cold turkey


Master Black Belt
Jan 7, 2007
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congrats to me. i quit the herb completely. i have totally gone from mad stoner to normal. it's been more than 3 weeks and im doing just fine.
i only smoke a few normal cigs a day. mostly as a laxative or to be social.

my goal is to completely get the **** out of my system. at least for many months. don't want to be a stoner anymore. not saying i will never smoke again, but i want it to be very different than an addiction.
i'm reading a book about addiction at the moment. and it shows that addiction is related to fear. i figure, if i can beat addiction, i can beat fear better as well. plus, i'm no teenager, it's embarassing and silly to be wasted all the time. i wasn't using the substance, i was downright abusing it.

mma really helped me to fill up the gap that was there at first. i don't even think of smoking, searching etc....i'm more concerned with gaining muscle mass and excelling to the level i want to be at.

it's all about having goals...who knows, maybe all my mormon buddies praying all the time...maybe that helped. my girlfriends the same, we both were stoners, but we both quit completely and proud of it.

congrats to me. i quit the herb completely. i have totally gone from mad stoner to normal. it's been more than 3 weeks and im doing just fine.
i only smoke a few normal cigs a day. mostly as a laxative or to be social.

my goal is to completely get the **** out of my system. at least for many months. don't want to be a stoner anymore. not saying i will never smoke again, but i want it to be very different than an addiction.
i'm reading a book about addiction at the moment. and it shows that addiction is related to fear. i figure, if i can beat addiction, i can beat fear better as well. plus, i'm no teenager, it's embarassing and silly to be wasted all the time. i wasn't using the substance, i was downright abusing it.

mma really helped me to fill up the gap that was there at first. i don't even think of smoking, searching etc....i'm more concerned with gaining muscle mass and excelling to the level i want to be at.

it's all about having goals...who knows, maybe all my mormon buddies praying all the time...maybe that helped. my girlfriends the same, we both were stoners, but we both quit completely and proud of it.

Good luck to you... I've been clean and sober for over 19 years.

Yeah, it's been worth it.
Good man, Kaiza. I'm ever proud when a man takes a decsion to control something that has previously controlled him :rei:.

And, I like your point about having goals. In the past when I have had to quit some horrible habit/addiction, it always failed if I didn't have a new habit/goal to replace it with. That void will be filled one way or another.

My prayers with you Kaiza.
Good luck to you. The fact that you have acknoledged the addiction is the first step to beating it.
Keep up the good work!
Good for you and I wish you the best in achieving your goals.
Congrats, indeed. Your life will open up for you and then you'll still have to fill voids of time (time you used to fill by toking) a new way.

Try to get a sponsor or someone you have to be completely honest with and responsible to; they can help you stay focused on your path towards clean without green.

Very best of luck to you!
Outstanding! I know it ain't easy, but you can do it. :)

The only addiction I never want to give up is martial arts. LOL
thankou everybody, i'm still going strong. honestly, i hardly miss it. im more concerned with doing enough pushups and stretching to get tougher and in shape for freefighting.

not only is it nice not to be spending the little cash(next to none)i have on such sillyness, but it's also nice not being controlled by a substance. i am however, trying to eat more to match the intensified training-although im in so much pain after training that i hardly can walk down stairs and having to skip out all the time- also ill be attending a 3 day -BB.taijutsu- seminar with Arnaud CousergueSensei soon- i'd like to go to freefight training everyday or at least stretch more at home but aside from the general lethargy, it takes me a couple of days to recouperate.
i'll probably skip out today as well, meaning i only was at training once this week on tuesday, but im still so darn sore...anyhow, the seminar is just around the corner and im going to see to it that i get in some more stetching and pushups. at the moment, it's my theighs that are aching like never before.



Congrats and keep on the path. Some days are hard, some days not so much...over time the hard days get fewer are further between (though sadly I find they never truly go away :( )

I've been clean and sober from drugs for 20 years, Alcohol for 16 years and cigarettes for 15 years. Each time I went cold turkley and ave not looked back.

I am a better man for it.


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