The way I look at it, when it comes to students theres 3 types. Think of a circle.. you have:
- the inner circle - these are the real hardcore types, they love the hard classes, train at home, attend all the seminars and comps they can, read martial art books etc etc. Few and far between, a small group
- the middle circle - these are the bulk of most schools. They attend reasonabily regular, train hard once there, attend the odd comp, may come to a seminar, unlikely to have even considered buying a book on martial arts and once they walk out the dojang door they forget all about martial arts
- the outer circle - these are the fodder of the McDangs, kids who are there cos there parents want them to be the next Jackie Chan without the hard work, teenagers who have watched to many movies, train on & on, never attend anythingthat isnt given free or handed on a plate (its too far away etc.)
Any programs you have, should consider these three groups. Within your programs, to be a commercial success try and cater a class or two for each group! Personally I hate the whole notion of BB clubs and understand most McDojangs use them for extra cash.. but then again, McDojangs have low integrity anyway and cater mostly to the outer circle and some middle circle students. That said, you can capitalize on the whole thing, as long as your integrity tells you its for the greater good... as it allows you to run the other classes for the middle and inner circle students! Who knows, occassionally students move between the groups (both directions).
So.. perhaps a BB club, with lots of belts, badges and funky doboks for those that need their ego stroking. (Outer circle). Hell, if people are so shallow to want that and it ensures you schools survival, give it to them as if you dont, someone esle will by the sounds of it.
Do a "Hard Core Class" for those that deserve this sort of training (maybe even use a funky name.. "Elite Class or whatever sounds cool) - but it still furfills the same thing - a class for the inner circle students where you cant teach martial arts as its meant to be taught and get the real deal.
Finally some extra specialized classes for the middle circle - "Sparring Class" "Technical Class" - whatever.. and of course the regular classes for all!
Just some thoughts!