Darrell Craig's Iai - The art of drawing the sword

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Keil Randor

I just bought it. Has alot of nice drawings, and it seems to have alot of nice information on the swords (historical, and fact-wise). My question is, how good of a learning tool is it? Has anyone read it, and is it "legit"? I've seen too many books that seem little more than an ego booster for the guy who wrote it, while giving little real info.

I have this book as well.
I like the format (drawings), and I like the way the information is presented (no some GRANDMASTER POOH-BAH know-it-all).

Please remember the Craig writes from a Kendo or sports viewpoint in his Iaido. He trained Kendo for several years and is down-right good at it. He trained Iaido as a sub-art of Kendo and is still very good, but not his primary love.
jeremy bays
The information is solid, from what I can tell. He does go a little overboard on the "spirituality" etc, but that's easily forgiven because he does seem to know his ****.

I have another book of his "Japan's Ultimate Martial Art: Ju Jutsu before 1880" or something like that. It's not bad either.

That being said I don't find books all that useful to actually learn from. I like them because of the exposure to new ideas I get, but I personally need the face time to learn material like this.

I have this book and find it very informative. As stated, the drawings are very good.
I guess the best thing to remember is Craig Sensei was a student of Soke Kuniba.
Everyone changes the styles a little as Soke Kuniba changed Mugai Ryu ,Craig Sensei has changed it also.
Everyone gives a little more or less spice to the gumbo.

Try Craig Sensei's web site for the companion video to the book.If you already are familiar with the style it will be a refresher. If you are not, find a good Sensei in your area

I've looked at this book several times, including this past weekend, but never bought it. Perhaps I should.

I couldn't turn up Mr. Craig's web page on a web search--where is it?
Originally posted by arnisador

I've looked at this book several times, including this past weekend, but never bought it. Perhaps I should.

I couldn't turn up Mr. Craig's web page on a web search--where is it?

Here you go


As far as Craig Sensei being "legit". I know that he has lots of loyal students. I have not heard from any of them on any forums though.(if you students are out there speak up) He has his own spin on Mugai Ryu. It is different from other Mugai Ryu..It is different from KunibaRyu Iai..
There are politics involved in Iai just all the other MA.
There were originally 3 branches of Mugai Ryu with 3 different Soke. Now... who knows how many?

Gene Gabel
I have the book. And I enjoyed it alot. You cann't learn from it, but it can help if your Iaido pratice if you need something to lean against. But remember that the iaaido federation changes the different katas over time, so some things could be different than in the book.


I have a number of books by Mr Craig, and have no doubts whatsoever regarding his legitimacy, or quality of his books. No where in any of Mr Craig's writings have I ever detected any self-aggrandizing egotism. Mr Craig's books are straight forward, and similar to the works of the late Domm Draeger. And for what it's worth I would not hesitate to recommend any of Mr Craig's books, or Mr Draeger's books for that matter to anyone serious about learning the arts presented by either author.

Originally posted by old_sempai

I have a number of books by Mr Craig, and have no doubts whatsoever regarding his legitimacy, or quality of his books. No where in any of Mr Craig's writings

Has he been accused of not being legitimate in some sense?

I apologize if my comments inferred that Mr Craig's legitimacy had been challenged in the past. And apologize if my statements left some " :confused: " That was not my intent.

Instead, my comments were meant as a compliment with regard to the quality of his books. However, these comments are also a reaction based on years of accumulated observations wherein so many other MA practitioners have claimed to be a "Grand Master Pooh Bah" in one form or another, practically to a point of ad nauseam.

In fact I know one individual that claims that his martial arts expertise has resulted in their working in the movie and television. However, the truth of the matter is that this particular individual works in a vocational trade, far removed from televison, unless they happen to walk through someone's living room while making a house call, or at the local cinema.

I relish finding an author such as Mr Craig who declines to self-promote their expertise, or make either long winded statements, or subtle innuendoes that the style they practise is the world's most superior art. His writings are straight forward and certainly is not self-serving in any respect.

Originally posted by old_sempai

Instead, my comments were meant as a compliment with regard to the quality of his books.

I relish finding an author such as Mr Craig who declines to self-promote their expertise, or make either long winded statements, or subtle innuendoes that the style they practise is the world's most superior art. His writings are straight forward and certainly is not self-serving in any respect.

:asian: [/B]

I will agree on those points. Personally I would like to see a book from Craig Sensei dealing more with Mugai Ryu techniques.He seems to express himself very well and I am sure this is one of the reasons he has loyal students. I thought the drawings and accompaning descriptions with them were very well done.

There is no book (in English) that I know of that deals in depth with Mugai Ryu.
If the video type companion to the book is as good as the book it would be well worth checking out. I do find the price a little steep though ($53.00 with shipping).

I am sure there are some of his past or present students lurking on the boards that would like to share some experiences with their Sensei.. Speak up people, It seems there is some interest in learning some more about Craig Sensei. This discussion has peaked my interest anyway..

GEne Gabel:asian:
I found the book pretty informative. I wish he had a video as its hard to see the motion other than a start and stop position. I've worked thru a few of the beginner techniques, but without a real school near by, its hard to know if I'm even near doing it right.
Originally posted by arnisador

More iaidoka are likely to be found at E-Budo.
We could also add swordforum.com under JSA

Gene Gabel
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

I found the book pretty informative. I wish he had a video as its hard to see the motion other than a start and stop position. I've worked thru a few of the beginner techniques, but without a real school near by, its hard to know if I'm even near doing it right.

Kaith, check Craig Sensei's website for the video ..

GEne Gabel
Originally posted by arnisador

I bought Mr. Craig's book yesterday based on this discussion but haven't read it yet.

When your finished viewing it, I would love to hear what you think about it!

Originally posted by Yari

When your finished viewing it, I would love to hear what you think about it!

I just gave my copy to my Sensei for further reading last week. I am interested in what he has to say about it .

While we are on reading. Has anyone read "Autumn Lightning" by Dave Lowery...(The Education of an American Samurai). He has a few books out and this is the first one of his that I have read. I would highly recommend it. I had it on my wish list at Amazon.com and recd it for Christmas. It is a very well written book and a good addition for any MA library

GEne GAbel
i have enjoyed this book very much. i have owned a katana for a long time, but was unable to find a good book. this one really does it for me.

a friend and i used it together. it made alot more sense. plus i learned alot of info i was unaware of.