A whole new world of pain...

upnorthkyosa said:
And then there was the time that I slammed a fast ball with everything I had and pounded a line drive into the pitchers groin. The ambulence came for him and I hurt sympathetically.

im a chick and i hurt for him
upnorthkyosa said:
I also got hit in the sweet charlie horse spot on the leg with a pitch of similar velocity.

A friend of mine and I call this strike the "Crippler" :D ;)

***** Post 9991 *****
Well to be immature... There's drugs for that stuff! or how about.. The topic was a whole NEW world, that's as old as it can get :p. Either way, Yeah! I guess you win.
I'm going home too!
OnlyAnEgg said:
I think the worst pain, though, was when I accidently ran a propane blowtorch down the side of my thumb. I saw the flesh bubble. Burns are the worst.

omg thats horrible!

the worst i had was when i was asleep at a mates house and they decided to put chewing gum on my arm that had been heated for 2 minutes with a lighter. i got like 6 burns cos whenever i tried to get it off it stuck to me somewhere else. i saw the flesh melting too!
Outside spinning crescent kick, executed with the right left, left leg planted. Dropped my left heel 90 degrees into the turn. Everything from the knee down stopped, everything above kept going. Left kneecap went to the outside. Finished the movement in mid air as I went to the ground. The snap was so loud I thought I had broken my leg. Second most painful was pulling the kneecap back into place. Pain starts all over. Rehab took about 3 months. Haven't dropped my heel since. I don't recommend it though. My knee looked like a volley ball. Rewrote the book of cuss words in less than 30 seconds..both times.

I currently have an ulcer on the inside of my lip, and it is chaffing against my teeth all day long. So, in a bid to get rid of it, I asked a friend who I could get rid of it. She told me putting salt on it would do the trick. So, I did........................................................

What she forgot to mention was that I was supposed to use warm water and a bit of salt and gurgle it, not just apply 3 grams of salt to my wound....!
In the past week my 30 year old root canal cracked and became infected. I have had my gums cut open and my bone drilled into to relieve the pressure.

I can't even explain how it has felt before the freezing and once it came out...
What she forgot to mention was that I was supposed to use warm water and a bit of salt and gurgle it, not just apply 3 grams of salt to my wound....!

In the past week my 30 year old root canal cracked and became infected. I have had my gums cut open and my bone drilled into to relieve the pressure.

That definitely puts a new meaning to the word pain!
I wanted quote tags above, but they never worked!!!! Oh and one more thing- I promised my bf he'll never live this one down...

One day, I was trying to get him back for something he said to me (jokingly), and I went to tickle his knee cap. He moved his leg as I was reaching, and the movement pulled my thumbnail back and caused it to bleed under the nail. It throbbed for 2 days! All I could do was suck my thumb and fight back tears like I was an overgrown baby!
Lisa said:
In the past week my 30 year old root canal cracked and became infected. I have had my gums cut open and my bone drilled into to relieve the pressure.

I can't even explain how it has felt before the freezing and once it came out...

Yeah, the whole mouth region on humans is seriously crap.......
Lisa said:
In the past week my 30 year old root canal cracked and became infected. I have had my gums cut open and my bone drilled into to relieve the pressure.

I can't even explain how it has felt before the freezing and once it came out...

I can relate to that!!!! Have spent the last week in pain from an infected root canal. Could'nt have it pulled due to the fact its one of my front teeth!!! Im not into a toothless grins! I dont know how many pills I popped, but it was one of the most miserable weeks of my life!!!!!
Raewyn said:
I can relate to that!!!! Have spent the last week in pain from an infected root canal. Could'nt have it pulled due to the fact its one of my front teeth!!! Im not into a toothless grins! I dont know how many pills I popped, but it was one of the most miserable weeks of my life!!!!!

Mine is in the front too! I have a crown there now but won't as of tomorrow when the rest of the tooth gets removed. Thank goodness for the bridge he is going to put in!
Raewyn said:
Have spent the last week in pain from an infected root canal.

I'm supposed to have that done. Thanks for reminding me why I've been putting it off...:rolleyes:

Ohh, the horror...:uhoh:
I have to admit, if the next time I go to the dentist and he says, "you have to have a root canal"- I will bawl like a baby. I really don't like dentists- I can barely stand to go get my teeth cleaned twice a year!
I snapped my front tooth of at gum level last week. Root is still half in. Dentist cant fit me in till end of June, so its toothy grins all round here. To top it off my kids reckon I look like a hillbilly.Nothing like a bit of family support to bolster my self confidence!!:idunno:
Hand Sword said:
You probably got through an awkward stage in High school, and those would be the tuffest years! Don't worry, You'll survive This too! Just say that you bit off the cap of a beer bottle.
:uhyeah: Good one !A lot of people dont know how to take me sometimes, so this will just add to the legend :ultracool

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