Belt knots



How do you all go about teaching students, young and old, to tie their belt knots? I'd like to hear some of the ideas people have.
I just tie it in a square knot and watch my GF glare profusely. :D
I just have them follow me step-by-step. I've noticed that there seems to be two primary ways people tie their belts:

1) with the belt crossing at the small of the back (done in Okinawa-te, presumably to act like a back support)

2) with the belt crossing basically at the knot (done in the TKD class I worked out with).

I can do (1) in my sleep. I couldn't do (2) to save my life.

I know it'd be easier for most to remember something like 'right over left and left over right', but I can never seem to remember that. I tend to rely more on muscle memory for physical stuff.

I have taught both adults and children, and I have them stand beside me, and tie their belt following me. In large beginner classes the colored belts would pair with a beginner, and stand beside their partner, and we would all tie our belts. Give each hand movement a number and tie on the count.

It seems to work.
Fold the belt in half. Place the fold upon your waist. Wrap it around each side, as it crosses tuck one side under the the other (as to avoid the "x" effect). Smooth it back each side to the front. One snake crawls under and out- the other snake lops over. The first snake rolls over the second and chokes it. Pull tight.
I have the student stand beside me and we start with the center of the belt at our navels, then we wrap one side of the belt around and then the other, making sude they not crossing eachoter. When we do the knot in front I make sure they do the knot the right way. If they do it wrong it looks like a limp cross. If they do it right you can twist the belt a little and it looks like an inviting date.
I can imagine the comments I will get on my previous post. Some people will be P.O.'d at me. Oh well. Lighten up. Other people will be howling as they roll on the floor. And then there will be the desperate guys who will be sending me thank yous. The comment was made as a joke, but if you are teaching a male with a good sense of humor and he is having a hard time learning how to tie his belt properly. Show it to him and then tell him the joke, he will never tie it wrong again.
That's EXACTLY how it was shown to me many years ago, and I have heard other instructors describe it the same way. Let's face it- in every way there is one dialogue for guys and another for gals. I didn't make that rule, but I darn sure try to live by it.

Now if you are teaching a husky gal with a Billy Ray Cyrus haircut, it might be an okay approach...

(Just took the heat off of you Rob!) :rofl:
Alright, guys...simmer down.

Yeesh, you're both starting to sound like Gou!


Man, I can take a buttwhuppin' with the best of 'em- BUT THEM WORDS WAS HARSH!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I was shown how to do it the TKD way, their reasoning being it was "neater" than having it cross at the back. What ever the reason, that's how I still do it now and I like the way it looks.
Been doing it that way for so long I don't think I could the other way.

Since we did do some grappling in Okinawa-te, we required the belt to cross in the back, to act as a sort of back protector. I know how to tie my belt without it crossing in the back, but after a decade of tying it with the cross, I feel incredibly vulnerable if I tie without the cross.

Kosho ryu ties their knots some strange way so that the belt keeps coming undone
It matters not how your belt is tied, it is what it contains!! I didn't learn to tie it in the way without the cross in back until I saw others do it. What next?? Maybe a bow in back would be real cute. "Don't hit me there"!! Maybe if I lost thirty pounds, I could tie mine twice. Dang- that would make it twice as important! Sorry- just a little tired and... well I don't know. In other wrods- TIE YOUR BELT ANY FREEKIN WAY YOU PLEASE! Who cares?

The Okinawan masters didn't wear Nikes either. Does it matter?

DOES IT MATTER???????????????

Did you hear about the belt that was frightentd?
When asked why he was scared ...he said, ...
I afraid not!

hee hee....... thats ones for Dot
Speaking of afraid not ... is there anyway that anyone
knows of to successfully trim some edges off of your
belt, AND prevent it from fraying, or looking like crap?
WHAT......... TRIM YOUR BELT....... ARE YOU CRAZY!:soapbox:

As a lower rank you should work hard to not maintain a colored belt too much longer than a year at most!
(I mean how long do you want to be in 1st grade......... about?........ 1 year right! not longer..... get on with the next challenge)! If you want to kick back a bit wait until you are black and settle in with your material.

For Brown and Black Belts the wear and tear are the battle scars of use. Wear it proudly and train * train * train!!

I agree, never trim your belt and never just throw it around toss it on the floor..etc. A lot of hard work went in to it, treat it like it.
But then again it is just a belt.
That is correct..... treat it with respect.

Yes, I know it is just a belt in cloth but it represents all your hard work and effort.

The only reason I give any consideration to my belt is because my instructor gave it to me and had it embroidered (very nicely, too!). Even so, I don't treat it with any reverence or's just a strip of cloth. When I'm not wearing it, I just toss it into my gear bag.

As far as shortening a belt, it depends on the belt. If it's one of the cheaper colored belts, I believe those can have their ends melted to prevent fraying. If it's a belt with sewn ends, good luck!
