Wing Chun and Crosstraining


Master Black Belt
Jul 1, 2008
Reaction score
St.Louis Missouri
I am curious. What do guys think would be some great complimentary styles to cross train with Wing Chun from Chinese,Japanese,Korean or Vietnamnese Martial Arts. With the exclusion of Hapkido,Aikido,Jiujitsu,Greco wrestling,Jeet Kune Do and BJJ what other styles would make a good crossfit with WC?

What styles do you think make a great crossfit with Wing Chun That come from the various people above!
Based upon my lay understanding of WC and the concepts, I immediately thought of Sambo and Savatte. The former for the groundwork and the latter for great outside work.

Small circle Aikido would seem to mesh well with the concepts of WC.

What do you think, Yoshi? What styles do you think would mesh well, and please feel free to include any style, including those you initially chose to discount?
You are now entering the Twilight Zone.:erg: Haven't we been down this road before?

Sigh...for the sake of the thread, I'll toss in my .02, for what its worth. I'll start with the obvious, which is a grappling art. This could be ANY grappling art, so please don't assume I'm talking about one thing in particular. The grappling, because IMO, it'll enhance WCs methods of dealing with someone on the ground. WC, IIRC, has alot of sensitivity drills. Grappling can be done with your eyes closed, which will force you to rely on your sense of touch, rather than sight.

My next pick would be the Filipino arts. Kali, Arnis, Sayoc, PT, etc. I say this, because these are all weapon based systems. Yes, they do have empty hand material, but there is alot of stick and blade use. This will enhance WC, because IMO, it will open up a new way of looking at those weapons and how they can be used.
Holy deja Vu Batman! The same topic from the same poster, who had many honest and open answers given to them on this subject. I would really love to know Yoshi's real angle about this topic and be done with this tip toeing around and BSing! I mean enough is enough IMHO.

Yoshi, if you're interested in other arts (which I think by these posts you are deep down), it's ok. Go ahead and try them out. Try mixing and matching. You never know what you'll find out. If, after it all, you don't find an interest-that's ok too. You don't have to stop your WC training.

Now, that's as straight forward of an answer you can get. Anything else from you is arguing for arguing sake.
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I'm just going to annoy him and say that you definately have to have BJJ
100%. If you don't train BJJ with your wing chun you will die
That is fact
I'm just going to annoy him and say that you definately have to have BJJ
100%. If you don't train BJJ with your wing chun you will die
That is fact

That raised a laugh.
I would go for the Filipino arts too. Kali/Arnis. A grappling art would obviously benefit, but suggesting that is like walking across a minefield.:)
Not this same topic again!?!??!?!
There are already too many threads on this.

I say go and try and see what works best for you. Heck with asking, just go see for yaself.
Very Very interesting guys. The Criticism is spectular. But I expect that from some. I really Enjoyed elder999 first post. Great response. I also felt the second part of MJS post was right on target of this thread to certain extent. Also sandstorm raised some pretty interesting ideas concerning the filipino arts? I see them as making use of common weapons that could be used in west. Outside of the traditional more lethal Chinese combat weapons.

Outside of grappling and Shuai jiao.

what other arts do you think would mesh well with WC in your opinion?

I want to hear from the opening minded people. Not close minded ones who only see WC as meshing with two arts only. So share. Also what other Chinese MAs do you feel that WC would be compatible with in your opinion?

I enjoy everyones feed back very entertaining.
Very Very interesting guys. The Criticism is spectular. But I expect that from some. I really Enjoyed elder999 first post. Great response. I also felt the second part of MJS post was right on target of this thread to certain extent. Also sandstorm raised some pretty interesting ideas concerning the filipino arts? I see them as making use of common weapons that could be used in west. Outside of the traditional more lethal Chinese combat weapons.

Outside of grappling and Shuai jiao.

what other arts do you think would mesh well with WC in your opinion?

I want to hear from the opening minded people. Not close minded ones who only see WC as meshing with two arts only. So share. Also what other Chinese MAs do you feel that WC would be compatible with in your opinion?

