Didn't you read the sign?!?

since when have criminals read or obeyed laws and rules if they did they would not be criminals
since when have criminals read or obeyed laws and rules if they did they would not be criminals

No, unfortunately they never abide by the laws. That is why we as citizen's have to be prepared to defend ourselves because in the end and in the moment it will probably be just you vs. the criminal.
And my mother in law wonders why I don't patronize places that have a no gun policy.
Wonderful theory that the safest thing to do is to "give the criminals what they want"..... except they so often want to torture and molest your child, rape your wife and shoot you repeatedly for the fun of it. Then what?

I won't go to places that specify "No Guns"..... to me it means "No Customers"
The line that caught my eye in the article was "anti-self-defense crowd". Anti-self defense??? Are they kidding?
THAT'S what gives criminals the wherewithal to do what they do.
You mean the criminal broke the law? Unpossible!

I bet it was the employee's fault! Blame BUSH! Dick Cheney must have put the gun in the criminal's hand!

This just goes to show you 'gun free' zones mearly mean 'victim zones'.

yep.. if criminals fallowed laws they would not be criminals .. would they?!?
We obviously need stricter gun laws to prevent future incidents like this... :rolleyes:
How about less sheep instead.

Always less sheep. Like has been said, "a pack, and not a herd" is how the good folk ought to act.

Wasn't all that long ago that people didn't even lock their doors.

If more people instead of addicting their safety to the government stood up and accepted responsiblitiy for their and their loved ones defense, an awful lot of this two-bit crime would vanish. Sure there would be a few hard core that don't care, but most would.

Always less sheep. Like has been said, "a pack, and not a herd" is how the good folk ought to act.

Wasn't all that long ago that people didn't even lock their doors.

If more people instead of addicting their safety to the government stood up and accepted responsiblitiy for their and their loved ones defense, an awful lot of this two-bit crime would vanish. Sure there would be a few hard core that don't care, but most would.

I like the times back in the mid to late 1800's where folks openly carried and there were no stupid gun laws to say a person cannot have this or that and would not worry about being arrested for shooting someone that broke into their home or was threatening their lives.
Wonderful theory that the safest thing to do is to "give the criminals what they want"..... except they so often want to torture and molest your child, rape your wife and shoot you repeatedly for the fun of it. Then what?

I won't go to places that specify "No Guns"..... to me it means "No Customers"
Hey, but at least you have the smug moral high ground satisfaction of declaring that you didn't resist, and hence, 'didn't contribute to the cycle of violence'! ;)
I like the times back in the mid to late 1800's where folks openly carried and there were no stupid gun laws to say a person cannot have this or that and would not worry about being arrested for shooting someone that broke into their home or was threatening their lives.

I'm sorry Caver, but except for on the range, in the 1800s most cities prohibited open carry of firearms. In Texas, were I'm at, the law after the Civil War stated until 1992 that one could only carry if they were 'traveling' or in their house or business. And the 'traveling' was so vauge it pretty much ment at least an overnight stay sevearl counties over. Lots of people got arrested and covicted with that law.

The shows like "Dodge City' are a myth.

In Texas, were I'm at, the law after the Civil War stated until 1992 that one could only carry if they were 'traveling' or in their house or business. And the 'traveling' was so vauge it pretty much ment at least an overnight stay sevearl counties over. Lots of people got arrested and covicted with that law.

The shows like "Dodge City' are a myth.

damn carpetbaggers! :D

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