answer me plz......

Yes please elaborate. Thanks.

how to make uniform ninja (dress ninja) for practice taijutsu ?

and substance stuff uniform ninja ?

thanks brian

plz help me....

how to make uniform ninja (dress ninja) for practice taijutsu ?

and substance stuff uniform ninja ?

thanks brian

plz help me....
Your profile says you're a black belt. How do you get to be a black belt without knowing basic information like where to buy a uniform? :idunno:
Out of curiosity, what is substance stuff uniform ninja?
Out of curiosity, what is substance stuff uniform ninja?
Ninja uniform substance from depleted uranium. Ninja uniform too substance from Paris Hilton sextape, four two repel normal peoples.
I think he's asking about how to make a "ninja uniform" - most likely a gi, I guess - and what fabric you'd make it from. I imagine some people might be interested in tailoring these items regardless of their knowledge of the English language.

You can choose a pattern from here. Get a good translator to read about recommended fabrics.
hi dears

english me is bad......language me is farsi

i work ninjutsu, but i dont have good uniform for ninja....

i going to make uniform ninja, because i dont find good uniform ninja in my country :wah::wah:

plz help me

hi dears

english me is bad......language me is farsi

i work ninjutsu, but i dont have good uniform for ninja....

i going to make uniform ninja, because i dont find good uniform ninja in my country :wah::wah:

plz help me

You can google it and order a good uniform from the internet... probably find one on e-bay cheaper than you can make it.

But do answer the question... who did you study under and who gave you your black belt promotion and when? What style of ninjitsu did you study? How long have you studied? Where? What school...
we are just curious.
i can't help him about the costume, but for god's sake don't rip on the guy just because he doesn't have perfect english.

You can google it and order a good uniform from the internet... probably find one on e-bay cheaper than you can make it.

But do answer the question... who did you study under and who gave you your black belt promotion and when? What style of ninjitsu did you study? How long have you studied? Where? What school...
we are just curious.

hi dear
thanks for answer

I work ninja in iran. but iran don,t have fact agent bujinkan

I quest fact bujinkan ninjutsu

I now urban ninja in iran and very quest to leraning bujinkan
I first make uniform ninjutsu and.......

but iran dont have agent bujinkan

how to learning bujinkan? wheras i dont travel to other countrys

plz help me

sorry english me is bad


I can't help but notice that in this thread, as well as others you have started, you have failed to give any details on your training. In fact, you (in your profile) give yourself the rank of Black Belt, and yet ask questions such as asking the basic fists used in the Ninjutsu and Budo Taijutsu systems. Kreth, I believe, made the link between yourself and Christa Jacobson at one point, but your answer was not conclusive as to whether you were taught by her at any point.

If you have any genuine training or rank in these arts (as your profile states), please let us know the details. If you have no real training or rank (as your questions indicate), and are simply very interested in the arts, then please be honest about that, and you will most likely find a lot more patience from those who answer your posts.

If you are looking for these answers on the most fundamental aspects of the Ninjutsu and Budo Taijutsu arts, then realistically you need to find a real live teacher. I understand that that may not be entirely possible in your current location, but to be fair, for the majority of Ninjutsu students and later instructors around the world, there was no Ninjutsu Master in their local neighborhood either. You may need to relocate in order to get the instruction you are searching for.

In any case, I wish you luck in your journey. Just remember that these arts are supposed to be learnt from person to person, and there is no substitute for that.
In the Bujinkan while studying Budo Taijutsu everyone pretty much wears a black heavyweight karate uniform with tabi. That is the normal dress code. If you can find a heavyweight karate uniform in your country then great if not. Look at some of the suppliers online like Century Martial Arts or Asian World Of Martial Arts, etc. Now for tabi that is a little trickier but you can try . That is Van Donks site and he also has uniforms for sale as well. Good luck.
...everyone pretty much wears a black heavyweight karate uniform with tabi.
Some of us prefer judo dogi... :p

i can't help him about the costume, but for god's sake don't rip on the guy just because he doesn't have perfect english.
The last I checked, this was an English-language forum. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect members to be able to carry on at least a reasonable level of conversation in that language.

I can't help but notice that in this thread, as well as others you have started, you have failed to give any details on your training. In fact, you (in your profile) give yourself the rank of Black Belt, and yet ask questions such as asking the basic fists used in the Ninjutsu and Budo Taijutsu systems. Kreth, I believe, made the link between yourself and Christa Jacobson at one point, but your answer was not conclusive as to whether you were taught by her at any point.

If you have any genuine training or rank in these arts (as your profile states), please let us know the details. If you have no real training or rank (as your questions indicate), and are simply very interested in the arts, then please be honest about that, and you will most likely find a lot more patience from those who answer your posts.

If you are looking for these answers on the most fundamental aspects of the Ninjutsu and Budo Taijutsu arts, then realistically you need to find a real live teacher. I understand that that may not be entirely possible in your current location, but to be fair, for the majority of Ninjutsu students and later instructors around the world, there was no Ninjutsu Master in their local neighborhood either. You may need to relocate in order to get the instruction you are searching for.

In any case, I wish you luck in your journey. Just remember that these arts are supposed to be learnt from person to person, and there is no substitute for that.

While I don't disgree with your advice, it is completely lost on someone with the most broken english I've ever seen. Hopefully our friend here has a good farsi-to-english translator because the other way 'round ain't that great. ;)

And while these are english language forums and it's reasonable to ask for folks to converse in some meaningful way in english here, it's not necessary to demean someone with a legitimate question in a war-torn area.

The last I checked, this was an English-language forum. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect members to be able to carry on at least a reasonable level of conversation in that language.

:wah::wah: sentence is injustice:wah:

me speak english very hard , but I very try....

plz don,t SIKT me:wah:

I was want help friend
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Some of us prefer judo dogi... :p

The last I checked, this was an English-language forum. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect members to be able to carry on at least a reasonable level of conversation in that language.

part of the benefit of internet forums is that we get to carry on a conversations with people from around the world that we wouldn't usually meet. & if he doesn't practice his english, how is it going to get better?

part of the benefit of internet forums is that we get to carry on a conversations with people from around the world that we wouldn't usually meet. & if he doesn't practice his english, how is it going to get better?


thanks jarrod

you is personal rightteous ,
you is good man

thanks dear