Are they buttheads?



Since there have been several negative posts about the YiLi people...what do the rest of you think?

Are we here just to cause trouble? or,
Do we provide good information? or,
Are we totally clueless?

I won't take offense to anyone's post, as I asked for your honest opinion...

I try and provide reasonable advice and commentary...if I (or my fellow YiLi practitioners) seem out of line, let me know...

I will seriously consider changing how I present myself in the future...provided the complaint has merit...

Here's your opportunity to unload folks...go for it.

I really mean it...:asian: chufeng
Altho im not a big poster I do avidly read the posts and from what Ive seen youve conducted yourself respectably.
im sorry but wtf is YiLi? i need more info before making a decision...

so far i cant realy think of many people who have not been banned that have not conducted themselves properly...
Originally posted by chufeng
Since there have been several negative posts about the YiLi people...what do the rest of you think?

Think of me as an ignorant numb-nuts, thank you. ;)

However, I am curious of all the MAs. Please explain to me more about your Art... :asian:
The "YiLi people" contribute a wealth of information and I enjoy reading their posts. They've contributed a great deal of very detailed historical info. as well as interesting thoughts on fighting. I'm glad they're here, to the last man (I think they're all men!).

What I suspect others are commenting on is that if you argue with argue with them all! While the Yili people are polite--I've seen the accusations to the contrary and am largely unswayed--it's an inescapable feeling, I susepct, that starting an argument with one of them that gets at all heated leads to a feeling of being outnumbered very quickly--some may feel 'ganged up on'.

Again, a personal opinion as a poster--not on behalf of MartialTalk.
I have never heard of Yiliquan until I've gotten here. Always nice to know more
Martial Talk is the only place I've ever heard of Yiliquan either. So far, I have no complaints about any of the "Yili people."

Chufeng, I usually enjoy reading your posts. You do a good job of presenting information and giving your opinion without acting as though your word is gospel. That's all I could ask for in a fellow poster.

Just how many of you Yili people are there on here anyways?
From where I'm sitting [by the pc:p ], I'd have to say that the Yiliquan folk on this forum have been a breath of fresh air.
I've learn from at least two of you guys something about myself that I'd forgetten [or let slip anyway].

Can't say I'd heard of the system before coming to MT, but from the way you guys conduct yourselves, I would have to say your right on the button as far as I'm concerned when it comes to the value of training in the traditional 'way'.

This is not to say I've agreed with everything Yili members have had to say, but then we can't agree with each other on every point on every discussion.

In my opinion you guys bring a maturity that is lacking in some on this forum. But then I would say that, as [by the looks of things] I'm one of the 'older' guys here? :(

To One and All -

Yiliquan ("One Principle Boxing") is, regrettably, not a well known art. During the early '90s, anyone that participated at the national level with the AAU CMA division knew of us. We made some friends, made some enemies. Ce la vie.

Sifu (note: not Sigung, or any other self-serving title) Phillip Starr founded Yiliquan as a natural outgrowth of the Baixingquan, Xingyiquan, Taijiquan and Baguazhang that he had been practicing and teaching for years. The four arts are still practiced within the umbrella of Yiliquan, but the focus is on developing what makes Yiliquan Yiliquan.

The root of Yiliquan is the Baxingquan, or Eight Shape forms. Each shape presents a different method of footwork combined with strikes, kicks, joint locks and throws, to place the Yili student in a safe place while making the attacker nearly incapable of striking or escaping.

If anyone is interested in more, you can contact Yilisifu (Sifu Starr himself), Chufeng, Yilijinglei, ECYiLi, Wormtail, Erkki or myself to ask more questions. You are also welcome to visit our Yahoo club and ask questions there. Believe it or not, whatever some may think here, the ego gets checked at the door there. All of our opinions are right (to a degree), even when they appear to contradict each other. Yili is like that.

And don't call me "sir." I work for a living... :tank:

:asian: :tank: :asian:
Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin
Yiliquan1, Sir!!!

Please educate us on your Art.

And, Judo-kid , take a knee and listen up young pup... :asian:

And be nice to Judo-Kid... He got caught up in a thread that kind of put him on the spot - a put up or shut up situation. I don't envy him the attention he received. If he doesn't come train with us, we don't care. Even if he does, we don't care. The only reason the offer was ever presented was because he made comments about the inadequacies of "traditional training," without having the benefit of ever engaging in "traditional training" himself.

No worries.

But this is a thread about us Yiliquan people being perceived as the south ends of north bound donkeys... Let's keep it on point and not needlessly drag others into it.

And addressing that topic, I admit I may come across as an *** sometimes. I work with attorneys, and my main job currently is to examine, in extreme detail, records of trial for mistakes and errors in transcription, review defense requests for clemency, compose memoranda responding to said defense requests, etc. Essentially, it's my job to pick things apart. I know for a fact that I do that with posts I am at odds with - I wait for the other person to make a misstep, and I exploit that opening. I do it on purpose sometimes. Sometimes it just happens. Either way, I examine a person's post in sum, pick apart the weak spots, and address them directly. I always quote the entire post, to make sure I am not misquoting, but I always hit it like a prosecuting attorney.

