A real question Please


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
With all that is troubleing TKD these days and the tought of the WTF producing there own memberships does anyone really need the KKW anymore? I only ask because so many are not producing though them except for the few that wany international competition, so is it worth the little money it takes to get it done?

I wish we could all have a common goal but over the years all I have seen is more and more orgs. pop up and the price of everything go up as well. What has the KKW done in the last several years to be the org. with all the power for that matter what has any one org has done? I will continue to teach but I am leaning towards only getting those that really needs them a KKW.
Well, it seems like only the chosen few who are headed for the international stage really need it.

You either know TKD or you don't, the paper or language on it really has no bearing on it.
With all that is troubleing TKD these days and the tought of the WTF producing there own memberships does anyone really need the KKW anymore? What has the KKW done in the last several years to be the org. with all the power for that matter what has any one org has done?

Does anyone need a KKW certificate? Probably not in the US.

What has the KKW done in the last few years?
1. Expanded the Instructor Course so that you no longer have to travel to South Korea. This will greatly improve TKD as a martial art IMHO.
2. Updated their textbook in 2006 with better (color) photos and explanations.
3. Updated their video series from the 80s to a state-of-the art DVD showing exceptionally talented grandmasters performing basic techniques, applications, and the required poomsae.

I wouldn't get too worked up over all of the SK politics-the KKW seems to be a favorite target for all concerned. But the heart of any organization is not it's president or board of directors but rather the folks that work there and those who continue to benefit from their goods or services.
You know, Everyone is saying the same thing, KKW isnt worth anything anymore. But what happens IF things turn around under the new leadership and TKD returns to its grace of glory? How much will we or our student loose out if we stop?

Until the doors close, the sign is removed, and the leadership is drug through the streets and hung from the entryway to the KKW, I will keep sending my money!

Seriously, there are many who want to fight to fix the KKW and thier squabbling, it will settle in time.

Don't sweat it.
Just to add.... there are still VERY GOOD TKD people there at the KKW. the politics just seem to outshine it at times.