I feel betrayed and lied to... poor pluto


Senior Master
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
Poor Pluto, got demoted... years of education gets thrown away, text books changed, and the friendly 9 planets I once knew are no more


RIP pluto
Yeah, how many thousands of dollars were spent on making sure I knew that Pluto was the 9th planet? Talk about a waste. Next they'll tell us that Goofy isn't part of the Disney pantheon.

JeffJ said:
Yeah, how many thousands of dollars were spent on making sure I knew that Pluto was the 9th planet? Talk about a waste. Next they'll tell us that Goofy isn't part of the Disney pantheon.

Hell, I was annoyed a couple of years ago when Pluto and Neptune switched orbits. How am I supposed to remember the order of the planets when "Many various Earth men jump straight up, North Pole" is no longer valid?
pluto was my favorite planet. Plus no more trick questions about which plantet is the furthest from the sun(neptune and pluto). I am in earth science this year. Makes me wonder what my teacher will do about it this year.

I think they will keep goofy. I'm more worried about mickey leaving. :(

This should be against the rules.

KenpoSterre said:
I am in earth science this year. Makes me wonder what my teacher will do about it this year.
Maybe things have changed, but when I took Earth Science in HS, it was about the Earth, hence the name... :p
I think it's the right decision...but that doesn't mean I won't feel some nostalgia for Pluto!
Those bastards! At least Pluto is SOLID unlike some of those big, overblown balls of gas they still call planets.
My only question is how are the rest of the Disney characture doing after learning about Pluto.
First they tell us the world isn't flat, and then the whole plate tectonics thing then they throw Quantum physics at us and now this!!!!!!

My world just doesn't make sense anymore
Easier then trying to come up with a whole new set of acronyms with Ceres, Cheron, and Xena in there....

Although I think it's much ado about nothing
I'm just SO confused!!!!!!

is it a planet or isn't a planet????

Is it a dog or isn't a dog"""

And if it is a dog how does he feel being the pet of Mickey Mouse while one of Mickey’s friends is Goofy who is a dog?????

Nothing makes sense anymore.....
Does anyone see the ludicrousness of all of this?
We as the human race don't even know how to properly treat the planet that we do inhabit...Why don't we spend the precious time that it took to make the decision to de-planet Pluto and spend it on figuring out a way to clean up the mess that we have made on OUR OWN PLANET!:rpo: :flammad: :tantrum: :bird:

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