Cheap Shameless Thread

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
My Apologies to everyone,

I only need this post to obtain my 500th post for Black Belt. This will make me the 18th Black Belt for Martial Talk.

Maybe others will post here for there special post for a rank. :D

Best Regards

Congratulations Rich!!!!! I myself was excited when I made, yellow and then green and I could be guilty myself of posting just to change my belt color when I was only a few posts away.;)

Robyn :asian:
I'd have to post a hell of a lot to get anywhere.............:shrug:

WICKED!!!! I got to green belt by this post without realising......Im too cool.....:rofl:

Im too easy to please...........
Me, I'm headed to Senior Master, may never achieve it in life, might as well acheive it here.:D
Originally posted by Seig

Me, I'm headed to Senior Master, may never achieve it in life, might as well acheive it here.:D
See he never let's me get a word in edgewise. so I might as well do a frivolous post in here .. *G*
Originally posted by KenpoTess

thems' fighting words~!!*chortles*
ok then how come I joined here before you and I'm only a purple belt..*tilt*

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

She's got you there!!! Score one point for KenpoTess!!! :D

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Originally posted by KenpoGirl

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

She's got you there!!! Score one point for KenpoTess!!! :D

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Wooohoo.. hahhaaa Thanks Dot.. we girls have to stick together *W* Doing the victory dance .. least for this round..*^5s~!
I will refrain from pointing out, that while you joined here before I and thus are technically here senior to me, the slight disparity in our real life ranks as well. Instead let me just say, I have more posts because I have a tad more experience.
Originally posted by Seig

I will refrain from pointing out, that while you joined here before I and thus are technically here senior to me, the slight disparity in our real life ranks as well. Instead let me just say, I have more posts because I have a tad more experience.

picky picky..

you sure come off sounding haughty sometimes..good thing I know better.. *w*
now c'mere and let's go out exploring this gorgeous fall day .. *G*
Amigo,Muy Bien


:roflmao: :boing2:
Good Stuff.
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
My Apologies to everyone,
I only need this post to obtain my 500th post for Black Belt. This will make me the 18th Black Belt for Martial Talk.
Maybe others will post here for there special post for a rank.
Best Regards

The words, "Cheap & Shameless" in the same sentence with Rich's name!? I won't hear of it!
Originally posted by GouRonin

The words, "Cheap & Shameless" in the same sentence with Rich's name!? I won't hear of it!

Thanks everyone for the posts and keeping on topic. :D

I am Cheap and Shameless, I am also Expensive and shameful, yet, it all depends upon your perceptions of people and others based on your own perceptions.

But, After all said and done I know you got my BACK!


That reminds me Rich....whens the next time you're heading to WNY? theres a young lady here who's waiting for those backrubs you owe her.... (I promised her I'd remind ya sometime) :)
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

That reminds me Rich....whens the next time you're heading to WNY? theres a young lady here who's waiting for those backrubs you owe her.... (I promised her I'd remind ya sometime) :)


Please tell miss Bunny that mean ole Pit-bull
that I will be in town for the Dr. Gyi Seminar I believe it is October 18th-20th.

I will see you and Miss Bunny hopefully then.


This post should make it 500, I'm a Black Belt!!!! Yea Haw!!! :boing1:

I'd like to thank the Acadamey ..... I mean Martial Talk, and my Mother and Father who made me, so I could be here.

Oh and of course all the "Little People" who read and responded to my posts, without you I wouldn't be where I am today.

:waah: {sob} Does anyone have a tissue??? :wah:

{{{{GROUP HUG}}}}}
Originally posted by Master of Blades

I'd have to post a hell of a lot to get anywhere.............:shrug:

WICKED!!!! I got to green belt by this post without realising......Im too cool.....:rofl:

Im too easy to please...........

LOL...I remember those days....right before I decided I would post like mad and maybe one day take over this board! :D

Congrats on your black belt KenpoGirl