Rattan Sticks

Monkey Turned Wolf

MT Moderator
Staff member
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
New York
I'm looking for a new pair of rattan sticks. I can't remember where I bought my last ones, and I've seen wildly different levels of quality with them. Do any of you have a site you use to buy them, that you'd recommend? Thanks to anyone who replies!
They're some great sellers on eBay that have high quality sticks. Just be sure to research the seller and make sure they're legit.
For average quality rattan at a very good price, I go to Frank's Cane and Rush Supply

They market them as "rattan poles" and sell them in 24" and 28" lengths. I prefer the 1-1/8" diameter ...be sure to get them "with skin" -- much tougher.
Thanks guys. WIll order from frank's in the morning, if I don't like them I'll check out ebay and see if I can find any good ones.
Nice. I never thought to ask where to get good ones cheap. I bought my first pairs from Bloodsport, and just don’t do enough shock-on-stick that I ever looked for something cheaper. I was thinking of adding some basic stick work to my curriculum to extend the “club” training the NGAA included, and was trying to decide if I wanted all students to buy sticks. At Frank’s prices, I’ll just stock them.
Used to deal with a guy directly in the PI who had the best sticks around. He has since moved, and cannot get access to the same quality anymore, so I have had to move to another vendor. This guy's sticks are top notch:

Welcome to the East West Martial Arts Web Store.

Sounds like Simon? He had a little mail order business from the PI called EskrimaKaliArnis, or AnisKaliEskrima, or something and he had absolutely the best quality rattan available. Too bad he's not in the business anymore! :(
Sounds like Simon? He had a little mail order business from the PI called EskrimaKaliArnis, or AnisKaliEskrima, or something and he had absolutely the best quality rattan available. Too bad he's not in the business anymore! :(

That was him. I still have several pairs of his sticks. Unfortunately for me, in PTK we use different length sticks, not to mention thickness, so they really won't work for me and I have had to seek out other sources.