Carrying Cash is Now Illegal

guess its a good thing im a poor college student
****ing wow, man. This **** is serious.


So ... how much cash is "a large sum" according to the police? Anyone know?
shesulsa said:
****ing wow, man. This **** is serious.


So ... how much cash is "a large sum" according to the police? Anyone know?

Id venture to guess, if you were dressed smartly, and in a BMW, and were stopped with 500 bucks it would be nothin. But if you were wearing a baggy pair of pants, some chains, and a FUBU sweatshirt, driving a beat up car, that 500 bucks might just disappear into the governments hands as "drug money"
Aw, man! Guess I'd better pimp out my ride, then. *note to self - buy clothes at A&F*
"Do you know me? I used to be the largest drug dealer in the lower 48 states. But now since I can't carry all the cash I can fit in to my pockets I carry the American Express Card.... uh, officer did you bring your credit card machine with you?"
There appears to be more to this than it appears.
Totally Biased & Omitting The Pertinent Facts. Aug 23rd. at 9:09:07 pm EDT
Lady Karen Ruth (Beverly, Massachusetts) - Email Me - Web

As usual there was much more to this story than what was given in this article, which is extremely biased for Gonzolez & against the State Trooper et al.

Here are some more facts that were in the court records, but not this article. The rental contract was not in Gonzolez's name, plus he was not listed as an additional driver. He had a previous arrest for drunken driving, however, this shouldn't have been a reason for his not being listed at all on who would be driving the rental vehicle.

The drug sniffing police canine, Rico, was given two sets of money to sniff. One was borrowed from Officers & the other was from the cooler of Gonzolez. Rico hit on the money from Gonzolez, but not from the Officers.

Plus, the money was wrapped like dope would be wrapped. In bundles of aluminum foil & plastic baggies. Who in this day & age would be dumb enough to carry that large of an amount of money in cash??? Dope pushers, that's who!!! Why not a certified check for the amount to purchase the supposed truck??? This could be sent electronically to the buyer. This guy drives hundreds of miles to buy a truck that is sold before he arrives there. Either he is really stupid, as many would love Law Enforcement personnel to believe they are!!!, or he is exactly what the State Trooper alledges him to be, which it is pretty clear to Rico & me who this Gonzolez is!!!

That State Trooper has been on the job long enough to know what he is doing. 98% of them do. It is life or death every day with their job. They have to know what they are doing.
This should be a lesson to anyone running drugs & drug money. Find a decent law-abiding job!!! Bravo to this State Trooper, the Federal Court & Rico!!!

If thats the case, then I'm slightly less worried. This is however something well worth watching as the premise is very worrying.
Civil forfeiture has been around as long as the war on drugs. If you click on the link to the 8th Circuits opinion the facts are much more clear. The pertinent part is in this paragraph:

Brownell then asked for, and
received, consent to search the car. Trooper Bigsby went directly to the rear
passenger side of the vehicle and opened a cooler that was in the back seat, where he
found a large plastic bag that contained seven bundles wrapped in rubber bands inside
aluminum foil packaging. These bundles contained a total of $124,700 in currency.
Gonzolez and the vehicle were then taken to the Nebraska State Patrol office in

It was a consent search. Look at how the bills are packaged. Aluminum foil helps to defeat a dog sniff of money, since large quantities of cash will contain enough drug residue that dogfs will alert​
I know of a lady that takes tweezers to remove the metal strips present in her money so the authorities cant use scanners to see what she carries. She isn't a drug dealer; however, she is just psychotic.
knew some exotic car buyers who'd travel from europe to pick up cars in the usa- they carried over a 100k each on them- made on the spot cash offers to get the autos they were after. jewelry folks are also known to carry large sums as well.