Christian minister beaten by muslims

Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
Reaction score
Nacogdoches, Tx

A Christian minister who has had heated arguments with Muslims on his TV Gospel show has been brutally attacked by three men who ripped off his cross and warned: ‘If you go back to the studio, we’ll break your legs.’

The Reverend Noble Samuel was driving to the studio when a car pulled over in front of him. A man got out and came over to ask him directions in Urdu..........

but hey, it is just an isolated incident, right?
assumes facts not in evidence

i suggest a retraction EH, your post might be taken as offensive and get you reported
assumes facts not in evidence

i suggest a retraction EH, your post might be taken as offensive and get you reported

Do you really want me to post the relevant links? Are you so proud of your bigotry? Or simply blind to it, perhaps.

In any case, what about your evidence?
It is, however, symptomatic of the wedge being driven into our society by extremist elements whose sole aim is the spread of their beliefs, at the expense of all others, by whatever means.

This is exactly the course that Christianity took from when it began to flex it's metaphorical muscles in Rome to when the Crusades took place. That faith 'grew' out that phase after enough lives had been spent (tho' some would like to see it return to such ways I fear). The extreme interpretations of Islam that are so plaguing the world now are 'new' - I don't expect a resolution any time soon.

As an aside, what is the right word for genocide based upon faith? Pogrom? Or is that just for anti-sematism?
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i have NEVER said that I disliked muslims

that is simply not true.

I fond your post offensive, and it contains an ad hom attack.You called my a bigot. I am offended.


And I said, in english, that it was just an isolated incident. I am not making an assertion that it is anything more. Are you confused by chance?

A Christian minister who has had heated arguments with Muslims on his TV Gospel show has been brutally attacked by three men who ripped off his cross and warned: ‘If you go back to the studio, we’ll break your legs.’

The Reverend Noble Samuel was driving to the studio when a car pulled over in front of him. A man got out and came over to ask him directions in Urdu..........

but hey, it is just an isolated incident, right?

From the news article it would seem to be a response by some individuals to the ideas he espoused on his television program. This seems to be a direct outgrowth of that confrontation.

Unless you have some evidence that this is part of a greater pattern of violent assaults it would seem to be an isolated incident.

Now, if your thesis is that some muslims commit crimes, I would agree. Some of alot of demographics commit crimes. If you feel that some muslim governments are fomenting hatred, I would agree. Many governments, including our own, foment hatred. If you feel that some mosques preach hatred, I would agree. There are many religious tradtions which preach hatred for that which is different. If you feel that some muslims from what are in many cases oppressive third world societies are violent and hostile to opposing view points, I would agree. You will always find some violence in any society, especially those in which individual freedoms, communication, and technology are all suppressed.

If you are arguing that all, or even most, muslims are hateful violent priest beating animals, I'd probably disagree.

assumes facts not in evidence

i suggest a retraction EH, your post might be taken as offensive and get you reported

I think we can clear up any allegations of offense on Empty Hands' part pretty easily.

How do you feel about muslims? In general?

but hey, it is just an isolated incident, right?

Yes, just as this Hindu, beaten because the yahoos thought he was a muslim,:

(CBS/AP) Police arrested three men accused of hogtying, beating and stabbing a pizza delivery man because they mistakenly believed he was Muslim.

Saurabh Bhalerao, 24, was attacked late Sunday while delivering pizza in New Bedford, about 60 miles south of Boston.

The suspects originally intended to rob Bhalerao, but escalated the assault mistakenly believing he was Muslim, said Fairhaven police Chief Gary F. Souza. The attacks continued as Bhalerao, a graduate student at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, explained that he was Hindu.

"He pleaded with his attackers," Souza said. "They were using disparaging remarks…and telling him he should go back to Iraq."

and This Muslim student, who was beaten because Obama was going to win the election (??!!!):

A national civil rights group is calling on the FBI to investigate an Election Night assault on a New York Muslim by a gang allegedly infuriated that Sen. Barack Obama was elected.
Four white men allegedly attacked 17-year-old Ali Kamara, a Black Muslim, as he was walking to his Staten Island home the night Obama was elected.
Kamara told police his assailants jumped out of a car and jumped him at about 10 p.m., The Staten Island Advance reported.

were "isolated incidents" as well.....:rolleyes:
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Go back and read what i wrote:

but hey, it is just an isolated incident, right?

