's comments don't have to offend you personally or directly in order offend you directly. Ironbear didn't do what they did. He didn't insult an entire group of practitioners. He made his comments solely on these 2 guys and their ability in the context of offensive behavior that these 2 are known for. He didn't attack their fighting system or the practitioners who may practice it. These 2 guys had a bad experience with being mislead to think that they were learning to fight and as a result, feel free to insult a general population of practitioners and individuals solely because they had a bad experience.

To be honest before I saw the video, I would have loved and enjoyed going a few mid to heavy level sparring rounds with those guys. Now that I've seen the video. I wouldn't spar with them beyond light sparring and it's not because I think I'm better. My reasoning is that I would be afraid that if I sparred with them at a heavier level that they may not be able to block what I do and as a result they would get hurt. Before this video I would have just laid into them and not care if the punch landed hard or not. I make no apology for saying this or feeling this, mainly because I'm human and not everything that comes out my mouth and mind is going to be angelic and flawless. The most that anyone of us can do in terms of being human is tone it down.
Demo Sanda Challenge

We'll also be at the Kuoshou event in Baltimore next month rather than Orlando.

Our mission is to give people more opportunities to compete in Sanda, Push Hands, Grappling in a safe and well refereed environment. This is an all amateur event.

Competition push hands or real push hands?
Who is this we? Do martial artists have a duty to not have human faults and attitudes? Or this site in particular?
We, as martial artists, DO have a duty to attempt to better ourselves as human beings through the discipline and effort required in our training. This means that we, as martial artists, should feel the same sense of failure from failing to uphold decent standards as we do from failing at properly performing our art.

If you are not trying to better yourself as a human being then you're simply training to be a thug, not a martial artist. So which are you training for?
We, as martial artists, DO have a duty to attempt to better ourselves as human beings through the discipline and effort required in our training
As martial artists some of us don't even have that duty. I can tell you that as a practitioner of Jow Ga. That statement or idea isn't even in our Jow Ga hand book. We don't talk about Jow Ga as something that better us as humans. Everytime Jow Ga is discussed it's usually with a big ego full of violence and how we should strike break our enemy's nose and let them drown on their own blood. The kindness and respect that you see from Jow Ga students has more to do with the people who train it and support each other during training, than it does about the Martial Art system.

Over the years many Martial Arts schools have made it their duty to teach what you speak but that has nothing to do with the martial art system. And you'll find this with many of the modern day Martial Art schools who claim that they teach respect and discipline. But not every martial art school is like that, and not every martial art school has that same standard. With Jow Ga many Jow Ga schools, it's a requirement that you are a person of "good character" before a Sifu will even teach you. If you are a child or an adult with an attitude, big ego, or is likely to bring shame on the school, then it's not our duty to correct your flaws. We just won't teach you. Some schools teach kids not to be quitters, Jow Ga isn't one of them. If a person wants to take the path of being a quitter, we are more than happy to let them walk that path.

If someone came to my school, insulted Jow Ga, then it's a fight. That is the "high road" and the "rise above" response for the school. There is no turn the other cheek, there is no "just ignore" that person. Our duty is to show that person up close and personal the effectiveness of Jow Ga. The only legal thing that we would have to do is get them to sign the school waiver. My school is not the only one that does these type of things. I know other schools who have done similar and they share that story with pride.

So my point is that not every Martial Art school / Martial Artist has this Zen peacefulness aspect that you speak of.
Ok look. I applaud these guys for doing what I been telling them to do for the past couple of months which was "if you are so good how about you upload videos of yourself training and sparring? Rather than do nothing but flap your gums?"

And well they did and they sparred at yellow belt level if even that. Look at his footwork, he is flat footed the majority of the time. This is comming from a person who had a channel literally dedicated to "exposing fake and ******** martial arts. These two act like they are some crucible or some authority on martial arts and have literally bad mouthed everything that is not commonly used in UFC.

They call possibly 90% of all martial arts and martial artists useless, ******** and fake. So they made their bed, if they don't want to sleep in it then that's not my fault. If these guys has a different attitude about it then by all means I would not act this way, but unfortunately they did and showed they are more talk than fight.

Now when someone calls my fighting art useless and fake, they are insulting me. It is as jowgawolf said, if people were to say "all white people are the devil and evil" then they are saying jowgawolf is evil and is the devil since he is a white guy.

So when I see someone who behaves his way "showcase" their skills and I see that it is poor and I a person who does "fake and ********" martial arts, can and have done better than them. I will of course call them on it.

They been caught in an obvious lie, they claimed to have left Tae kwon do because "it was ********." and took up boxing and bjj and muay Thai.

Ok well for someone who is practicing three fighting styles and has a black belt in one should be able to at least move around properly, who the heck moves around flat footed on their heels when they spar or fight?

Nobody does that, only the poorly trained or the never been trained do that. His kicks are poor too, no power or commitment behind anything and he doesn't even know how to block. All of this confirms what I said in the beginning, people who spend all their time talking smack can't fight for beans. They need to spend more time training and less time talking. As individual martial artists they do have potential but their attitudes must change, there is much they can learn from our "useless and fake martial arts".
My school is not the only one that does these type of things. I know other schools who have done similar and they share that story with pride.

