Bullshido.net, are they all *******s over there?


Ladies, Gentlemen, Tribbles and other small fuzzy animals....

What they do there, how they do it, why they do it, etc. is their business. If you like it, fine. If you don't, fine. If you don't know what they do, check them out. You may like it, or you may not.

I lurk there on occation. They have some good info, and give the frauds a good thrashing. They also require a thick skin as their flavor of humor tends to be an aquired taste. (Then again, so is mine).

For those visitors from Bullshido, welcome.
Our rules are here. Please read them.

For our members visiting over there, have fun.
Their rules are here. Please read them.
I also recomend reading the following:
Policy: STFU n00b!
Policy: Language Use

I for one, will be adding "Poxed Son of a Diseased Whore!")" to my list of creative ways to insult. :)

For those intent on hurling insults back and forth, Do it somewhere else.
Discussion and debate are fine...flaming is not.

This is not, nor will it ever be, rec.martial-arts.
Neither are they.

Phrost said:
The "STFU Noob" is an inside joke, targeted at a certain MMA forum with members who actually, sincerely feel their post count validates their ideas.

There are a few peoeple who occasionally go a bit too far, but generally if someone isn't contributing anything but smartarse comments, they're not taken seriously.
By the way welcome to Martial Talk :uhyeah: I loved your MC Dojo Throwdown Poster. Did you draw that yourself or did your kids help?
Bester said:
Be careful in lumping everyone in generically. Many individuals in this thread were complimentary of your board. We could of course also make blanket statements like "Well I am a member there. So I just posted my reply to that thread. What a bunch of jerk-offs." but, that would be childish, now wouldn't it?

The jerk-offs I was refering to were those who posted an ignorant opinoin based on reading one or two posts. However, you are right, it sounded more like I was lumping you all in the same catagorey. So for that I apologize.

superdave said:
Has anyone ever read some of the posts on Bullshido.net? There seems to be an overabundance of idiots that post on that site, who give all practitioners of MA's a bad name. I came across everything from name calling to fight challenges just because someone posted their opinion on a topic. Pretty sad, really. Reminded me of the WWE.

Forgive me if this thread has been posted before.


OK, I try to be fair so which post are you specifically talking about where a person got ripped for their opinoin? Where was this post located? Since we have been accused of challanging someone to a fight due to having a different opinoin I would like to see this particular post.
I've seen threads like this before, when I posted at www.fightauthority.com

So......I said, you guys don't know what you are talking about...
People PMed me, and convinced them to join and post for longer on www.bullshido.com
Then they later say it isn't that bad actually, kinda fun being on the site.
Bester said:
Be careful in lumping everyone in generically. Many individuals in this thread were complimentary of your board. We could of course also make blanket statements like "Well I am a member there. So I just posted my reply to that thread. What a bunch of jerk-offs." but, that would be childish, now wouldn't it?

Those who like your prefered way, will gravitate to you. Those who don't won't. There are 3 Billion people online... 3,000 here, 5,000 there, some overlap and a whole lot that have yet to discover either.

A search there for martialtalk reveals a rather interesting attitude. Course, that attitude seems to be similar towards other boards, such as MAP for example. 'Sin Banning', what a concept.

Why don't you do yourself a favor and not make generic blanket statements about people you know nothing about? The person who started this thread is as entitled to his/her opinion as you are to yours. I happen to agree with both...and neither.

For another shameless plug, these 'special-eds' often get together and prove their martial skills to each other in the infamous McThrowdown. While I'm not certain if McDonalds is going to send a certain clown into battle, you can find more information on the other clowns there in their forums.
Talking about blanket statements...

McThrowdowns are not about proving skills to one another, it is about getting together with other martial artists in your area to get to know each other.
Touch'O'Death said:
By the way welcome to Martial Talk :uhyeah: I loved your MC Dojo Throwdown Poster. Did you draw that yourself or did your kids help?

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