That could make some folks uncomfortable when they argue with me. If it does, I apologize. Easy way to fix it is to simply acknowledge that I am the Master of Time, Space and Dimension, and accept that no matter what you say, if it is contrary to my perspective, you're wrong (unless you are Yilisifu or Chufeng, in which case, ignore everything I have just written...) :D


And we aren't just members of the same school, style or tradition. We are all like family, and we tend to come to each other's aid, whether someone else asks for it or not... Oops.

:asian: :tank: :asian:
No problems here.

Of course some Yili folks have been known to get involved in some wordy discussions that have gotten a bit heated, but I don't remember any poor behavior on Yiliquan1 or Chufeng's part. The others post less frequently on the more general discusions.

I don't know where this worry comes from, and don't really care.

Oh, did I mention that you both can be wordy? I did? Oh, ok. :D


As with most boards I see on the Internet there are those that know and can do, been there and gone on to deeper and more useful things in the Martial Arts and there are some who haven’t even arrived at the gate let alone rung the doorbell and entered to see what is on the inside………but unfortunately think they not only think they live in the house but own it as well. You can’t really enlighten those kinds of folks over the Internet.

From what I see of the Yili folks posts, and also Yiliquan 1 in action, I would say ya’ll are in the first part….the “gone on” part.
Many, but not all, of your detractors seem to be in the second bit.
It’s funny because I read some of their posts and think ……..”yeah I used to think that way years ago”………now that I have trained a few years (25+) I get to see that I really didn’t know as much, STILL don’t know very much, and have a LONG way to go.

I think the Yili people post accurate well menaing information that is based on fact and experience rather than something they read in Black Belt Magazine.

Keep up the good posts/information.
Thanks for the feedback...

I was hoping some naysayers would have posted...
I am interested in WHY they feel we troll and bash :idunno:

Originally posted by Yiliquan1
To One and All -

Yiliquan ("One Principle Boxing") is, regrettably, not a well known art. During the early '90s, anyone that participated at the national level with the AAU CMA division knew of us. We made some friends, made some enemies. Ce la vie.

Sifu (note: not Sigung, or any other self-serving title) Phillip Starr founded Yiliquan as a natural outgrowth of the Baixingquan, Xingyiquan, Taijiquan and Baguazhang that he had been practicing and teaching for years. The four arts are still practiced within the umbrella of Yiliquan, but the focus is on developing what makes Yiliquan Yiliquan.

The root of Yiliquan is the Baxingquan, or Eight Shape forms. Each shape presents a different method of footwork combined with strikes, kicks, joint locks and throws, to place the Yili student in a safe place while making the attacker nearly incapable of striking or escaping.

If anyone is interested in more, you can contact Yilisifu (Sifu Starr himself), Chufeng, Yilijinglei, ECYiLi, Wormtail, Erkki or myself to ask more questions. You are also welcome to visit our Yahoo club and ask questions there. Believe it or not, whatever some may think here, the ego gets checked at the door there. All of our opinions are right (to a degree), even when they appear to contradict each other. Yili is like that.

And don't call me "sir." I work for a living... :tank:

:asian: :tank: :asian:

I will continue to read your post, sir. I'm here to enjoy and as well to learn from everyone:asian:
Originally posted by chufeng
Since there have been several negative posts about the YiLi people...what do the rest of you think?

Are we here just to cause trouble? or,
Do we provide good information? or,
Are we totally clueless?

I won't take offense to anyone's post, as I asked for your honest opinion...

I try and provide reasonable advice and commentary...if I (or my fellow YiLi practitioners) seem out of line, let me know...

I will seriously consider changing how I present myself in the future...provided the complaint has merit...

Here's your opportunity to unload folks...go for it.

I really mean it...:asian: chufeng

I feel that the yili's have been helpful to me in the past and i think martial talk wouldnt be the same without them. They are always strait to the point like it or not I have not always seen eye to eye with everything they have posted but i do respect everyones opinion.
Originally posted by chufeng
Thanks for the feedback...

I was hoping some naysayers would have posted...
I am interested in WHY they feel we troll and bash :idunno:


From a personal point of view, only.

I agree with with Arnisador. It some times seems like you cannot win with the multiple attack. Also, you do have a strong belief in what you do, and that it is right. (* Note: If you did not then you might be looking for something else *) Yet, you sometimes seem to come across as not open to opinions that differ from your groups / organizations views. Now, you do present you views in detal, and that is fine. As for me I have never been stepped on, by any of the YiLi contingent :). I wish you the best in your trianing and postng here.

Have a nice day! :)

Nope... Ive never had a problem with the comments of any of the Yili people.
Originally posted by Yiliquan1

And don't call me "sir." I work for a living... :tank:

:asian: :tank: :asian:

Thank you for enlightening us with the info on your MA. And, since you are probably an enlisted man as I used to be, I will from now on refrain from addressing you as "sir"... :asian: