Are you an MA nerd?


El Conquistador nim!
MT Mentor
MTS Alumni
Nov 7, 2005
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Los Angeles, CA
I realize that I'm completely a martial arts nerd. Every time I go into a hotel room, or I'm in a new town, I grab a the Yellow Pages & look up the martial arts schools in the area. I wanna see what's happening MA-wise there. I look for schools when I travel around. And yes, I get excited when I see one I didn't know about before.

Anyone else do things like this? What MA nerd things do you do?
I realize that I'm completely a martial arts nerd. Every time I go into a hotel room, or I'm in a new town, I grab a the Yellow Pages & look up the martial arts schools in the area. I wanna see what's happening MA-wise there. I look for schools when I travel around. And yes, I get excited when I see one I didn't know about before.

Anyone else do things like this? What MA nerd things do you do?

I've always done that very thing-good to know I'm not the only one.
to be honest with you I used to do that, any more the only way I will do that is to check out my competition and to get to know the other instructors so we can have a good working relationship. I have many friends around the areas that I have taught we all network well with one another and if I cant give you what you ned maybe the other instructors can.
I would say I am a bit nerdy, since I am very interested in the history of my art, and traditional Japanese arts in general, to the point that I am even learning the language. Modern martial arts don't really interest me as much.
I would say I am a bit nerdy, since I am very interested in the history of my art, and traditional Japanese arts in general, to the point that I am even learning the language. Modern martial arts don't really interest me as much.
With the point you bring up here I am a little nerdy, I believe our past is very important and have developed my own martial family tree. I do however like to help my arts grow and evolve.
I realize that I'm completely a martial arts nerd. Every time I go into a hotel room, or I'm in a new town, I grab a the Yellow Pages & look up the martial arts schools in the area. I wanna see what's happening MA-wise there. I look for schools when I travel around. And yes, I get excited when I see one I didn't know about before.

Anyone else do things like this? What MA nerd things do you do?

I do the exact same thing too. I like to know what's in the area and I'll even look up the school website if one is listed. I guess the only other nerd thing I do is collect every old Jackie Chan movie (or Sammo Hung, etc.) on dvd or video that I find and my girlfriend and I get together and watch them. Usually the sillier the movie and the worse the dubbing, the better we like it. :)
Yes. I'm highly interested in kata, so much so that I can readily identify most kata from a variety of karate styles.
I do the exact same thing too. I like to know what's in the area and I'll even look up the school website if one is listed. I guess the only other nerd thing I do is collect every old Jackie Chan movie (or Sammo Hung, etc.) on dvd or video that I find and my girlfriend and I get together and watch them. Usually the sillier the movie and the worse the dubbing, the better we like it. :)

Yeah, if they have a website, I gotta see it. I want to see what's going on at that school.

I geek on bad MA movies, too. Sho Kosugi flicks from the 80's are my personal favorite for bad. Ya really have to be hard up for an MA fix to go out of your way to see those. :)
I realize that I'm completely a martial arts nerd. Every time I go into a hotel room, or I'm in a new town, I grab a the Yellow Pages & look up the martial arts schools in the area. I wanna see what's happening MA-wise there. I look for schools when I travel around. And yes, I get excited when I see one I didn't know about before.

Anyone else do things like this? What MA nerd things do you do?
I am the Doctor Sheldon Cooper of MA nerds, I'll have you know.



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I do the same thing, and I am also constantly buying multiple books on MA. To study the philosophical side of things, and the history.
You are not a true nerd until you freely work on form/kata ideas at the grocery store.:)

I do practice kamae, but only if I have to wait while the owner or sales clerk is in the back :)
And even then I keep my arms down (like in shizen no kamae) while positioning my legs in e.g. ichimonji no kamae.

That way it is also fairly inconspicuous so I won't end up on youtube :)
I realize that I'm completely a martial arts nerd. Every time I go into a hotel room, or I'm in a new town, I grab a the Yellow Pages & look up the martial arts schools in the area. I wanna see what's happening MA-wise there. I look for schools when I travel around. And yes, I get excited when I see one I didn't know about before.

Anyone else do things like this? What MA nerd things do you do?

I do all of this, yes. I also work on a community college campus, so I'm constantly hoping to find a new club or just random individuals practicing. Very occassionally, I find them.

Man the criteria seem endless to me. Collecting the gear, watching the movies, building the libraries, taking the notes...

I have made some effort to curb at least one of these nerdy practices. I don't collect one book after another any more. And I'm basically done with the magazines. I'm much more selective about the books now, no longer collecting them for the sake of collecting.
I try to rein it in when I`m in public, but I`m such a geek for MA. The other teachers at the high school and junior high just break up fights. I break them up.....and then offer advice on what openings and opportunities they missed, or how to put up a better defense.
Just because I planned my visit to my mother around visiting a TKD friend who lives a couple of hours away from her so I could teach her class and meet her students (3 years in a row and counting) is no reason to call me a TKD nerd! I already knew I was one anyway.
:) I used to rip the MA section out of the yellow pages whenever we were travelling. My wife used to think that was nuts, but I'll let her know I'm not the only one.

I just visited an aunt in a distant city. I was there for MA training and was fortunate enough to make it a family-type outing.