Any Harry Potter Readers?



I can't believe i have to wait till June for Year 5, Especially after what happened at the end of the last book, And the previews sound so good. has a quote from the book that reads... "Dumbledore lowered his hands and surveyed Harry through his half-moon glasses. 'It is time,' he said 'for me to tell you what I should have told you five years ago, Harry. Please sit down. I am going to tell you everything.'" That could mean so many things, I know its sad that im 22 and i simply love these books but they have some surprisingly adult humor in them. Just wondering if anyone else is having the same problems i am.
Originally posted by Nate_Hoopes
I can't believe i have to wait till June for Year 5, Especially after what happened at the end of the last book, And the previews sound so good. has a quote from the book that reads... "Dumbledore lowered his hands and surveyed Harry through his half-moon glasses. 'It is time,' he said 'for me to tell you what I should have told you five years ago, Harry. Please sit down. I am going to tell you everything.'" That could mean so many things, I know its sad that im 22 and i simply love these books but they have some surprisingly adult humor in them. Just wondering if anyone else is having the same problems i am.

Well, for one, I'm 31 and love them. My wife is 46 and loves them. A lot of my friends (all in their 30s and 40s) love them. I think they're excellent books. And the stories, while suitable for children, are also entertaining for adults.

I don't have the same problems you seem to, though. I'm a pretty "in the moment" kind of guy and tend to be very patient about most things. Also, I've got a whole slew of books that I currently need to catch up on. I'll be lucky if I can put Harry Potter at the top of my list no matter how long it takes to come out :)

I love the Harry Potter books more than my 8 year old does and I can't wait for the new one to come out. I'm the only one among my circle of friends who reads them and it doesn't matter to me. I enjoy them and that's what counts.:)
I'm 34, and I read all 4, and I'm anxiously awaiting the 5th. I'm
thinking of doing the preorder thing on Amazon!
I think it's 40% off pre-order at Amazon.

Man, it's been so long since I read them, I don't remember what was going on.
Originally posted by Mormegil
I think it's 40% off pre-order at Amazon.

Man, it's been so long since I read them, I don't remember what was going on.

The Return of Voldemort thats what.... Had the last book not ended with him returning I don't think I would be this excited about it. I can't believe its 255,000 words (Goblet of fire was like 195,000) that is going to be one long book, but i notice that the harry potter books move fast as books go.
My whole family LOVES Harry Potter but I've read them the most. I like to read and when I find a book series I like, I reread it. I've reread the first 3 Harry Potter books literally over 18 times each but I've only read the 4th book twice so far. Right now I'm listening to the 2nd book on tape which will be the 3rd time I've listened to it on tape. They are just so well written! I can't wait for the next book! When Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire came out my mom and I were at the bookstore at midnight to get it. :D I read it in 2 days.

Just the other night I was amazed to see a real live owl in a tree outside our house (first time I've seen one other than at a zoo) and my first thought was it's delivering letters. Maybe I've read the books too many times? :eek:.........Nah! :cool: ;) :D

I read them a while ago, and I waited a year for the 5th to come out. I'm not that ancious anymore, but I'm still sorta waiting.:shrug:
I'm 21. I love the Harry Potter books and so do all my friends. I own the first 4 and have read them all twice. I've also already pre-ordered the 5th book. :rolleyes:

It's 40% off at for the Canadians on here.

I even have a Hogwarts cushion sitting on my couch that I got for christmas over a year ago.

I'm such a nerd but I have fun. :rofl:
Originally posted by Quick Sand
I'm 21. I love the Harry Potter books and so do all my friends. I own the first 4 and have read them all twice. I've also already pre-ordered the 5th book. :rolleyes:

It's 40% off at for the Canadians on here.

I even have a Hogwarts cushion sitting on my couch that I got for christmas over a year ago.

I'm such a nerd but I have fun. :rofl:

Yup. I got a copy of the "Sorcerer's Companion" for Christmas. Haven't had time to read it yet, though.

The Harry Potter books are wonderfully written arent they? A wonderful read for people of any age. My 10 year old daughter Tash_tigress has read them all 3 times and hubby and I have read each book once. The whole family also really loved the movies. Gonna be some serious trouble when the new book comes out, as we are all dying to read it. I really get off on that whole Phoenix thing. :cool:
I have gone back and read them a second time. I love the books
i'm 50+++
Well im 27, and I love those books. I started reading them 4 months ago after seeing the second movie. I read the entire 4 books in a week, and I read Goblet of Fire in 16 hour reading marathon. I plan on re-reading them before Order of the Phoenix is released. I already have it pre-orderd on Amazon, with next day air. Expensive but im sure it will be worth it. I plan on taking 2 days off from work when i get the book. I wont return till its finished. The teaser lines from the new novel have me captivated.
I haven't found time to read any books lately. Only specific things that I'm really into. Are these Harry Potter books really that good? I guess if I didn't spend so much time practicing kenpo and posting here then maybe I'd have time to read.:shrug:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I haven't found time to read any books lately. Only specific things that I'm really into. Are these Harry Potter books really that good? I guess if I didn't spend so much time practicing kenpo and posting here then maybe I'd have time to read.:shrug:

If you enjoy fantasy, then yes, they're really that good. They're creative and well-written. The world she's created is very rich and easy to spend time in. The characters have a lot of depth and the plot twists are nicely laid out so that you're really kept on your toes trying to figure out what's actually going on.