Yeah my old ed Parker kenpo sifu did something like that. A drunk came into our dojo and was threatening us and he demanded a fight. I told him ok fine let's go. My sifu came in and shoved me aside and said to him. " You will not attack my kids, you can attack me instead."

So the drunk attacked him and before we knew it the alcoholic was on the floor screaming. Sifu had grabbed his arm and struck it at the elbow then stomped his nuts. He then called the police and the cops arrested the drunk.
Now when someone calls my fighting art useless and fake, they are insulting me. It is as jowgawolf said, if people were to say "all white people are the devil and evil" then they are saying jowgawolf is evil and is the devil since he is a white guy.
lol actually I'm not white. I hope I didn't make a typo a few posts back. lol.
We, as martial artists, DO have a duty to attempt to better ourselves as human beings through the discipline and effort required in our training. This means that we, as martial artists, should feel the same sense of failure from failing to uphold decent standards as we do from failing at properly performing our art.

If you are not trying to better yourself as a human being then you're simply training to be a thug, not a martial artist. So which are you training for?
People in general should try to better themselves. Martial arts gives a route to do this through discipline and effort. It's also the reason that a lot of people learn martial arts. However, not for everyone. Is someone learning an art for self-defense to protect their family required to get rid of their vices, and act as monks? Is there anything that relates learning a system focused on fighting to not sinking down to someone elses level when they are being d*cks?

Again (IMO), as human beings, we should strive to better ourselves and our character, but there is nothing inherent in martial arts that requires that goal. Certain systems definitely, but not martial arts as a whole.
Now when someone calls my fighting art useless and fake, they are insulting me

No, they aren't. there's a number of reasons why they aren't. 1. they may be telling the truth. 2. It's their opinion, they may be wrong but their opinion isn't insulting you personally. 3. They may be insulting your art but they aren't insulting you, you are not your art. If you have invested so much in your art that you can't separate yourself from it, you are in trouble.

We, as in human beings, should try to rise above our baser instincts. We often fail, I do, but we shouldn't stop trying.
No, they aren't. there's a number of reasons why they aren't. 1. they may be telling the truth. 2. It's their opinion, they may be wrong but their opinion isn't insulting you personally. 3. They may be insulting your art but they aren't insulting you, you are not your art. If you have invested so much in your art that you can't separate yourself from it, you are in trouble.

We, as in human beings, should try to rise above our baser instincts. We often fail, I do, but we shouldn't stop trying.

It is not truth, therefore it is slander. If they say I don't like kenpo, judo, or Shou shu. That is an opinion. If they say insert art is useless, that is presenting it as a fact. If they say "I believe insert art is usless." That's an opinion.

I will give no respect to someone or anyone who has made it their mission to slander others. If you would like to show people respect that have shown nothing but the opposite to you by all means go ahead, but I will do no such thing.

I am aware I am not a fighting style, I am a human but these fighting styles are a very big part of my life. So of course is someone slanders them I will stand up for it.

For example I do not like tae kwon do. Personally there is too much kicking in it for me and I enjoy my punching and elbow strikes and trapping. I will however not take that and go "Tae kwon do is useless."
Ok look. I applaud these guys for doing what I been telling them to do for the past couple of months which was "if you are so good how about you upload videos of yourself training and sparring? Rather than do nothing but flap your gums?"

And well they did and they sparred at yellow belt level if even that. Look at his footwork, he is flat footed the majority of the time. This is comming from a person who had a channel literally dedicated to "exposing fake and ******** martial arts. These two act like they are some crucible or some authority on martial arts and have literally bad mouthed everything that is not commonly used in UFC.

They call possibly 90% of all martial arts and martial artists useless, ******** and fake. So they made their bed, if they don't want to sleep in it then that's not my fault. If these guys has a different attitude about it then by all means I would not act this way, but unfortunately they did and showed they are more talk than fight.

Now when someone calls my fighting art useless and fake, they are insulting me. It is as jowgawolf said, if people were to say "all white people are the devil and evil" then they are saying jowgawolf is evil and is the devil since he is a white guy.

So when I see someone who behaves his way "showcase" their skills and I see that it is poor and I a person who does "fake and ********" martial arts, can and have done better than them. I will of course call them on it.

They been caught in an obvious lie, they claimed to have left Tae kwon do because "it was ********." and took up boxing and bjj and muay Thai.

Ok well for someone who is practicing three fighting styles and has a black belt in one should be able to at least move around properly, who the heck moves around flat footed on their heels when they spar or fight?

