A question about my tooth


Master Black Belt
Apr 5, 2008
Reaction score
St. Louis, MO
A few years back, I lost a front incisor in a street fight. It was replaced by a cap and I've had no problem with it since.

Until this past week.

I think it got loosed in a grappling tournament. Or the past year of heavy boxing sparring. Eh, whatever.

Right now, it looks kind of awesome when I spit out my mouth piece and smile. In fact, it's kind of funny. When I'm not training, I replace the cap, and try not to tear anything with my front teeth. No biggie.

Do any of you train with a capped tooth that's been loosed? If so, any problems?

I'm debating on whether or not I should get this re-cemented.

Any suggestions?
I'd get it re-cemented. Between the initial break, and the grinding they do on the tooth to cover it with the cap, your existing tooth has much less structural integrity to it. Its going to be much easier for it to be injured/broken, which could result in a lot more issues, in terms of health and insurance/finances.

Not worth the risk IMO. But it would prolly be cool to have someone snap a digi before you get it fixed :D :D
Superglue, wonderful stuff. Theres no point in having a tooth fixed until you've given up martial arts.....or it's given you up lol!. trust me, I know!
I'm getting it re-cemented early next month.

But I guess it's about time to snap a picture of my snaggle toothedness.
I would suggest you consult a good dentist or oral surgeon and have this repaired.

please consult a medical professional, preferably one who is a dentist or Oral surgeon, but at least a doctor.