what we say going to which first class in bujinkan?


Yellow Belt
Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
hi dear

plz help me

what we say going to which first class in bujinkan?


english me s bad

I don't have a clue what you're trying to ask here.

I don't know how good it is -- but maybe you can use THIS site, and try again?
I hate to say this here because these forums hate it, but Order one of these home study courses from Von Donk or Hayes and watch them all and then ask these questions. You have been guided to try and find a teacher and then list yourself as a black belt. Alot of the people in these forums are the pros and take great offense at it. I am NOT a pro and have lost patience with the very basic questions.
Milad we all wish the best and hope that you can eventually train in Budo Taijutsu. (it is a beautiful art) However, many of the teaching's of Budo Taijutsu you need to directly learn from an instructor. So in your shoes if there is no instructor close by in Iran then you may need to travel in order to train. Many, many Budo Taijutsu practitioner's have traveled long, long distances in order to train directly from a qualified instructor. So look and see what your possibilities are and then make a decision. Good luck.
Milad we all wish the best and hope that you can eventually train in Budo Taijutsu. (it is a beautiful art) However, many of the teaching's of Budo Taijutsu you need to directly learn from an instructor. So in your shoes if there is no instructor close by in Iran then you may need to travel in order to train. Many, many Budo Taijutsu practitioner's have traveled long, long distances in order to train directly from a qualified instructor. So look and see what your possibilities are and then make a decision. Good luck.
Initially -- any and all non-Japanese practitioners travelled all the way to Japan. Only when Stephen Hayes and Doron Navon (forgive any mis-spellings) and others began teaching outside of Japan could you learn in the US or wherever. Even then, those instructors and many of their students travelled to Japan regularly for many years to continue their training.

The general tone of the posts from the OP (Mizogomo) suggests that they're trying to learn Budo Taijutsu from the internet, videos, and maybe some books. I don't doubt their sincerity... but they need to accept that they can't do it like this. Maybe, just maybe the resources available in English or Japanese would be enough... but I doubt it. There's just no substitute for actual direct instruction in most arts, and from what I've seen of it -- especially in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu and any related styles.
yes yes

plz more say......

what usually say fist class in bujinkan? and what saying last class?

plz help me

Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo = every moment is an opportunity for enlightenment. Since this is Japanese pronounciation of sanskrit it is usually translated in different ways to best convey meaning.

In my dojo we follow this by saying "onegaishimasu" which literally means "please do me a favor". At the end we say "domo arigato gosaimasu" which means "thank you"