I am not saying it wasnt, in fact, i clearly said in english that it is just an isolated incident.

BTW- I agree completely with YOUR post:

Now, if your thesis is that some muslims commit crimes, I would agree. Some of alot of demographics commit crimes. If you feel that some muslim governments are fomenting hatred, I would agree. Many governments, including our own, foment hatred. If you feel that some mosques preach hatred, I would agree. There are many religious tradtions which preach hatred for that which is different. If you feel that some muslims from what are in many cases oppressive third world societies are violent and hostile to opposing view points, I would agree. You will always find some violence in any society, especially those in which individual freedoms, communication, and technology are all suppressed.

If you are arguing that all, or even most, muslims are hateful violent priest beating animals, I'd probably disagree.
Gentlemen, don't make me think that I am using that term ironically when I ask that you dial down the instant heat this thread is generating.

It is a perfectly valid topic for discussion but if all it is going to be used for is the imbedding of hooks in each other, I shall lock the thread down and report the whole shebang to the Steering Committee.

Mark A. Beardmore
MT Moderator
Boston, new York....

i thought the northeast was supposed to be an enlightened, tolerant, place.

i thought racism was just in the south.....

I am confused now.... my whole world view is shaken to the core...
BTW- I agree completely with YOUR post:

Now, if your thesis is that some muslims commit crimes, I would agree. Some of alot of demographics commit crimes. If you feel that some muslim governments are fomenting hatred, I would agree. Many governments, including our own, foment hatred. If you feel that some mosques preach hatred, I would agree. There are many religious tradtions which preach hatred for that which is different. If you feel that some muslims from what are in many cases oppressive third world societies are violent and hostile to opposing view points, I would agree. You will always find some violence in any society, especially those in which individual freedoms, communication, and technology are all suppressed.

If you are arguing that all, or even most, muslims are hateful violent priest beating animals, I'd probably disagree.

Then we know where you stand, and Empty Hands probably just misunderstood your original post as being sarcastic, as I did.

For my part, if you say you meant what you said, I'll accept your explanation and apologize for my accusation of sarcasm. Perhaps I misread your intent, that can happen in this medium.

Anyone else finding the juxtaposition of this and the Protest Culture Shifts to Religious Right thread interesting?

Somehow to the OP and others in the 'Protest' thread Phelps and his small clan can represent Christians and the religious right, but when someone hints that a few Muslims represent a more significant portion of the Muslim population (which is how I took the 'isolated incident' comment) the roles are reversed.
no, EH is thinking of a thread where i DID say that I think the problem is the religion, not the people

I dont like islam, it is well known.

he is erroneously making a leap.

"dislike of a thing equals dislike of people who like that thing"

I dont like the catholic church either, but I dont have a problem with catholics.

still, calling someone a bigot is against the rules.
thats an interesting point crushing.

the other thread somehow Phelps and his 5 followers suddenly represented "the right"

i didnt even say that, and I am accused of making those criminals represent all muslims

are we so afraid of being offensive to muslims these days that we jump on anything with even a HINT of anti-muslim or anti-islamic meaning?

Just a reminder that abuse of the RTM system is also against the rules, that our staff isn't here to baby sit or burp gassy babies, etc.

As to the topic, extremists and straight out dumb asses target those different.

But as to a Christian minister beaten up by Muslims, or a Hindu beaten up by Christians because they thought he was Muslim......maybe it's time for both Christians and Muslims to grow the **** up. Then again, what would I know? I only associate with pagans and witches. You know, the group that both "pious, loving, understanding" faiths like to take out and stone, stab, or burn to death.
Anyone else finding the juxtaposition of this and the Protest Culture Shifts to Religious Right thread interesting?

Somehow to the OP and others in the 'Protest' thread Phelps and his small clan can represent Christians and the religious right, but when someone hints that a few Muslims represent a more significant portion of the Muslim population (which is how I took the 'isolated incident' comment) the roles are reversed.

I just read that thread again, Crushing. I believe (no pun intended) that you are drawing an erroneous conclusion and one that will not help get this thread back on a productive tack.

This could be an important discussion about the nature and prominence of extremist elements in social groups, if it is allowed to not devolve into a bout of faith defamation.

Please, all, try to keep your comments relevant to the OP and check your knives at the door.