2011 Mid/South Meet & Greet

I would love it. I would also love to finally make Master Miles seminars with Park, Hae Man and I would really love to go to my bi annual Hapkido gatherings in Mississippi. I would love to visit my friend in training Tom's school in LA, I would love to go the Hanmadang etc etc.
I have 3 kids now 3, 5 and 10 and my wife is at her end.

My very thoughts. I have two young ones, 11-month old girl, and 5 1/2-year old boy; a fairly new dojang that't keep me very busy and several writing deadlines. Never been to Texas, though. Sounds very tempting, but I have a close to mandatory tournament in Portland, Oregon, in July.
230 views and only 3 no way I could make it. Truth be told, I'm sorry I even brought the subject up........

Mods, just delete this thread................
230 views and only 3 no way I could make it. Truth be told, I'm sorry I even brought the subject up........

Mods, just delete this thread................

awe, come on. don't be so bleak.
230 views and only 3 no way I could make it. Truth be told, I'm sorry I even brought the subject up........

Mods, just delete this thread................
A suggestion...

If it's something you want to make happen, it seems that Terry has offered a facility. Or find one more local to you. Pick a date. Start making the plans and arrangements. Invite a couple people to teach a couple of hours (if you want to follow Bob's model). Announce it. Bob might even waive the Supporting Member requirement to advertise it, if you ask him, and if you're not one.

With generic "wanna do it?" plans, two things happen: either you get lots of "yeah, we gotta do that" responses -- and no action, or people wait to respond till they see details.

(I'd suggest avoiding holiday weekends.)
I have held one in the past and willing to do so again. All anybody needs to do is let me know when and it will be done.
230 views and only 3 no way I could make it. Truth be told, I'm sorry I even brought the subject up........

Mods, just delete this thread................
If you want it to happen, organize it yourself. Find a local school wiling to act as a host, set a date and find a reliable local hotel for the travelers. No need to go for a group rate, just scout out a clean and safe place. A small mat fee is ok, but if you go full seminar rates, better buy the boss a pizza to fuel the server. M&G's are informal things, so 1-2 people to teach, couple of demos and lots of "hey, lets play". Just be careful if you let Terry do warm ups. His are more like full workouts I hear. :)
If you want it to happen, organize it yourself. Find a local school wiling to act as a host, set a date and find a reliable local hotel for the travelers. No need to go for a group rate, just scout out a clean and safe place. A small mat fee is ok, but if you go full seminar rates, better buy the boss a pizza to fuel the server. M&G's are informal things, so 1-2 people to teach, couple of demos and lots of "hey, lets play". Just be careful if you let Terry do warm ups. His are more like full workouts I hear. :)

No just warm up that last a little long and intense. At anyrate we all have a great time when we do it together.
If you want it to happen, organize it yourself.

Just what the heck do you think I just did??????:banghead:

We were given a Place and a tentative time and out of 230 views, only 3 folks offered anything about attendance. I guess that aspect eluded you. It seems that if folks were interested, they would offer at least some response, but the silence is deafening......

I'd love a beer, but I rather have interest in something positive. I'll be honest, the reading comprehension of some folks here just befuddle me.......
Terry's location and school is excellent it would be a great place to have it! I taught along with Bob Rose at the last one and Rich Parsons also helped out quite a bit! We had a great time!
If you want it to happen, organize it yourself.

Just what the heck do you think I just did??????:banghead:

We were given a Place and a tentative time and out of 230 views, only 3 folks offered anything about attendance. I guess that aspect eluded you. It seems that if folks were interested, they would offer at least some response, but the silence is deafening......

I'd love a beer, but I rather have interest in something positive. I'll be honest, the reading comprehension of some folks here just befuddle me.......

Disco give me two dates that you can make it and I will get it set up and everything. I promise we will ahve people and have alot of fun doing it.
And if my wife can get the week off, that her and I will drive down from Buffalo NY to attend.
If you want it to happen, organize it yourself.

Just what the heck do you think I just did??????:banghead:

We were given a Place and a tentative time and out of 230 views, only 3 folks offered anything about attendance. I guess that aspect eluded you. It seems that if folks were interested, they would offer at least some response, but the silence is deafening......

I'd love a beer, but I rather have interest in something positive. I'll be honest, the reading comprehension of some folks here just befuddle me.......
What I see is a two month time frame. Not a specific date. Terry asked you to pick two weekends; work with Terry & set a date.

Again -- if plans are vague, people give vague responses.
What I see is a two month time frame. Not a specific date. Terry asked you to pick two weekends; work with Terry & set a date.

I really get tired when people just can't comprehend what's been written.

Terry was asked, what time frame would be good for him, since he would be HOSTING!!
He came back with March or April. If you need help with the math that's 4 and 5 months respectively. The date is up to Terry, all I did was initiate the idea of the M&G.

Again -- if plans are vague, people give vague responses.

Again, there were NO RESPONSES! You formulate plans if folks show an interest in the idea. No sense in planning the party if no ones coming.........
Ok after going though my Calander I have open the weekend of February 18-19-20 that is a Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We can meet up for a light workout Friday night and then Dinner at a Chinese Buffet that is awesome, than Saturday do some group training with a few different styles and the have a little BBQ and drinks afterwards. Sunday do some early workoput and lunch somewhere maybe Sushi. Let me know, I am willing to get this rolling if people can be committed to come. I know Brian and maybe Rich will come to help train and I will be happy to do some bo staff and TKD kicking techniques for my segment, Yolanda my wife will do the warm up drills everybody loves them. I will even have a fruit bar all day for people to snack. I really want this to happen.

Let me know if this is a good weekend and Bob cam lock it in
I can't do Feb myself, but ya'll pick a date and I'll blast it out to everyone.
Just so you know, we're not all just ignoring this thread out of spite, but I'm based in the UK so a trip to Texas is more than a road trip. I'd love to come, but trying to be financially sensible next year (and if I spent the annual family vacation budget on me travelling to Texas, I think I'd be a single father shortly afterwards).
Would love to come to one, but the family is saving up to visit family in Korea and do some traveling and hiking there, so any extra traveling won't be happening this year. I knew of a couple of people coming to the Hanmadang in July that is why I suggested that time to meet up.