different style sparring


White Belt
Feb 16, 2009
Reaction score
does anyone do this, if so how do you go about doing this
as i have come out from tkd to wing chun and would like to see how both stand later on iin my training
sorry i meant how do you go about sparring someone from a different style as i have previously done tae kwon do and would like to see how wing chun measures up to it....so do you just phone up and ask?
so this is wingchun v TKD hmmmm .....my boy my boy
Do what you do and let him do what he does, in sparring, and let the chips fall. If you are talking about joining a class down the road, you will see in time for yourself, how they blend. :asian:
sorry i meant how do you go about sparring someone from a different style as i have previously done tae kwon do and would like to see how wing chun measures up to it....so do you just phone up and ask?

What you do is you just walk into a Wing Chun school and proclaim in a very loud voice " That chi sau stuff looks gay " and after that you should have more than enough people ready to spar you.
lol im sayin it from a wing chun point of view as someone who wants to test their skills (when i get them later) against another style
So how far did you get in TKD majorman?

Well it depends on what type of sparring you do in TKD. If its point sparring that may pose a problem either for the WC or guy or you depending on who's school you in. If its your the wc guy will not do well. If your in his school an only know point sparring then you might have a problem. Now some TKD schools teach endless attacks. This may be better suited against a WC guy. But then again it depends on WC guy your sparring. If has studied the same amount of years as you and has alot of sparring experience it should be interesting...

If he merely does drills and forms a little dan chi sau every now an then. Well his WC may be no match for endless flowing attacks. But this is my opinion...Yip man people may disagree.

Also background plays a factor. If the WC guy has TKD experience either from sparring or as a past or recent art. Then you find him to be a terror.

lol im sayin it from a wing chun point of view as someone who wants to test their skills (when i get them later) against another style