I enjoy everyones feed back very entertaining.
What about my post? I'm hurt!
Okay steve what about your post

Well I said earlier

am curious. What do guys think would be some great complimentary styles to cross train with Wing Chun from Chinese,Japanese,Korean or Vietnamnese Martial Arts. With the exclusion of Hapkido,Aikido,Jiujitsu,Greco wrestling,Jeet Kune Do and BJJ what other styles would make a good crossfit with WC?

What styles do you think make a great crossfit with Wing Chun That come from the various people above!

You made mention of Aikido. But I want to know more about the other two arts you mention...Sambo and Savatte. What do they intel. What are the concepts. What are the principals.

Why do you feel Savatte and Sambo mesh well with WC. Also please feel free to share any Chinese arts other than Shuai jiao that you feel will mesh well with Wing Chun I look forward to hearing from you.

Sorry for the hurt.

Based upon my lay understanding of WC and the concepts, I immediately thought of Sambo and Savatte. The former for the groundwork and the latter for great outside work.

Small circle Aikido would seem to mesh well with the concepts of WC.

What do you think, Yoshi? What styles do you think would mesh well, and please feel free to include any style, including those you initially chose to discount?
As for Wing Chun I don't think it would die with out BJJ. Wing Chun predates Brazilian Jiujitsu. It also has more of interest than other arts. WC I can stand to practice. An art can only grow if you have a real interest or desire of fighting with it. If you do not that art will be useless. You can train an art because people say its useful or you need this to make your WC better. But if you think that art is crap it will never work. Its like me saying you need to learn TKD to make your grappling better. If you dislike TKD for various reasons even if you took the class you would not excel because you have no desire to learn the art. It would be worthless to you.

But this is my opinion. Thats why I didn't practice Martial Arts until I got into high school Because there were no arts I knew of that I would have enjoyed. But now that is grown an have searched I go right too what I am interested in. I mean it depends on how you want to spend your money. But this is my mere opinion. I don't know anything. I am just a simple guy.

But WC has existed long before BJJ...An it will exist even after BJJ is not the hype. An even if WC did die. I would simple find another Chinese Striking Art that I like. Such as Crane,Snake,Pei Mei or Bak Mei or something else. An train that for another 16 years. I may even take up Hung Gar. Thats something that has always interest me as kid. Second there was hard karate. But thats just me.

I'm just going to annoy him and say that you definately have to have BJJ
100%. If you don't train BJJ with your wing chun you will die
That is fact
Sambo is a Russian martial art that is, like BJJ, a derivative of Judo. Lots of good groundfighting technique, leg locks, throws and submissions.

Savatte is a French Martial art that is pretty cool. I'm not an expert, but I've enjoyed what I've seen. Check it out.
As for Wing Chun I don't think it would die with out BJJ. Wing Chun predates Brazilian Jiujitsu. It also has more of interest than other arts. WC I can stand to practice. An art can only grow if you have a real interest or desire of fighting with it. If you do not that art will be useless. You can train an art because people say its useful or you need this to make your WC better. But if you think that art is crap it will never work. Its like me saying you need to learn TKD to make your grappling better. If you dislike TKD for various reasons even if you took the class you would not excel because you have no desire to learn the art. It would be worthless to you.

But this is my opinion. Thats why I didn't practice Martial Arts until I got into high school Because there were no arts I knew of that I would have enjoyed. But now that is grown an have searched I go right too what I am interested in. I mean it depends on how you want to spend your money. But this is my mere opinion. I don't know anything. I am just a simple guy.

But WC has existed long before BJJ...An it will exist even after BJJ is not the hype. An even if WC did die. I would simple find another Chinese Striking Art that I like. Such as Crane,Snake,Pei Mei or Bak Mei or something else. An train that for another 16 years. I may even take up Hung Gar. Thats something that has always interest me as kid. Second there was hard karate. But thats just me.
Actually, WC is newer than BJJ. WC as taught today is very young, but I thought Wing Chun was really only going back to the middle 1800s. If you consider Yip Man Wing Chun to be a derivative of older Wing Chun, BJJ is actually MUCH older than WC as it is a direct descendent of traditional Japanese Jujutsu.

your spending an awfull lot of time in our little wingchun forum.

you sure you not on the change :wink2: