Best Way To Promote


Blue Belt
Sep 2, 2011
Reaction score
Hi all,

My school is attempting to replenish its ranks by trying to promote the school with some 'holiday deals" and such. I have been given 75 flyers to hand out.
At first, I thought to myself, "ok, I will go to a couple of the most densely populated neighborhoods and put the flyers in their doors."

But then I was told that this is not the best way to hit a large audience. I am running out of time to get these things out. Does anyone have any good ideas?
It is looking like I may have to invest in a stapler gun, eh?
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Have you guys thought about internet advertising, or just talking to friends outside of MA, tell them about the idea and try to convince them to just take advantage of the deal and try it out (not just you doing this, convince every student to do it). You can actually get some long-term members that way.
We just FINALLY got a website up. They haven't had one for a decade and it took me a while to convince them that, in this day and age, you are invisible without one.
What do you mean about "internet advertising"? I do not think they are going to put much money into advertising because the "owner" does not think it is worth it. I am surprised they let me get the website up and even printed out flyers......seriously!

Unfortunately, there is only one other adult student in my school, and we both tell everyone we know, at work and personally, about the school, but no one ever bites.
Seems like the most obvious place to start would be the parents of the non-adult students, eh?
Seems like the most obvious place to start would be the parents of the non-adult students, eh?

Agreed, but, unfortunately, they aren't very supportive. :(
Unfortunately, me and the other adult student, are on our own.
1 - Go to the worst part of town.
2 - Get attacked by a mob of bangers.
3 - K them TFO.
4 - Sit on the pile of unconcious bad guys and pass out flyers.
1 - Go to the worst part of town.
2 - Get attacked by a mob of bangers.
3 - K them TFO.
4 - Sit on the pile of unconcious bad guys and pass out flyers.
LMFAO. If I thought i could do that, this would definitely be the best way!
1 - Go to the worst part of town.
2 - Get attacked by a mob of bangers.
3 - K them TFO.
4 - Sit on the pile of unconcious bad guys and pass out flyers.

That'd be one way... but what if you lose? Or get arrested? Though I suppose that you might hand them out to the arresting officers!
That'd be one way... but what if you lose? Or get arrested? Though I suppose that you might hand them out to the arresting officers!
You got arresting right, just hand out the for losing? Simply become the disciple of whoever beat you, until you don't lose anymore duhh. Have you never read manhwa?
That'd be one way... but what if you lose? Or get arrested? Though I suppose that you might hand them out to the arresting officers!

I never said it was a perfect solution...
I never said it was a perfect solution...

Sure... I just figured it out... You're just trying to drum up business for yourself! He wasn't asking "how do you promote your business?"; he was asking "how do you promote your martial art club/school?" Not quite the same question!
Sure... I just figured it out... You're just trying to drum up business for yourself! He wasn't asking "how do you promote your business?"; he was asking "how do you promote your martial art club/school?" Not quite the same question!
That conniving little...if he weren't such a sly genius id have some very harsh words to say to him!
Flyers arent very effective. Anything that makes it look like youre scrabbling doesnt work so good. If someone wanted to learn your MA theyd have found you and done it. You need to create a situation where it seems like an idea of theirs. Make a website, or otherwise make it easier for people to find you if they were to type in your system and location. Do what dirty dog said. Or, just put more signage and stuff outside your training location, so that passers by can see it.
The school I attend has had some good success with something they call a Buddy Pass. The friend gets a free week, and a free uniform if they sign up. You get a $25 credit with the school if the friend signs up (can be used on dues, gear, tournament registrations, etc.)

Sure... I just figured it out... You're just trying to drum up business for yourself! He wasn't asking "how do you promote your business?"; he was asking "how do you promote your martial art club/school?" Not quite the same question!

Believe me, I don't need any more business. The ER is plenty busy. I'd be perfectly happy with a little less, even.
As if ERs aren't busy enough, the holiday season always causes a bump in visits. More drinking, more car crashes, more falls, more fights, more psych... :(
But then I was told that this is not the best way to hit a large audience. I am running out of time to get these things out. Does anyone have any good ideas?
It is looking like I may have to invest in a stapler gun, eh?

I have had good results posting flyers and business cards in a few independent coffee shops and tea houses that I frequent. (Starbucks has a strict advertising policy and they won't let you post anything inside their store.) Be sure to be nice to the baristas.
The school I attend has had some good success with something they call a Buddy Pass. The friend gets a free week, and a free uniform if they sign up. You get a $25 credit with the school if the friend signs up (can be used on dues, gear, tournament registrations, etc.)


This is actually part of the promotion that is included in the "holiday special" in which I am handing out flyers about. It's a free month of karate and a free uniform. If the new person stays for 90 days, the current student that brought them on board gets half off of their tuition for 3 months.

I personally, could care less about the tuition decrease, I just want more students.

What type of martial art does your school teach? This is paramount in my opinion in how you choose the best advertising plan.

The most honest way to truly explode the schools base is to offer quality to the proposed target demographic. For example, if your art, school, programs cater to kids then do something in the community for kids (with no strings attached) and in short time you will reap the harvest.

If you are looking to attract adults then you have to consider what type of adults can afford to come.

I have 2 kids that are 3 & 2 so signing me up for a long term weekly driven class is going to be a tough sell unless I am driven already to take your class and even then my attendance and likely inevitability for dropout will be not what you are wanting.

Adults that can afford to come to classes (time and money) usually fit certain demographics and have particular attention draws.

If you want to catch a certain fish then you need a certain bait. Casting your line out into any body of water hoping for bites is not only dangerous but a waste of time, money and hope.

I am more than happy to consult for FREE with your teacher if he/she wants any help specifically about ideas to grow your school. Just shoot me an email [email protected]

Jason Brinn
Having a good website, being listed on Google Maps and having an active Facebook page are probably the top things you can do to promote your dojo. In this day and age, if people want to do something they are going to Google it. What comes up when you Google "martial arts in [insert your city]"? A Google Map shows up on the right with a bunch of flags over the martial arts schools and the websites for them show up in a list, sorted by how much traffic they get. A lot of people will also search Facebook, since that is the current popular site for connecting to other people and businesses, so it's important to have a presence there.