bricks vs boards

As another side note...dimensioned lumber pruchased from the big box stores will be label in nominal dimensions. Actual dimensions of said lumber will be less. So a s4s 1x4 piece of wood (shaped 4 sides) will actually be 3/4"x3 1/2". They list it at the dimension the wood was before it was planed and sawed to finished dimensions.

So, typically, when we break 1" wood...we're actaully breakingt 3/4" wood.


Yes, this I've noticed.

No harm done, I suppose, as long as that reduction is standard down the line, so that whenever anyone refers to their five-stack break of 1" boards, no spacers, we understand that these are the same boards as the 1" boards we're all used to, i.e., 3/4" boards by tape measurement. It only gets tricky if someone is actually able to obtain true 1" boards.... at that point, there's a serious breakdown in information transfer. I don't know that I've even seen a true 1" board in my life.