Nobody does that, only the poorly trained or the never been trained do that. His kicks are poor too, no power or commitment behind anything and he doesn't even know how to block. All of this confirms what I said in the beginning, people who spend all their time talking smack can't fight for beans. They need to spend more time training and less time talking. As individual martial artists they do have potential but their attitudes must change, there is much they can learn from our "useless and fake martial arts".
Look they're not insulting you they don't even know you it's their opinion right or wrong it's an opinion move on it's not worth getting so angry over. This is another thing of you proving yourself you seem to think everyone has to think your style is amazing. They don't like your style who cares move on. Get on with whatever you do with your time why waste time on people you don't even know. Life's to short to care about these kind of things
This is another thing of you proving yourself you seem to think everyone has to think your style is amazing

That is not what I said. I feel like you didn't read my entire post, but only read part of it.

If someone doesn't like kenpo or Judo and Shou shu oh well, we all have opinions and I have my own negative opinions about some styles too. What they did however was take their opinion and try to present it as fact.

So I will call it like I see it. Mouth warriors and nothing more is what they were shown to be.
Okay so from reading comments I'm guessing these are some guys who talk trash on arts and yeah they're probably not black belt worthy but they obviously do train at least they're not a pair of keyboard warriors who've never done a days training in their life. I love it when people try and start arguments over which styles better. I once spoke to a jiu jitsu guy and he was like kickboxings garbage. I just smiled and said yeah it Is mate I agree I'm quitting next week. That was the end of the conversation if I'd gotten all macho and started talking trash back I'd probably have ended up fighting the guy which I had no interest in doing not out of fear or anything I've just got better things to do.

One of my favourite marital arts quotes from a movie is from the next karate kid, the bad guy instructor is trying to get a kid to get into a fight with him so he can show off to everyone. The guy says "I'll fight for myself I'll fight for my family but I'm not going to step up just to prove how tough you are" that to me is the perfect attitude to have when it comes to fighting fight when you need to anything else screw it not worth it. I mean I've sparred from friends from other styles but that's just us messing about showing things I'm not trying to defend my styles honour or anything like that I get my *** kicked I get my *** kicked doesnt change my opinion on kickboxing I still love it and I'll continue as long as possible. There's enough issues in the world without getting into silly pointless arguments about martial arts
It is not truth, therefore it is slander.

Ah now here's the rub....what you think is true may not be 'the' truth. it's subjective, what you think is a great fighting style may not be a great fighting style, what I think is a great fighting style may not be. Of course then we come to the common mistake of thinking that one instructor or one club/school denotes what the whole style is like, this works both ways a good instructor makes a style look fantastic while a bad one makes it look bad whereas the truth is the style works efficiently and well when done properly anyway.

This is another thing of you proving yourself you seem to think everyone has to think your style is amazing

This I think is right, you have the idea that because you do it, it must therefore be the best, you have also posted up about anger issues You may want a step back and consider that the chaps in the video are doing exactly as you are. You are saying your style is not rubbish but how do we know it isn't and you are just presenting your opinion as fact?
For example I do not like tae kwon do. Personally there is too much kicking in it for me and I enjoy my punching and elbow strikes and trapping. I will however not take that and go "Tae kwon do is useless."

See, here's the thing. When you say you don't like TKD because it lacks things like punching, elbow strikes, and trapping, what you're really saying is "I don't like TKD because I didn't know that TKD has all these things."
Maybe other people also say things out of ignorance.
Maybe the problem isn't that people say ignorant things.
They do train, that is why I applaud them for actually uploading something productive for once instead of the usual "this style sucks yada yada" rhetoric.

My response to someone telling me "karate sucks bro" is usually"pfft your mom sucks" then that leads to a fight that I tend to win or they wuss out of, or we simply agree to disagree and both go our own ways, it really depends on the individual.

We are very different people, I understand that.
That is not what I said. I feel like you didn't read my entire post, but only read part of it.

If someone doesn't like kenpo or Judo and Shou shu oh well, we all have opinions and I have my own negative opinions about some styles too. What they did however was take their opinion and try to present it as fact.

So I will call it like I see it. Mouth warriors and nothing more is what they were shown to be.
You said that you like it when people are impressed by you or your art and you get upset when people say your style is useless.

At the end of the day these guys probably are just big mouths but the point is who cares, someone linked one of their videos on here I think Im not going to watch it because I don't care. I don't watch those opinion videos because that's all they are opinions and no that's the point they're not mouth warriors they obviously do train maybe they're not the best but who are you to judge them if I commented on your training video saying hey I could take you that'd be dumb and arrogant and maybe these guys are all those things as well but doesn't mean you have to be. Maybe you could take them or maybe they'd kick your butt but the point is who cares you're never even going to meet them let alone fight them so who cares if they're garbage. Let them say what they want it's their life all the best to them.they can insult my style all they like doesn't make them bad people. They might be nice guys when you meet them in a pub. But they want to make videos insulting martial art styles hey whatever your into who are we to judge anyone's choices
They do train, that is why I applaud them for actually uploading something productive for once instead of the usual "this style sucks yada yada" rhetoric.

My response to someone telling me "karate sucks bro" is usually"pfft your mom sucks" then that leads to a fight that I tend to win or they wuss out of, or we simply agree to disagree and both go our own ways, it really depends on the individual.

We are very different people, I understand that.

Has anybody ever suggested that you might benefit from learning to deal with differences of opinion in a more adult manner?

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