do u think that women should grapple??



hey guys
i was wondering how do feel about women grappling ???
There is a girl at the club I belong to. She kicks @ss. The judo club I used to beong to had lots of girls. I don't have a problem with them being there. My 2 cents though.
I think they should learn to grapple, in case they are taking down in self defense situation. The most of the women I have worked with, don't like to grapple with a man. Do I think anyone man or woman should try and get submission in a self defense situation No, I prefer the ground and pound if I find myself on the ground.
well i like to grapple and its a good opportunity for women to learn how to defend themselves also i do agree
Um, yeah. Why is this even a question? Why shouldn't they?:shrug:
I think there may be concern about contact and perceptions...that may be where the question comes from.

I think its fine, as long as all parties involved behave themselves...some 'intimate' contact happens, and its up to the touchee to understand its not a 'grope' and the toucher to make sure its also not a 'grope'.

Other than that, if they can handle the punishment, sure...go for it. :)
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

I think there may be concern about contact and perceptions...that may be where the question comes from.

I think its fine, as long as all parties involved behave themselves...some 'intimate' contact happens, and its up to the touchee to understand its not a 'grope' and the toucher to make sure its also not a 'grope'.

Other than that, if they can handle the punishment, sure...go for it. :)
Ya that is definitly a concern of mine when I grapple with a girl. I mean even being accused of touching a girl inapropreatly carries so much weight in these PC days that it doesn't matter weather it was inaproprate or not it is still real bad. I mean you coult get in alot of trouble if you mounted some girl or touch her breast or shoot a highcroutch. I mean there are alot of intimite moments on the mat. And on the same token i am sure that it would be easy to "cop" feels if you had the desire to.

The bottom line is though there are not many women who grapple and fewer who are at a high enough level to teach if women want to get better they are almost forced to have male instructer and male sparring partners. So it would be very limiting to not allow girls to grapple. I think Kaith Rustaz is right saying the women have to understand as well as the men what is apropraite and what isn't
I watched Primo roll with some gal at last Mays WMAA camp... (Think it was at the camp..may have been at the earlier open roll...memorys going..heh)... anyways, other than not dropping her on her head as hard as he would a guy, they went at it for a while...she kept coming back for more. He was a gentleman the whole time (other than making her tap a ton) :)

So, the question of can a gal go at it, is yes. Should they? Depends. On a lot of things.

Keep it professional, and if you are uncomfortable, stop n talk. There's always room to improve communications, etc.

"I mean there are alot of intimite moments on the mat"

HAHAHA fond memories of sweaty action with Primo on the mat?

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Heh..those positions look to be -real- close at times....but it gets scary when they start removing clothes....... >shudder<

Ya I have alot of fond memories of primo popping ankles and elbows lol. Actully we do have a girl in class now.
Originally posted by JDenz

Ya that is definitly a concern of mine when I grapple with a girl. I mean even being accused of touching a girl inapropreatly carries so much weight in these PC days that it doesn't matter weather it was inaproprate or not it is still real bad. I mean you coult get in alot of trouble if you mounted some girl or touch her breast or shoot a highcroutch. I mean there are alot of intimite moments on the mat. And on the same token i am sure that it would be easy to "cop" feels if you had the desire to.


I think Kaith Rustaz is right saying the women have to understand as well as the men what is apropraite and what isn't

Women need to learn how to handle all ranges of fighting. Grappling is most likely where they'll need the training most, since most rapists are known to them and are often dates. They are usually allowed to be in grappling range starting out, so they have to learn how to deal with the contact and how to escape it.

I could be bad indeed, even if there was no malicious intent. I would suggest that the women sign a waiver which states that close contact is probable and that, at any time, the student may stop the training if she/he feels uncomfortable with the contact. It is the students responsibility to monitor their own safety and the safety of their partners, not just the instructor's. The waiver lets everyone know just what to expect in the training so no one can go into court and say that it wasn't part of the bargain.

I've grappled with a few women and some are very good indeed. They rely a lot on technique and skill rather than strength. I've never seen problems arise, but I can see it happening with our litigious society.

By the way, the same thing can happen with same-sex grappling...

That is true, and a good idea about the waver to. Primo we should talk to tim about that not that I see alot of girls coming into class but it would be a good idea to protect his butt.
I have no problems with women grappling and in fact I think everyone man women and children should grapple. I think grappling is like art. I mean there is just so much to learn and do and when you watch a skillfull grappler it is a beutiful thing.
:) hey i am a female and i do grapple i could see how the other females could take this a diifferent view but they have to learn what the difference is. :cool: Im hoping there will be more women and or females to join it a great opportunity for them to learn more self defense on the ground more or less
that is why i kinda join but i have my oother reasons also
my wrisit is okay thanks for the concern it heal that same day so no worries maybe i should be more carefull now huh?:p

Injurys are always part of grappling don't worry about it just remember always face your opponant and always try and get guard or stand up on the ground.:mst:
ill try to stay off the floor but how can i do that ?? hehehehe if its not one person wants me on the floor its another but i always get back up ;) :p and guys thanks for the input and your piont of view across im glad to hear that thier are still some gentlemen here

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