Cheap Shameless Thread

This should be my 8,000th post!!!!

Yay Drac!

Your 8000th post and your second pastie...all within a day of each other!
Actually only about 48+ more to take the number 9 spot of the top posters...
Actually only about 48+ more to take the number 9 spot of the top posters...

Since I the time I posted the above and now I have moved up 2 notches..
Drac you are becomming the UPWE and I will have to take a back seat for you all mighty one
Drac you are becomming the UPWE and I will have to take a back seat for you all mighty one

Calm thyself..I will NEVER reach the level which you currently learn to be an UPW I must sit at your feet as you are the personification of UPWM ( Ultimate Post Whore Master)
Calm thyself..I will NEVER reach the level which you currently learn to be an UPW I must sit at your feet as you are the personification of UPWM ( Ultimate Post Whore Master)

OK you are all right
I better get a move on, Brian is moving up FAST...
I gotta a LONG way to go Rich you're safe FOR NOW..

Hmmm 11865 (* Me before this post *) minus 8060 (* Drac as of this post *) which is 3805 posts to go.

Hmmm You rate of posting is so much greater than mine. The pace has been set and I seem to not have it. :( *Sniff*

But to those who have it will go the lead. :D
Just curious ... did anyone ever congratulate Terry and MJS for their 10,000 posts? Or did I miss the party?