Iron Dog
An earlier string got me to thinking (again) about the use of the "Gi". It's origins in the M.A. is already known, but what is it today...to you, or to your students? For most, it has a function. Loose, sturdy, absorbant, washable (thank God). In that then, it is really nothing more than a "uniform" if you will, plain with nothing on it. For some, it's an earned place in the martial arts community, it's a level of some belt or another, a new responsibility given to the student teacher that separates them from the ordinary student. Lastly, for the avid tournament competitor, it is a fashion, a form of "make up" before going out into public, it has numerous tags, writings, and other previous accomplishments worn for all to see. It is a way for one to identify the schools an systems of another and to proudly, or not so proudly, wear ones allegiance in unison with others in some form of camaraderie.
So my question is this: how important is the gi in your personal training. Under which catagory do you fall? All of the named catagories can cross over for sure, but how important is the proper gi? Is it the fit? is it the cut, citing Kenpo Tess' comment about the more comfortable fit of her particular brand of gi without losing the ability to move properly. Or is it how it makes you look?
One time, several years ago, I was involved in a big seminar. One of the presenters was in the changing room preparing for his two hour presentation. When I turned, I notice he had on what I would call a "girdle". I asked him if he had back trouble and he said he didn't, he just had to look good.
Sorry, for the long post, I'm just curious...
So my question is this: how important is the gi in your personal training. Under which catagory do you fall? All of the named catagories can cross over for sure, but how important is the proper gi? Is it the fit? is it the cut, citing Kenpo Tess' comment about the more comfortable fit of her particular brand of gi without losing the ability to move properly. Or is it how it makes you look?
One time, several years ago, I was involved in a big seminar. One of the presenters was in the changing room preparing for his two hour presentation. When I turned, I notice he had on what I would call a "girdle". I asked him if he had back trouble and he said he didn't, he just had to look good.
Sorry, for the long post, I'm just curious...