


Hey people. My name is Alana. I'm a 1st degree brown belt at Tracy's Karate Studio. My passion is music, but my hobby is Karate. I teach a self defense class at my high school, which is geared mostly towards girls. We find it amusing. I live in St. Louis, and my friend Sam insisted i write this. I introduced her to karate and created a monster. Well anyway... I perfer weapons forms to sparring, unlike Sam. Well... nice meeting you.
Welcome to the forum! Enjoy your stay!

Alana said:
and my friend Sam insisted i write this. I introduced her to karate and created a monster.

But a nice, happy, productive monster, right? Who said there's something wrong with being a monster? It means I can wear sweats and be respected all the more for it. :-d

Pop in every once in a while, it wont kill ya. (To the board I mean.)
Welcome Alana and Happy Posting, please keep a eye on Sam.
Welcome to MT, Alana. The occasional monster adds flavor to the board. :p
Alana said:
Hey people. My name is Alana. I'm a 1st degree brown belt at Tracy's Karate Studio. My passion is music, but my hobby is Karate. I teach a self defense class at my high school, which is geared mostly towards girls. We find it amusing. I live in St. Louis, and my friend Sam insisted i write this. I introduced her to karate and created a monster. Well anyway... I perfer weapons forms to sparring, unlike Sam. Well... nice meeting you.

Welcome - and as far as Sam being a monster... well... I don't think enthusiasm makes you a monster - and look at all the good you've done, by introducing her to Karate! Drop in and chat when you get the chance.