Bigger Pores


This post is slightly off track here. I don't believe that the OP (original poster) was asking what sticks are best used to hit the body, but what sticks are best when striking another stick. Please feel free to start another thread discussing changes made to the art for safety reasons.



I disagree respectfully. This was a beginner "stickfighter" who is entitled to know how the weapon can be used beyond banging.

If he is to study FMA he must know the difference between training for "hitting other sticks", meaning safety factor and the feeling of power vs. finesse and control and actual self defense.
sorry but the question was
So, my question is, which will be better to use for stick-to-stick
if you want to start a discussion on what is better for banging the body please do so

I disagree respectfully. This was a beginner "stickfighter" who is entitled to know how the weapon can be used beyond banging.

If he is to study FMA he must know the difference between training for "hitting other sticks", meaning safety factor and the feeling of power vs. finesse and control and actual self defense.

Please let me give another example. If I was to start a thread in the Grappling section titled, "How to escape the mount position?" I am gearing that discussion towards escapes from the mount. I am not interested in hearing about the guard, the side mount or north/south, as it has nothing to do with the original question. Now if the thread was titled, "How to escape bottom positions?" that could be taken as the defender on the bottom in the mount, the bottom in the guard, the bottom in side mount, and the bottom in north/south.

I'm not disputing the fact that its important to know all aspects of FMA, striking, etc., but that was not what the OP asked and looking at the replies he's received so far, the others are posting in accordance with what he asked. Thread drift to an extent is bound to happen, but if the OP is asking a specific question, any drift takes away from that, just like I used in my grappling example.

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