Attention MT martial arts teachers - Have the Feds put this notice on your studio?

Have the Feds put this notice on your studio?

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  • No

  • I've heard of it.

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My grandfather paid cash for a purchase today. I asked him how it felt to be a terrorist suspect by Federal standards.
What I don't like about it is that it's so vague. Pretty much everything that I do in my dojo could fall under at least one of the indicators. In fact, just about anyone who practices martial arts could be flagged here. Whilst it is totally possible for bad people to show up on your dojo roster, I don't see a notice like this helping the situation. In fact, I can see another shoe dropping and the government could come in a regulate dojos using this as an excuse.
That is vaguely awesome, since some of that is pretty standard stuff.
If someone in a dojo were tried and convicted as guilty of some terrorist offence, would the dojo owner / instructors therein be regarded as complicit in their training?

I do hope that by posting this image and by perhaps your less than favourable reference to it you yourself have not tripped the "Tripwire". I can similarly not thank you for this post, or even comment that I approve.
If someone in a dojo were tried and convicted as guilty of some terrorist offence, would the dojo owner / instructors therein be regarded as complicit in their training?

I do hope that by posting this image and by perhaps your less than favourable reference to it you yourself have not tripped the "Tripwire". I can similarly not thank you for this post, or even comment that I approve.
Um, in fact I was declared unfit and not competent to post at the time I posted that last post. So that last post is not admissable in subsequent torture / trial arising from this thread. *Attention Misawa Airbase Listening Post personnel* Honestly I spoke to no-one about this.
Um, in fact I was declared unfit and not competent to post at the time I posted that last post. So that last post is not admissable in subsequent torture / trial arising from this thread. *Attention Misawa Airbase Listening Post personnel* Honestly I spoke to no-one about this.

GCHQ at Cheltenham is your closest listening base lol the Americans have one up in Harrogate. Everyone knows about GCHQ as there was a big bust up with the civil servants there not so long ago lol!
Nah... and it won't happen.

I don't see the need to do that when I'm teaching kids, moms & the occasional Bubba who'd if left to his 'druthers would find sport in terrorizing some ethnic group other than his lily white one.
Um, in fact I was declared unfit and not competent to post at the time I posted that last post. So that last post is not admissable in subsequent torture / trial arising from this thread. *Attention Misawa Airbase Listening Post personnel* Honestly I spoke to no-one about this.

I don't understand what you are talking about. You weren't even online when those posts appeared on MartialTalk.
Makalakumu, have you had one posted on YOUR door?
As much as I do not trust the government or their overreach, I have to say that I would not be surprised to find that potential or wannabe terrorists took martial arts training.

And in an urban and ethnically-diverse metro area such as Detroit, we have students representing nearly every race, gender, and ethnicity even in our local dojos and tournaments. I am not stating that a person of obvious Middle-Eastern heritage is a 'suspect' just because they take martial arts training. I am simply noting that it's apparently a desired skill amongst terrorists.
God, maybe I'm suffering from "low T' or something, but I seemed to have totally lost my sense of outrage over things like this, although it some of it does seem a little silly. Still, if people are aware and notice several distincly odd things about another person's behavior, you know, a "constellation" of traits, it might just be the red flag that calls something important to the attention of law enforcement. If it turns out that you are mistaken, a good professional investigator should find that out pretty quickly too. They really aren't in the business of following false leads and wasting time ...althought sometimes it seems that way. Yes, like many of you, I myself could fit some of those descriptions, but obviously I don't fit the kind of "profile" Homeland Security or the FBI are interested in, and neither do most of you.

I will be keeping a watchful eye on a couple of you though. LOL.
I am not stating that a person of obvious Middle-Eastern heritage is a 'suspect' just because they take martial arts training. I am simply noting that it's apparently a desired skill amongst terrorists.

Thanks! Great recruiting idea to bring in new students, Bill. I've got a webpage and I'm on Craigslist, but I never thought of hitting the Jihadi websites or radical mosques. Unfortunately, all the Muslims I know personally are peaceful, suit-and-tie type professionals who have no interest in joining my class. LOL
Thanks! Great recruiting idea to bring in new students, Bill. I've got a webpage and I'm on Craigslist, but I never thought of hitting the Jihadi websites or radical mosques. Unfortunately, all the Muslims I know personally are peaceful, suit-and-tie type professionals who have no interest in joining my class. LOL

I know several peaceful, suit-and-tie (and hijab for the wife) Muslims whose children take martial arts training. I did not mean it as disparagement of Muslims in any way whatsoever, if you took it that way I apologize. On the contrary, in an ethnically-diverse location like Metro Detroit, you can find anyone taking martial arts training. I simply pointed out that MA training is also something that a terrorist would desire to learn. That's all.
As much as I do not trust the government or their overreach, I have to say that I would not be surprised to find that potential or wannabe terrorists took martial arts training.


I think that is a good perspective on the flyer. I am sure the fact that some passengers, so far as we know, made an attempt (which must have been at least partially successful) to overpower highjackers on one plane on 9/11 did not escape the terrorist's notice. Asking people to report things may often sound like it will cause the reported person harassment, and it may. Until they overwhemingly show themselves otherwise, I think we have to rely on the integrity and professionalism of various law enforcement agencies.
The Muslim folks -- and non-Muslim folks that might look like Muslims -- that I have met training in Silat are a bit more concerned with defending themself or their family against the usual dangers we face. If anything they may be at greater risk of personal attack due to the racists uninformed bubbas out there that act on their hateful sentiments.

Andy M. posted a link to an entrenchment tool on my facebook page last night. I deleted it as soon as I saw some of their advertising. I'm enclosing the link below for comment. I under suspicion now because I'm calling a weapons mfr. on the carpet for their use of kuffiyeh-wearing models with a backdrop of the US Capitol and the Canadian Parliament building surrounded by smoke?

View attachment $tims_186__62577_zoom.jpg
Makalakumu, have you had one posted on YOUR door?

Not yet. This is the first I've heard of this. That's why I posted a poll.

History is full of examples of governments asking it's citizens to report on one another. Those stories never end well.
Not yet. This is the first I've heard of this. That's why I posted a poll.

History is full of examples of governments asking it's citizens to report on one another. Those stories never end well.

Have you actually seen one of these and know for a fact that they are real? It could be a hoax, a lot of hub-bub over nothing.
Have you actually seen one of these and know for a fact that they are real? It could be a hoax, a lot of hub-bub over nothing.

It was taken by a trusted source, someone I know very well. This is legit. Good question though.
It was taken by a trusted source, someone I know very well. This is legit. Good question though.

They are on a number of libertarian web sites. The JRIC however only covers a 5 county area in SoCal so assuming these are legit, it seems unlikely that they would appear outside that jurisdiction.