The Martial Talk Awards


Master of Blades

I've almost been here one year and havnt seen anything like this......and I thought its about time that the Members around here got something for there time and effort! So here I am holding the 1st Annual Martial Talk Awards. Over the course of this post I will be asking you to put forward your votes on awards like "Best Newcomer" and "Funniest Member" etc. After a certain amount of people have put forward there votes I will announce the winners so that they can come and collect their MYSTERY *:rolleyes:* prize! Anyway, I would just like to welcome everybody.....And I hope that your sitting comfortably in your seats andf that you enjoy the awards. I look forward to seeing how you vote.

Now remember.......You can vote for anyone or anything......It doesnt have to have happened recently or be a member that posts a lot. :asian:

Okay now on with the awards.........Please just copy the Award Title and put your candidate next to it :asian:

Best Newcomer:

Funniest Member:

Most intelligent Member:

Best argument on MT ever:

Best Thread on MT ever:

Worst Member ever:

Favorite MT member of all time:

And finally for the most prestigeous award of the night......

The Master of Blades Award

I think this one goes straight away to Kaith. Because without him.....There would be no Martial Talk. Thanks man! :asian:

I think I'm gonna cry, its gonna be such a night :asian: So everybody humour me and vote dammnit or I will set Shinobi on your porch! :rofl:
Okay.....maybe somebody will vote if I tell you that the Mystery prize is a Golden *Boot to the Groin* from Seig? :rolleyes:
Best Newcomer:

I would have to say ACE, he climbed the ranks very fast

Funniest Member:

I reserve the right to change my mind. I think the funnest looking is JBKenpo :D and the funniest acting is/was Carbon and the funnoest to me is Gou!

Most intelligent Member:

Um, Myself, ok I will have to say that Gou! has many a good point and insight, yet I also like NightingGale for her information and details.

Best argument on MT ever:

Best Argument would have to be some of the discussions on God or on War or on the Bill of Rights and or the usage of the word God in the Pledge .

Best Thread on MT ever:
Cheap and Shameless Thread!

Worst Member ever:

Favorite MT member of all time:
Best Newcomer: KatGurl

Funniest Member: Kaith Rustaz

Most intelligent Member: Kaith Rustaz

Best argument member on MT ever: Wes Idol

Best Thread on MT ever: Yo Mamma Jokes

Worst Member ever: Rich Parsons

Favorite MT member of all time: Master Of Blades
:( sorry, rich. by that I meant nothing against you personally. we just disagree on some subjects.

Wes, your arguments are very clean, so no offence. you never call people names and never uses profanity.

:( :( :( I guess I'm not the best newcomer. :( :( :(
Originally posted by KatGurl
:( sorry, rich. by that I meant nothing against you personally. we just disagree on some subjects.

Wes, your arguments are very clean, so no offence. you never call people names and never uses profanity.

:( :( :( I guess I'm not the best newcomer. :( :( :(

LOL No worrys girl......It will take a lot more then that to crack Rich's hard skull! :rofl:

As for the rest of your answers.....I really liked the one where you picked me :asian: Still....means I have to collect a Golden *Boot to the Groin* from Seig :shrug:
You have to much time on your hands. go work out! :asian:
Cant not feeling well at all today :( Just vote dammnit!!! :p
I like the idea...but as an admin am refraining from voting. I think it should be from the members themselves. :)

thank you for the kind words...:asian:
Originally posted by KatGurl
:( sorry, rich. by that I meant nothing against you personally. we just disagree on some subjects.

Wes, your arguments are very clean, so no offence. you never call people names and never uses profanity.

:( :( :( I guess I'm not the best newcomer. :( :( :(

Miss Katgurl,

My Comment was meant as humor. As in all these big bad brutes cannot hurt me, yet this young lady can. No dsrespect taken. You are more than welcome to have an opinion and for it to differ from anyone including me.

Enjoy your stayhere. :)
You just all like being Difficult! :D

Well I reckon I should just screw this idea and then wait for a while and try again lol! :rofl:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
You just all like being Difficult! :D

Well I reckon I should just screw this idea and then wait for a while and try again lol! :rofl:
I'd like to thank all the little people...........
No seriously, I would, they make me look tall!
Originally posted by Seig
I'd like to thank all the little people...........
No seriously, I would, they make me look tall!

It's tough trying to get people that are shorter than me to make me look taller.:(
Originally posted by Seig
I'd like to thank all the little people...........
No seriously, I would, they make me look tall!

Cmon......Show some respect....Those people look up to you man! :rolleyes: