User names?


Master Black Belt
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
Southern Louisiana
I've been thinking about this question for awhile and I'd like to ask everyone how they or why they pick their user name for this forum.

For some people it's obvious like it's their real name (like "Rich Parsons") or it has the name of the art they practice in it (like "Kenpogirl"). Other names I have no idea where they come from. For example, Gouronin, Arnisador, or Kaith Rustaz. I have no idea what they are from and what they mean.

I chose "the Opal Dragon" as my user name because

1. I love Dragons
2. Opal is my birthstone and favorite stone
3. at the time I was trying to think of a 'martial arty' sounding name for a martial art forum.

To be honest, I wish I hadn't put "The" in front of my user name because it sounds like a dumb title to me now but I can't take it off. Oh well. Other than that I still really like my user name. :)

How about you guys?

Robyn :asian:
I use Rich since it is my first name.

and Parsons since it is the family name.

I hope this helps clear things up! :D

Seriously, I am looking forward to hearing people's replies! :)
Well, "pesilat" is pretty simple. In Indonesian it means, "one who studies Silat" and, since I do, in fact, study Silat, I thought it appropriate :)

I spent years in Trek fandom. Have used the handle all the way back in like 84 or 85...if not longer. Its just 'me'. More people know me by 'Kaith' then 'Bob'.

I wanted to build my own website, and post kenpo stuff. I was extremely enthrawled with Kenpo at the time, but had little imaginations.

So KenpoGirl was born. Tah Dah!!!
That day will go down in infamy. ;)

KenpoGirl. aka Dot
This is very interesting! See! This is why I started this thread because I didn't know Shinobi was a video game and I didn't know what Pesilat meant. I never watched Star Trek either, I'm afraid. So...Kaith Rustaz must be a character huh.

Keep 'em coming! :)

Theres a book, "The Final Reflection" by John Ford avout the Klingons. In it, a klingon youth rises thru the ranks and learns just how the universe works...its a -very- good book. I own 3 well worn copies. :D His name is Krenn Rustazh. I liked the sound of it, but managed to forget the h on the end of Rustazh, hense Rustaz. Kaith I came up with outta my own twisted mind, yet a few years later it did turn up in a different trek book. Kaith is a Hindu name, but I havent been able to find the true meaning.
My instructor dubbed me this. It was reserved for those that show extra exuberance and outgoingness (?) in their early training. Well much like "Anchors Aweigh" the competition ended with me. So now I am known simply as "Hollywood', and will be the only one running around Summit Martial Arts as long as I train. The 1340 used to be the oldies AM station I listened to, (It's now moved 106.7, the true oldies are gone, but it does broadcast in stero).
Lights, Camera (Speed! Rolling!).......Action!
As for my user name, I wanted to use something close to my real name. Unfortunately I had tried to use my name on other forums and newsgroups, but, I mostly found that my name had already been taken. I assumed that would also be the case here too on MATalk, so, I came up with cali_tkdbruin.

It translates to:
Cali - Where I live, California
TKD - The Martial Art I practice, TaeKwonDo
Bruin - The mascot of where I went to college (UCLA)

I just joined today, so I doubt anybody has notice me, but what the heck.

Mormegil, because I'm a Tolkien nerd. It's the nickname of a tragic hero in The Silmarillion. His name is elvish for "Dark or Black Sword"

I chose that because I want to eventually own a damascasized kris sword (dark), I liked the sound of it, and it happens to incorporate my lat name, "Gil"

BTW: Arnisador is Tagalog/Filipino for somebody who practices Arnis (Filipino martial arts, or northern Filipino Martial Arts, or modern Filipino martial arts, depending on how you define it).
I asked this question before didnt I?

Anyway's..........I called myself MASTER OF BLADES because......ummmm...................I do Kali.....and as I recently found out........Kali is a primarily Blade based art.......So I thought okay lets make me sound important.......and then I just started posting and annoying the big guns round here and Bham! Here I am today :rolleyes:

Since then......I have a couple of names including MOB, Joe, Bladez and mostly ones like Wanker, imbocile, twat and so on.

my last name is can figure out the math.

not as original as it may have seemed now huh?

hey MOB...does twat have a different meaning in London? because if you call someone that over here in america they might take a good amount of offense. :D
I think its British for "twit". Over on our forum, we had a british fellow call another member that and it caused quite a stir. We later established that it had a very different meaning in British than it does in American. Phew!

Back to the original question... sort of obvious with my name. Its my real name.

PS Long Live Trek. Wahoo!
Thank you Robyn.
I have been around for a long time actually just never posted and had to rejoin today.
