Continous Kicking drills


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
Over the last few months I have really notice that my time of doing continous double kick are starting to get slower and slower. I have increase my endurance about two folds when it come to jogging but my cardio endurance for doing these kicks seem to be getting slower and fewers.
Probably more a balance thing?

It really is about balance and focus imho.

not much to add, really, besides visualizing that you are held up by a string on your head, and practicing slow kicks, 15-20 at a time, holding on to the wal or door frame, checking for perfect form along the way. BTW, if you can't feel it in your stomach, you are not doing it right (core strength also has a part in the multiple kicks)
You hit a plateau. Give the continuous kicks a rest. Work more on jumping and resistant drills

Drills like strapping an old bike inner tube to you ankle and having someone hold it while you do power kicks. Increase the tension every 10-15 kicks.

Exploding jump knee highs 10-15 per set.

And a variety of other power and explosion drills. Give the running kicks a 2-3 weeks rest.

You can still do running doubles (just 2 or 3 running kicks at the most) as a drill but explode into the double kicks, with power rather than speed.

Hope this helps.
Thank guy but I also think it has something to do with age. As far as power that is about all I throw because of size and age, I am looking for alternatives to get faster with them at my age.
Thank guy but I also think it has something to do with age. As far as power that is about all I throw because of size and age, I am looking for alternatives to get faster with them at my age.
Those exploding drills will help you get faster. I am 42 and I know what you mean by the age thing. But out of all the older guys in our dojang (35+) I am faster than them all. Because I do all the drills and I try not to cheat. To many times I see the older guys half it or cheat a drill. I try to do them all the correct way. Even if I look slow and finish last I do them correctly and that pays off.

At an advanced age we need to change the routine often. I do not do as many running kicks as the young ones. Also we tend to think more and setup our techniques more.

All those running kicks will break down our bodies faster and take longer to recover so less is more in our case sometimes.

I would give it a try what do you have to lose?
Those exploding drills will help you get faster. I am 42 and I know what you mean by the age thing. But out of all the older guys in our dojang (35+) I am faster than them all. Because I do all the drills and I try not to cheat. To many times I see the older guys half it or cheat a drill. I try to do them all the correct way. Even if I look slow and finish last I do them correctly and that pays off.

At an advanced age we need to change the routine often. I do not do as many running kicks as the young ones. Also we tend to think more and setup our techniques more.

All those running kicks will break down our bodies faster and take longer to recover so less is more in our case sometimes.

I would give it a try what do you have to lose?

Yes being the oldest guy at 50 and the head instructor I try to do everything the correct for my students. I lead by example but lately those kicks are coming slower maybe I need to put the wieght back on, I was faster then. I am still faster than everyone over thirty but I will be competing at National in July and want to be a little faster and lighter.