Cnet lists "Best political sites"


Columbia Martial Arts Academy
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May 27, 2004
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Not BC, Not DC
This is Cnet's list of categorized political commentary/news sites on the web, just in case you were wondering where you can find several facets for the same information. I like to read several viewpoints on the same topic, look at history and consequences and consider the future when I form opinion which often involves some fencepost near the middle.


There are people on both sides of the political fence--left or right--that use the following sites as sources for their own political understanding and to help them formulate their own agenda. To those folks, these biased sites provide value. But to some, nonpartisan sites are important and they want to hear the unbiased truth. Either way, politics is an extremely contentious business. And whether you're looking for liberal-leaning posts on the greatness of President Obama or conservative discussions on the problems with the president's stimulus package, you can find it all in the following sites.


Drudge Report

Michelle Malkin

National Review Online


The Weekly Standard


Daily KOS

Huffington Post

Liberal Oasis


The Nation


Fact Check

Vote Smart

Spot on

NOT INCLUDED IN THE ARTICLE: I found a recommendation to this one, haven't look at some of these yet, including this one - supposed to be nonpartisan.

Real Clear Politics
Thanks for the useful set of links - hopefully they will come in handy as the frothing frenzy that seems to accompany American elections these days rises higher.
Not "Martial Talk's Study"?!?!
I'm Shocked!

RCP is my homepage, and I spend an easy hour a day on there, and have for years. It is 'non-partisan" because it links articles from all publications, blogs, writers etc.. so all sides are represented. It also has sister sites, real clear science, real clear world, real clear markets, real clear religion etc.

What is fantastic about it is that Eugene Robinson or Paul Krugman will write a piece on a given subject, you can read it, and immediately read a piece on the same subject by Thomas Sowell, Victor Davis Hanson etc...

You can search by author via the author archives (ie, you can search Maurueen Dowd or Peggy Noonan) or you can search publication/source (such as the WSJ, Huffington post, The Economist or Al Jazeera)

It is the opportunity for direct comparison of a given subject matter from multiple sources that are beneficial to most, my more liberal friends in particular! :)

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