
Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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How many people have run into political problems
Originally posted by Rich Parsons

How many people have run into political problems

Let me clarify my short question?

How many people have problems with Politics, when they thought they were saying one thing but almost everyone heard or understood something else?

Basically putting your own foot in your mouth.

Originally posted by Rich Parsons

How many people have problems with Politics, when they thought they were saying one thing but almost everyone heard or understood something else?
Basically putting your own foot in your mouth.

Unfortunately communicating in this medium tends to have that effect. I have had a couple occations when offence was taken because I something I said on a forum when no offence was meant.

There is no quick solve for this situation, the "smilies" :) Kaith has on here helps so that people know when you are joking or when your really pissed at something, but there is very little else you can do.

Everyone needs to be very careful with what they say on forums if they want to be sure not to hurt other peoples feelings.

Originally posted by Rich Parsons
How many people have run into political problems

Sure have! I'm positive the gov't is against me and my small but determined band of militia men.

...but I've said too much already...
Gou and his damn militia,mmmmmmmmmmmm.
Time to get our own band of men in tights together to counter his me thinks!
Originally posted by Roland

Gou and his damn militia,mmmmmmmmmmmm.
Time to get our own band of men in tights together to counter his me thinks!


Good Point on who has not.

Gou and his men, Roland and his men in Tights, and Paul and his desire for ..., . :rofl: :shrug:


Thank you for your posts.

I actually feel bad about being that cynical!
Having met the lot of you, the shear thought of you all in tights is going to tramatize me and give me nightmares.

Thank you very much, the therapy bill will be in the mail.

:flushed: :toilclaw: :moon:
unfortunately, I think most high ranking colored belts, and probably all black belts have run into politics at one time or another...

I know in Kenpo, there's these arguments that "he doesn't belong on the family tree because he was promoted by this guy who totally sucked" or something silly like that, and the "I'm not gonna be on the tree if he's on the tree"

There's also the politics that go on at tournaments... some black belts think they don't have to buy coaches passes because of who they are, while other people have do buy them because you aren't supposed to coach without a pass.

I've heard of schools having rivalries with other schools and things like that.

I've tried my best to stay out of the politics, but sometimes you get dragged into them. The best thing to do is to say you respect both sides, can see both points of view, and gracefully BOW OUT of the argument. Its a good idea to remain on good terms with as many high ranking folk as you can, even the ones you can't stand, because you never know for sure what actually happened. All this politic stuff started years before I was born. I wasn't there, so I don't know what went on, so I don't get involved and try to be nice to everyone. It works more often than not, because people learn to respect you on your own merit and not judge you based on who your instructor is.
My system is small enough so we dont see to have the political problems the big ones do (YET).
I gotta ask what is this coaches pass. Never heard of it. If I take my students to a tournament and I or my students are expected to help on the floor in some of the rings I'll be damnd if Im buying a Pass. Anything to make money I guess.
ARe they paying Refs these days or are they going to start chargeing them also:D
Usually if you're helping with the tournament, they'll just give you the coaches' pass.

Where the politicking comes in is the guys that show up with their students, relax the whole time, don't pay to get in because they signed in as a judge, and then coach without a pass, while some of the folks who aren't as unscrupulous sign in as judges, and don't even ask if they can get their pass comped. They just assume that the tournament is run the way it is listed in the flier, and buy the pass. The result is half the coaches buy passes, and half don't, which is unfair.
I still say there needs to be a universal font dedicated to sarcasm, it would make things much less confusing!

As for politics, they make me cringe, martial-arts related or not, and I tend to run for my life when something controversial arrises. As a consequence, I sometimes don't know exactly where I stand on some controversial issues, because as soon as someone asks me or brings it up, I instintively flee x_x
Originally posted by Wertle

I still say there needs to be a universal font dedicated to sarcasm, it would make things much less confusing!

I think this is a great idea! How about purple italics?