Death sentence on television?

Mtv apparently followed a young girl as she went through with an abortion. If you are pro-abortion, should it not follow that we should allow the execution of criminals on television as well as "unviable tissue masses?"
If you want crime rates to go up, that would be the way to go. If you pay attention to this sort of thing, you will find that most maniacal killers beg for the death penalty once caught. Now they wouldn't even have to beg, they become instantly famous on your television program, and they die knowing their names will forever be etched on the minds of the public. Good plan.
Actually, just about every killer on death row fights the death penalty tooth and nail. Gacy, Bundy, the woman that Bush allowed to be executed, the woman Chicago's Carol marin championed all tried to stay alive, even in jail under a life sentence.
Actually, just about every killer on death row fights the death penalty tooth and nail. Gacy, Bundy, the woman that Bush allowed to be executed, the woman Chicago's Carol marin championed all tried to stay alive, even in jail under a life sentence.
Not a lie, but, I said, "when caught". Most sane people will eventually realize their plan for fame involves dying, and the same survival instinct that kept them from turning the gun on themselves is going to be the reason for the countless appeals.
No hostility intended here, they don't ask for the death penalty. People can get used to a lot of things, living in extreme temperatures, living in extreme poverty. Killers on death row get used to that the way people adapt to other things. At any time they can say, okay, I'm done with the appeals, just execute me, and they don't. If they can do an abortion show on Mtv, how about an execution show for a convicted killer. At least the killer would have the advantage of having committed a crime before being put to death, unlike the baby.
Not a lie, but, I said, "when caught". Most sane people will eventually realize their plan for fame involves dying, and the same survival instinct that kept them from turning the gun on themselves is going to be the reason for the countless appeals.

Your assertion is unsupported by facts clearly in evidence.
No hostility intended here, they don't ask for the death penalty. People can get used to a lot of things, living in extreme temperatures, living in extreme poverty. Killers on death row get used to that the way people adapt to other things. At any time they can say, okay, I'm done with the appeals, just execute me, and they don't. If they can do an abortion show on Mtv, how about an execution show for a convicted killer. At least the killer would have the advantage of having committed a crime before being put to death, unlike the baby.
You are correct in that, no one on death row wants to die. However, lots of people asked for the death penalty when caught, at that moment.
While I think your proposal stinks to high heaven. I believe being on a show where you abort your baby is quite a big mistake; because, most women would choose to forget it ever happened. This girl will be famous and recognized everywhere. She might get a hug, or she might get punched in the face; one of the two. Either way, she won't be forgetting about this anytime soon.
Evidence? So, no one ever asks to be put to death? I just saw a news story last week where the killer asked for the death penalty.
Sure some do but a vast majority do not. They fight it until the end. To say that public executions will cause murders to go up is just silly. Every murderer Ive ever talked to did not want to get caught, and most dont think the ever will. So the "fame" of being on TV would not cause someone to comit murder. Anyone who would think that way is crazy and will commit the cirmes anyway. They still get all the attention and the fame. Everyone knows who jeffery dalhmer, Ted bundy, Jack the ripper is and none of them were exicuted in public.
What it would to is many stop some of the thug violence and murders. These guys know 9 times out of 10 if you commit murder you will be out of jail in 8 to 10 years. And now days Ive seen many out in 3 to 5. They come out now with Street Creds and can walk thru the hood and say "im a real gangsta"
While I think your proposal stinks to high heaven. I believe being on a show where you abort your baby is quite a big mistake; because, most women would choose to forget it ever happened. Sean

But if its no big deal why try to hide? Oh its not big deal its just a ball of cells right? They hide because they know its wrong but they are too irresponsible to keep their legs shut.
But if its no big deal why try to hide? Oh its not big deal its just a ball of cells right? They hide because they know its wrong but they are too irresponsible to keep their legs shut.
I don't think anyone ever said it was no big deal on either side.
If executions were public and publicized rather than held behind closed doors, one of two things would happen:
1 The public would be outraged and executions would be stopped.
or, and this is much more likely
B the deterrent effect of capital punishment would truly be seen in a drastic reduction in the rate of crimes for which the death penalty is available.
Why don't you just have sex on television programmes like the rest of us do?
I don't think anyone ever said it was no big deal on either side.
Well since the Alan Guttmacher Institute has found since Roe v Wade in 1973 there have been about 40 Million abortions in this country thats alot of woman that dont think its that big of a deal to just kill a baby.
And world wide its est. that approx 42 million a year.
Well since the Alan Guttmacher Institute has found since Roe v Wade in 1973 there have been about 40 Million abortions in this country thats alot of woman that dont think its that big of a deal to just kill a baby.
And world wide its est. that approx 42 million a year.

Really? and that shows how much you know about women ie nothing.

It must be easy for you to just type in that condemnation of women. Of course as you are male, and how it shows, you will never know the heartache, the responsibility and the horrors that women have to go through so carry on denigrating women won't you.
Really? and that shows how much you know about women ie nothing.

It must be easy for you to just type in that condemnation of women. Of course as you are male, and how it shows, you will never know the heartache, the responsibility and the horrors that women have to go through so carry on denigrating women won't you.
Well since men cant get an abortion. However I blame the "baby daddy" also he has just as much responsibility to keep his pants on.

Why so much heartache? Its not a baby right? Its just a ball of cells. Thats what my wife told me when we found out she was pregnant, "honey guess what were having a ball of cells."
Could it be that you feel "heartache" because you know what your doing is wrong. You cry about oh poor poor woman what did she have to go thru. How about what the baby went thru. Oh thats right we cant ask them they are dead.
Why don't you just have sex on television programmes like the rest of us do?

Because I'm not attractive enough for television, or even a grainy podcast video. Well, I suppose if there were a special episode of Fear Factor...
Ah I just love ignorance.

Ballen, firstly no one is pro abortion, what people are for is pro choice.

My friend had an abortion, it was the saddest day of her life, she didn't make the decision lightly but really there was no decision, it was that or give birth at term of a dead baby.
You would of course advocate the birth of a dead baby. You would also advocate that raped women should give birth, that women who have been victims of incest give birth and women whose baies would be doomed to a life of horrendous disablement should give birth. You would advocate too that a druggie gives birth to a drug addict baby? Or an alcoholic?
If you could persuade a woman not to have an abortion would you personally look after and raise that child? Or are all your arguments academic along the lines of you mustn't have an abortion it's wrong because I say it is?

I've heard all the arguments for the anti abortion people, how they hold the belief that life is scared while they justify killing medical staff, old hat that. I'v heard all the arguments about how abortion is used for contraception because women are too lazy to get the pill etc.

The truth is something you won't want to believe because it doesn't suit you and that's that women because they are ones that carry the baby are the ones that have the right to chose. Few women have an abortion lightly and most carry the knowledge of what they have done for the rest of their lives but they believe it was right to do what they did. It's not for you to say and it's not for you to condemn them, in fact it's nothing to do with you what another women does, it's not your baby and it's not your body.

You condemn abortion but you live in a country that allows the death sentence, many innocent people are murdered by the state but that doesn't seem to bother you.

Lets make women like these suffer even more shall we by not allowing abortions.
I love some of the logic of the anti abortion people…

Keep government out of our lives, no government interference, we have rights under the constitution!!! Oh yeah BTW, let’s interfere in that woman’s right to have an abortion because we think its for her own good, and we know better on how to run her life then she does….

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