
Jade Tigress

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Mar 11, 2004
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Anyone seen this movie yet? Do you plan to?

I understand much of it was ad-libbed and there were those who were not in on the *joke* so to speak, so there's a lot of unscripted stuff. I watched a trailer that looked hilarious, but I wonder about some of the scenes. I heard people were walking out on one in particular during the screenings.
Anyone seen this movie yet? Do you plan to?

I understand much of it was ad-libbed and there were those who were not in on the *joke* so to speak, so there's a lot of unscripted stuff. I watched a trailer that looked hilarious, but I wonder about some of the scenes. I heard people were walking out on one in particular during the screenings.

I'm going to try to get to it this week. I have a weakness for films based on or involving fictional characters who come to life and take over the film or start dragging real people in their fictional world or... that sort of thing.
Anyone seen this movie yet? Do you plan to?

I understand much of it was ad-libbed and there were those who were not in on the *joke* so to speak, so there's a lot of unscripted stuff. I watched a trailer that looked hilarious, but I wonder about some of the scenes. I heard people were walking out on one in particular during the screenings.

I liked it better the first time when it was called The Howard Stern Show. (EDIT, I understand the actor is from Da Ali G Show, but it strikes me as the same stuff that Stern and Stuttering John were doing 10 years ago.)

Some of the jokes I heard from the from the film sound really funny....such as Borat going to a Rodeo and yelling "We support your War Of Terror!" :lfao: :lfao: :lfao:

Other sound really weak, esp. the cracks against women and Jews. I can take a joke about women, and the actor who plays Borat is Jewish, but stuff like...

"Throw the jew down the well
So my country can be free
You must grab him by his horns
Then we have a big party"

...I just don't find it that fresh or that funny. :idunno:
haven't seen it yet, but my brother couldn't stop laughing long enough to tell me coherently about it.

i consider that a good sign.

perhaps this weekend...
"Throw the jew down the well
So my country can be free
You must grab him by his horns
Then we have a big party"

...I just don't find it that fresh or that funny. :idunno:

Carol---I think the intention there is that Khazakstan is supposed to be a very anti-Semitic place---it's sort of the same thing as in Woody Allen's movie Love and Death, his great send-up of Russian literature, when Allen's character in his youth is discussiong theology with a Russian Orthodox priest and says, in response to something the priest says, `But didn't Spinoza say [etc. etc.]?', and the priest replies, `Yes, but of course Spinoza was a Jew', and when Allen's character asks, `A Jew? What's a Jew?' the priest says `Here, I draw one for you,' and then hands the drawing to Allen, who exclaims `Wow! I've seen anyone with horns before!'

I don't know if that is in fact a big component of Khazak society, but I think Cohen wants us to understand him as saying it is...
Carol---I think the intention there is that Khazakstan is supposed to be a very anti-Semitic place---it's sort of the same thing as in Woody Allen's movie Love and Death, his great send-up of Russian literature, when Allen's character in his youth is discussiong theology with a Russian Orthodox priest and says, in response to something the priest says, `But didn't Spinoza say [etc. etc.]?', and the priest replies, `Yes, but of course Spinoza was a Jew', and when Allen's character asks, `A Jew? What's a Jew?' the priest says `Here, I draw one for you,' and then hands the drawing to Allen, who exclaims `Wow! I've seen anyone with horns before!'

I don't know if that is in fact a big component of Khazak society, but I think Cohen wants us to understand him as saying it is...

I get his point. The style just isn't my thing. :)
A work of genius! I saw it opening night...I've never really watched Da Ali G show and really didn't have an opinion on his work one way or the other. The point of his act, it seems, is to point out the ridiculousness of other people's ideas by being this outrageous character that can say anything...and having people actually agreeing with him. The point isn't to rip on women and jews but to show the silliness of others that do it.

I was laughing so hard during the film at one point I literally couldn't breathe and had tears streaming down my face. I've never laughed that hard. Ever.
Hello, Borat he is funny and is making fun of all of us, BUT some of his jokes can be very offense.

Today people are alot more protective of what is said and done even if it was meant as a JOKE.

Being famous is worst if you say and do the wrong things...Star,Enquirer,Sun,Examiner, and Globe...Aloha and Simile
I want to go see it, but with my $$ crunch right now, I'll probably wait for DVD. the Ali G movie was hilarious, as was his show.

... And if you want to see something really funny, go to YouTube and look up the daily show bit where Jon Stewart had Sacha Baren Cohen on as a guest. He's suprisingly well-spoken and articulate when he's not in character. :)
Just saw this:

Nov. 10, 2006 10:15 AM SANTA MONICA, Calif. - Two fraternity boys want to make lawsuit against "Borat" over their drunken appearance in the hit movie.

The legal action filed Thursday on their behalf claims they were duped into appearing in the spoof documentary "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan," in which they made racist and sexist comments on camera.


I have to say, everyone I've talked to personally who has seen the movie say it's the funniest thing they've ever seen.
Just saw this:


I have to say, everyone I've talked to personally who has seen the movie say it's the funniest thing they've ever seen.

Can't say I have much sympathy for these two frat boys. I've always believed that no amount of alcohol can instill in people hatreds that they don't already have. These guys don't feel bad about about feeling the stuff that came out of their mouths---what they feel bad about is that now people will know about it. Oh, dear!

Haven't gotten to the movie yet but after the horrible crunch that this week promises to be I plan to celebrate by going first chance we get...
Can't say I have much sympathy for these two frat boys. I've always believed that no amount of alcohol can instill in people hatreds that they don't already have. These guys don't feel bad about about feeling the stuff that came out of their mouths---what they feel bad about is that now people will know about it. Oh, dear!

Haven't gotten to the movie yet but after the horrible crunch that this week promises to be I plan to celebrate by going first chance we get...

LOL! I hear ya. I don't have any sympathy for them either.
I want to go see it, but with my $$ crunch right now, I'll probably wait for DVD. the Ali G movie was hilarious, as was his show.

... And if you want to see something really funny, go to YouTube and look up the daily show bit where Jon Stewart had Sacha Baren Cohen on as a guest. He's suprisingly well-spoken and articulate when he's not in character. :)

SBC is a Cambridge graduate. Trust me this guy has thought looong and hard about these characters. The Ali-G show has been around since '99, and was simply a piss take of "urban-street culture" that had started up in earnest. I've not seen the film, not sure if I'll get the chance too either, but might check it out at some point. If I'm honest, I'm neither strongly for or against either Borat, or SBC.
i saw borat yesterday..
i think it's
1. sick
2. wrong
3. nasty
but funny as hell.... i havent laughed so hard in a looong time!!!...
the rodeo, church, and pamela anderson were the bestest parts, i thought!
rah I didnt think that film would get an american release....Borat is one of his best charaters i cant wait to see it, youi wouldnt believe the number of people walking around my office doing thier best Borat impression...''yesss my sister is the 4th best prostitute in all of kazakstan!'' lol

He is a really intelligent guy the main thing about the borat charater is not how silly he is acting but how silly he is making the people around him look, Ive seen a clip where he shouts ''let the bush bath in the blood of Iraq children'' (or something like that) and the crowd he's talking to cheer.....real scary stuff.
well I have not had the opp to see the movie yet I wanted to see it with my Girlfriend but was told it can be offensve to women so I didn't. we still might go see it though. yeah instead we saw THE RETURN and hated it

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